Ubivar node.js bindings
Ubivar is an API that takes over the hassle of screening e-payment for
Ubivar routes e-commerce transactions given their risk. By default the three
outcomes are rejection, manual verification and acceptance. And the two
elementary resources are the transactions
and the labels
. Transactions
are online sales pushed to your payment gateway and labels
define the a
posteriori truth about each transaction
, i.e. {fraud
, non-fraud
Using Ubivar simply requires an access token
. Then the bindings provide the
hooks to send and receive resources to the API. For each transaction
Ubivar receives, it calculates a routing
. Later, as you review manually some of
the transactions
or as you receive fraud notifications, you label
those transactions
as fraud
Quick Start
Install the nodejs binding of ubivar
from npm.
npm install ubivar
Initialize the binding with your API access token:
var Ubivar = require("ubivar")
, ubivar = new Ubivar("YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN")
A. Send transactions
"user_id" : "test_phahr3Eit3_123"
, "user_email" : "test_phahr3Eit3@gmail-123.com"
, "gender" : "M"
, "first_name" : "John"
, "last_name" : "Doe"
, "type" : "sale"
, "status" : "success"
, "order_id" : "test_iiquoozeiroogi_123"
, "tx_id" : "client_tx_id_123"
, "tx_timestamp": "2015-04-13 13:36:41"
, "amount" : "43210"
, "payment_method":{
"bin" : "123456"
, "brand" : "Mastercard"
, "funding" : "credit"
, "country" : "US"
, "name" : "M John Doe"
, "cvc_check" : "pass"
"line1" : "123 Market Street"
, "line2" : "4th Floor"
, "city" : "San Francisco"
, "state" : "California"
, "zip" : "94102"
, "country" : "US"
},"ip_address" : ""
, "user_agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"
}, function(err, res){
if(err) return err
txId = res.data[0].id
B. Retrieve routing
ubivar.routing.retrieve(txId, function(err, res){
if(err) return err
status = res.data[0].status
C. Label as fraud
ubivar.labels.retrieve(txId, {"status": "is_fraud"}, function(err, res){
if(err) return err
status = res.data[0].status
Resources, actions, and arguments
Every resource is accessed via your ubivar
instance and accepts an optional
callback as the last argument. In the matrix below we list the resources
(rows), the actions (columns) and the arguments (cells). The full documentation
is available at https://ubivar.com/docs/nodejs.
| Resource | C | R | U | D | L | Test Specs |
| ------------- |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:----:|:-------:|:----------:|
| Me | |_ |{}
| | | |
| Accounts |{}
|id |{}
| |
| Login |{}
|id | |id|{}
| |
| Logout |{}
|id | |id|{}
| |
| Items |{}
|id |{}
| |
| Orders |{}
| id |{}
| |
| Transactions |{}
| id |{}
| |
| Routing | | id | | |{}
| |
| ReviewQueues | | id | {}
| id | {}
| |
| Reviewers | | id | | | {}
| |
| ReviewerBindings | {}
| id | {}
| id | {}
| |
| Labels |{}
|id |{}
| |
- C: Create
- R: Retrieve
- U: Update
- D: Delete
- L: List
: JSON with query parameters
Filter parameters
Filter | Default | Example | Description |
start_after | | {"start_after":10} | id after the one specified |
end_before | | {"end_before":10} | id before the one specified |
limit | 10 | {"limit":10} | At most 10 returned results |
gt | | {"id":{"gt":10}} | id greater than 10 |
gte | | {"id":{"gte":10}} | id greater than or equal |
lt | | {"id":{"lt":10}} | id less than |
lte | | {"id":{"lte":10}} | id less than or equal |
Extend this
instance with a new resource whose accessibility is
controlled by access rights.
var Ubivar = require("ubivar")
, ubivar = new Ubivar("YOUR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN")
Change API access token dynamically:
ubivar.set("auth", "your-api-token")
Define timeout of the binding:
ubivar.set("timeout", 20000)
To run the tests, you will need a Ubivar test API key (from your Ubivar dashboard)
export UBIVAR_TEST_TOKEN="your-test-api-key"
npm install -g mocha
npm test
Note: on Windows, use SET
instead of export
for setting the UBIVAR_TEST_TOKEN
environment variable.
Originally inspired from stripe-node. Developed and maintained by Fabrice Colas (fabrice.colas@gmail.com) for Ubivar.