UglifyPHP is a JavaScript minifier and simple obfuscator for PHP files.
How It Works
This package use a unique ID based on the current time to replace variables. You can use two minified together files and don't have to worry with variable overwriting.
This package can minify Classes
and replace correctly variables and functions references with $this
. It will not change any function name or create "junk code" for performance reasons.
This should not be used as a licensing or code protection solution.
npm install uglify-php
const UglifyPHP = require('uglify-php');
var options = {
"excludes": [
"minify": {
"replace_variables": true,
"remove_whitespace": true,
"remove_comments": true,
"minify_html": false
"output": "C:/web/file_min.php"
UglifyPHP.minify("C:/web/file.php", options).then(function (source) {
Original Source Code:
class BaseClass {
private $name = "Uglify-PHP";
function __construct() {
public function sayHello(){
echo "Hello " . $this->name;
$obj = new BaseClass();
Minified Source Code:
<?php class BaseClass{private $j5lg3rhh="Uglify-PHP";function __construct(){$this->sayHello();}public function sayHello(){echo "Hello ".$this->j5lg3rhh;}}$j5lg3rhj=new BaseClass();?>