What is tunnel-ssh?
The tunnel-ssh npm package allows you to create SSH tunnels in Node.js applications. This can be useful for securely connecting to remote servers, databases, or other services that require SSH tunneling.
What are tunnel-ssh's main functionalities?
Basic SSH Tunnel
This code sample demonstrates how to set up a basic SSH tunnel using the tunnel-ssh package. The configuration object includes details such as the SSH username, host, port, destination host and port, local host and port, and the private key for authentication.
const tunnel = require('tunnel-ssh');
const config = {
username: 'user',
host: 'remote.server.com',
port: 22,
dstHost: '',
dstPort: 27017,
localHost: '',
localPort: 27017,
privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/private/key')
tunnel(config, function (error, server) {
if (error) {
console.error('SSH connection error: ', error);
} else {
console.log('SSH tunnel established');
SSH Tunnel with Forwarding
This code sample shows how to set up an SSH tunnel with port forwarding. The 'keepAlive' option is set to true to maintain the connection. This is useful for applications that need to keep a persistent connection to a remote database or service.
const tunnel = require('tunnel-ssh');
const config = {
username: 'user',
host: 'remote.server.com',
port: 22,
dstHost: '',
dstPort: 3306,
localHost: '',
localPort: 3306,
privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/private/key'),
keepAlive: true
tunnel(config, function (error, server) {
if (error) {
console.error('SSH connection error: ', error);
} else {
console.log('SSH tunnel with forwarding established');
Dynamic Port Forwarding
This code sample demonstrates how to set up a dynamic SSH tunnel, which can be used as a SOCKS proxy. The 'dynamic' option is set to true, allowing the tunnel to dynamically forward traffic to different destinations.
const tunnel = require('tunnel-ssh');
const config = {
username: 'user',
host: 'remote.server.com',
port: 22,
dstHost: '',
dstPort: 0,
localHost: '',
localPort: 1080,
privateKey: require('fs').readFileSync('/path/to/private/key'),
dynamic: true
tunnel(config, function (error, server) {
if (error) {
console.error('SSH connection error: ', error);
} else {
console.log('Dynamic SSH tunnel established');
Other packages similar to tunnel-ssh
The ssh2 package is a more general-purpose SSH client for Node.js. It provides a wide range of SSH functionalities, including tunneling, executing commands, and file transfers. Compared to tunnel-ssh, ssh2 offers more flexibility and control over SSH connections but requires more setup and configuration.
The node-ssh package is a high-level SSH client for Node.js that simplifies the process of connecting to SSH servers, executing commands, and transferring files. It is easier to use than ssh2 but offers less control over the SSH connection. It is a good alternative to tunnel-ssh for users who need basic SSH functionalities without the complexity.
The ssh2-sftp-client package is built on top of ssh2 and provides a simplified API for SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) operations. While it focuses on file transfers, it can also be used to create SSH tunnels. It is a good choice for users who primarily need SFTP capabilities with occasional SSH tunneling.
![Tunnel-SSH Logo](http://i.imgur.com/I5PRnDD.jpg)
History and Credits
Once upon a time this package was created to show my colleges how to create and publish a npm package.
That time we used ssh tunnels on our unix machines on a daily bases, so decided to to do it with node.
This was about 6 years ago, where javascript was a callback hell.
Since then this project is pretty much community driven by pull requests and suggestions.
Thank you for your support.
Special thanks goes to the following brothers in arms:
Tunnel-ssh is based on the fantastic ssh2 library by Brian White.
Vlad Barboni for the initial brainstorming.
derekrliang for providing the type definitions.
lenchvolodymyr for the idea of the dynamic port mapping.
- Improved Typescript support
- sshOptions.username default is root
- forwardOptions.dstAddr default to (all interfaces)
Tunnel-ssh v5 is designed to be very extendable and does not provide as much sematic sugar as prio versions.
The design goal was to use the original settings for each part used in the project to be able to use all possible binding features from client and server.
The configuration is separated in the following parts:
- Tunnel server
- TCP Server
- SSH Client
- SSH Forwarding
Tunnel Server Options
This configuration controls be behaviour of the tunnel server.
Currently there is only one option available.
const tunnelOptions = {
autoclose - closes the Tunnel-Server once all clients disconnect from the server.
Its useful for tooling or scripts that require a temporary ssh tunnel to operate.
For example a mongodump.
Set this option to false will keep the server alive until you close it manually.
TCP Server options
Controls the behaviour of the tcp server on your local machine.
For all possible options please refere to the official node.js documentation:
const serverOptions = {
port: 27017
If port is omitted or is 0, the operating system will assign an arbitrary unused port, which can be retrieved by using server.address().port after the 'listening' event has been emitted.
To use the automatic assigned port in the forwardOptions make sure forwardOptions.srcPort is not defined.
SSH client options
Options to tell the ssh client how to connect to your remote machine.
For all possible options please refere to the ssh2 documentation:
ssh2 documentation
You will find different examples there for using a privateKey, password etc..
SSH Agent additional information.
The most common settings for the agent are :
const sshOptions = {
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'frylock',
password: 'nodejsrules'
SSH Forwarding options
Options to control the source and destination of the tunnel.
const forwardOptions = {
Note: If the srcAddr or srcPort is not defined, the adress will be taken from the local TCP server.
This is usefull if you want to create a tunnel and let the OS decide what port should be used.
const tunnelOptions = {
const sshOptions = {
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'frylock',
password: 'nodejsrules'
const serverOptions = null;
const forwardOptions = {
let [server, client] = await createTunnel(tunnelOptions, serverOptions, sshOptions, forwardOptions);
console.log(`server listen on ${server.address().port}`)
Tunnel-SSH exposes currently only one method: createTunnel
createTunnel(tunnelOptions, serverOptions, sshOptions, forwardOptions);
Since 5.0.9 we added our own types to the project.
For Typescript we export the configuration objects as well.
The recommented way of import is as follows:
import {createTunnel, ForwardOptions, ServerOptions, SshOptions} from 'tunnel-ssh';
The method retuns a promise containing the server and ssh-client instance. For most cases you will not need those instances. But in case you want to extend the functionallity you can use them to
bind to there events like that:
createTunnel(tunnelOptions, serverOptions, sshOptions, forwardOptions).
then(([server, conn], error)=>{
For a list of all possible Events please refere to the node.js documentation for the server and the ssh2 documentation for the client.
Usage Example
The following example shows how to connect to a remote mongodb and bind it to all local interfaces.
import {createTunnel} from 'tunnel-ssh';
const port = 27017;
const tunnelOptions = {
const serverOptions = {
port: port
const sshOptions = {
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'frylock',
password: 'nodejsrules'
const forwardOptions = {
let [server, conn] = await createTunnel(tunnelOptions, serverOptions, sshOptions, forwardOptions);
server.on('connection', (connection) =>{
console.log('new connection');
Too complicated ?
If you just searching for an easy way to forward a remote port to your local machine try the following:
import {createTunnel} from 'tunnel-ssh';
const sshOptions = {
host: '',
port: 22,
username: 'frylock',
password: 'nodejsrules'
function mySimpleTunnel(sshOptions, port, autoClose = true){
let forwardOptions = {
let tunnelOptions = {
let serverOptions = {
port: port
return createTunnel(tunnelOptions, serverOptions, sshOptions, forwardOptions);
await mySimpleTunnel(sshOptions, 27017);