🦄 µland
Social Media Photo by Ben Klea on Unsplash
micro land, or unicorn land, is a µhtml take at neverland.
Same API, except the exports are {Component, render, html, svg}
, where Component
is a function you can use either as new Component(...)
or just Component(...)
which is the equivalent of neverland default export.
The concept is exactly the same as the neverland one.
Live demo.
import {Component, render, html, useState} from 'uland';
const Counter = Component((initialState) => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(initialState);
return html`
<button onclick=${() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Count: ${count}
render(document.body, html`
A bounce of counters.<hr>
${Counter(0)} ${Counter(1)}
Please check neverland to know more about this module usage.
In version 0.3, µland can return conditional templates.
const Rando = Component(url => {
const {data, error} = useSWR(url, fetcher);
if (error) return html`<div>failed to load</div>`;
if (!data) return html`<div>loading...</div>`;
return html`<div>${data.title}</div>`;
Once proven to be useful and robust, this feature will be ported to neverland too, otherwise these are basically the same.
Technically speaking, just the following one:
import {neverland, render, html, useState} from 'neverland';
import {Component, render, html, useState} from 'uland';
The component is a function you can invoke ether via new Component
or just Component
, as it doesn't matter how you invoke it, it'll return a usable component.
Practically speaking, this module size is ~5K all inclusive, as opposite of ~7.5K.