Define an UMD module like an AMD module and use it (almost) anywhere
Why would you need it?
- You are writing that needs to available in Node.js, AMD and/or as global objects
- You need some kind of basic dependency resolution for your modules
- Provides a handy function wrapper for UMD modules
- Same fuction signature as AMD modules
- No need for boilerplate definitions
- Less than 0.6 kB minified and gzipped (might increase a bit, but I'll keep it under 1kb)
(function(root) {
root.udefine.globals.jquery = this.jQuery;
udefine('mymodule', ['jquery'], function($) {
$.fn.myModule = function() { };
If an AMD module loader like RequireJS has been integrated and configured,
it will resolve through the AMD loader.
Alright, that's really great for jQuery modules. But what if you want to bind
a module the global namespace if there is no AMD or CommonJS?
Just define where the module should be injected to and udefine will do the rest:
udefine.configure(function(root) {
udefine.inject['myothermodule'] = {
root: root,
name: 'myOtherModule'
udefine('myothermodule', function() {
return {
a: function() { return 5; },
b: 2
CommonJS pitfalls
If using module.exports
for exporting your modules on CommonJS, it does not
export correctly on udefine 0.8.x.
(Exporting with exports
using the injection API works though.)
To counteract this behavior, you would need a bit of boilerplate code:
(function() {
udefine.configure(function(root) {
this.globals(function() {
udefine.inject['mycoolmodule'] = {
root: root,
name: 'myCoolModule'
udefine('mycoolmodule', function() {
return {
a: function() { return 5; },
b: 2
if (udefine.env.commonjs) {
udefine.require('mycoolmodule', function(myCoolModule) {
module.exports = myCoolModule;
udefine is not and does not replace a module loader. It is primarily intended for
developers who want their library to target AMD modules, CommonJS modules and/or
the classic way of binding object to the global window object.
For more examples, take a look at the examples folder.
This is public domain. See UNLICENSE.md for more information.