TWG React Tools
This is a set of tools to help React Developers work more quickly by giving them access to TRT (TWG-React-Tools).
TRT helps you perform better, faster - by allowing you to quickly perform tasks that are common to most TWG reacters
The tools in this set adhere to TWG's react guidelines
This suite of tools is comprised of a library of components and commands - including, but not limited to:
- A visual storybook of commonly used components at TWG
- A command line tool to copy these components into a project
- A command to generate all files associated with a new component in the style that TWG prefers
Installing && Updating
You can easily add TRT to your globals by adding
yarn global add twg-react-tools
npm install -g twg-react-tools
This will take a couple moments while it installs the dependencies for storybook
Using - commands
Starting storybook to get a local view of storybook is easy thanks to trt!
trt storybook
or trt sb
This starts Storybook on http://localhost:6006
This command will generate a new react component using TWG's style guide - complete with a .js, .css, and testing file inside of a folder in the location that you run this command.
The root command for this is: trt generate
Generate options
There are currently two different options for generating:
- Stateless component
- Class component
If you're unsure about the difference between the two, here is an excellent resource.
There are 2 arguments for this command
- Argument 1 is required and is the type of component you want to create:
sc (stateless component)
or cc (class component)
- Argument 2 is required and is the name of the component you want to create
trt generate sc MyComponent
trt generate cc MyComponent
This command will include a component from the library (you can see the list of available components in the storybook)
The root command for this is: trt include
There are 2 arguments for this command:
- Argument 1 is required and is the name the component you want to include from TRT
- Argument 2 is optional - this is the target location for the included component - default is current directory
trt include Tooltip
or trt include Tooltip ./components
Get started
Install yarn
(if necessary)
$ brew install yarn
Checkout the repo and install dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd react-component-library
$ yarn
Run the styleguide server for development
$ yarn run storybook
Then visit http://localhost:6006 in your browser.
Exporting static storybook
(this can take a moment...)
$ yarn build-storybook
If you have a component and some stories that you think should be included, there are a couple of ways to get it into TWG's storybook.
- Just let any of the maintainers know, we'll help out.
- Create a PR with your new component and some stories
- Add the component's source into a new folder in src
- Components should be as agnostic as possible to allow easy inclusion into all sorts of projects. Do not assume Redux/non-react state libraries
- Components have to use css modules and do not support sass/less
- Please include a README with some basic usage details for your component
- Components that recieve props should have their PropTypes documented in /* */ style - this is the style supported by our storybook plugins
- Add a file to the stories folder that exports a function that creates stories
- At the very least, a component has to have a story that allows the user to alter params (We Use Knobs)
- ( Check the existing stories for button, tooltip & grid for examples )
- The documentation for storybook can be found here - @hyperwidget would be glad to help too
- Add your new story file to /stories/index.js