Ultipicker: moment based datepicker
Log of changes
Getting started
Step 1: Install
npm i ultipicker --save
Step 2: Import the UltipickerModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { UltipickerModule } from 'ultipicker';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Step 3: Add in component html picker
Dual picker
<ng2-ultipicker-dual [defaultStartDate]="yourDefaultStartDate"
Input | Type | Default | Required | Description |
minStartDate | moment.Moment | null | no | The minimal start date that user can select |
maxEndDate | moment.Moment | null | no | The maximal end date that user can select |
defaultStartDate | moment.Moment | moment() | no | The date of start date picker |
defaultEndDate | moment.Moment | moment() | no | The date of end date picker |
inputDayFormat | string | MM-DD-YYYY | no | The date format in which moment time transforms |
separator | string | ' - ' | no | The separator for readonly input between dates |
dayNames | Array | ['Su', ... 'St'] | no | Can set local day names. Order only when first day is Sunday . Auto shifts to Monday if isoWeekConfig = 1 |
isoWeekConfig | number | 0 | no | 0 - first day Sunday. 1 - first day Monday |
showCalendarWeeks | boolean | false | no | Show or hide calendar weeks numbers |
monthNames | Array | ['January', ... 'December'] | no | Can set local names for months |
ranges | Array | See ranges | no | Can set predetermined ranges |
@Input() ranges: Array<Range> = [
key: 'Today',
start: moment(),
end: moment()
key: 'Yesterday',
start: moment().subtract(1, 'days'),
end: moment().subtract(1, 'days')
key: 'This week',
start: moment().startOf('week'),
end: moment()
key: 'This month',
start: moment().startOf('month'),
end: moment()
key: 'This year',
start: moment().startOf('year'),
end: moment()
key: 'Last week',
start: moment().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('week'),
end: moment().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('week')
key: 'Last month',
start: moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'),
end: moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')
key: 'Last year',
start: moment().subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year'),
end: moment().subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year')
Works with Reactive Forms. Just add [formControlName]
Mono picker
<ng2-ultipicker-mono [defaultDate]="yourDefaultDate">
Input | Type | Default | Required | Description |
minDate | moment.Moment | null | no | The minimal start date that user can select |
maxDate | moment.Moment | null | no | The maximal end date that user can select |
defaultDate | moment.Moment | moment() | no | The default date of picker |
inputDayFormat | string | MM-DD-YYYY | no | The date format in which moment time transforms |
dayNames | Array | ['Su', ... 'St'] | no | Can set local day names. Order only when first day is Sunday . Auto shifts to Monday if isoWeekConfig = 1 |
isoWeekConfig | number | 0 | no | 0 - first day Sunday. 1 - first day Monday |
showCalendarWeeks | boolean | false | no | Show or hide calendar weeks numbers |
monthNames | Array | ['January', ... 'December'] | no | Can set local names for months |
autoClose | boolean | false | no | If true closes the picker when user selected the date |
defaultSets | Array | See defaultSets | no | Can set predetermined date sets |
@Input() defaultSets: Array<DefaultSet> = [
key: 'Today',
value: moment().startOf('day')
key: 'Yesterday',
value: moment().subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day')
key: 'Start of week',
value: moment().startOf('week')
key: 'Start of month',
value: moment().startOf('month')
Works with Reactive Forms. Just add [formControlName]
Inspired by