Twilio Functions Utils
This lib was created with the aim of simplifying the use of serverless Twilio, reducing the need to apply frequent try-catches and improving context management, making it no longer necessary to return the callback() method in all functions.
How it works
The useInjection method takes two parameters. The first to apply as a handler and the last is an object of configuration options.
[useInjection] Options
Can contain providers that will be defined, which act as use cases to perform internal actions in the handler function through the "this" method.
You can pass validateToken
equal true too, to force Token validation using Twilio Flex Token Validator
providers: { create, remove },
validateToken: true
When using Token Validator, the Request body must contain a valid Token from Twilio.
Token: "Twilio-Token-Here"
The responses coming from the function destined to the handler must be returned as an instance of Response.
Response recebe uma string e um number (status code):
return new Response('Your pretty answer.', 200);
There are two failure response models, BadRequest and NotFound. The use follows the same model.
const notFound = new NotFoundError('Your error message here.');
const badRequest = new BadRequestError('Your error message here.');
There is an own response template to use with the TwiML format:
const twimlVoice = new Twilio.twiml
const enqueueVoice = twimlVoice
return new TwiMLResponse(twimlVoice, 201)
npm install twilio-functions-utils
exports.create = async function (event) {
const { client, props } = this
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const random = Math.random();
if (random >= 0.5) {
return resolve({ sucess: 'Resolved' });
return reject(new Error('Unresolved'));
const { useInjection, Response } = require('twilio-functions-utils');
const { create } = require(Runtime.getAssets()['/create.js'].path)
async function createAction(event) {
const { cookies, request, client, props } = this
const providerResult = await this.providers.create(event)
return new Response(providerResult, 201);
exports.handler = useInjection(createAction, {
providers: {
validateToken: true,