😍 use mobx-state-tree
with umi gracefully.
中文文档 Docs Chinese version
- Automatically wrap route components with state tree nodes.
- Support dynamic import state tree nodes by using
. - Use Mobx ecosystem rather than Redux.
yarn add umi-plugin-mobx
Add plugin
Add plugin to .umirc.js
file, to ignore the model folders which are named stores
or other custom name, you need to install umi-plugin-routes
to tell umi
to ignore them.
export default {
plugins: [
['umi-plugin-mobx', {
modelName: 'store',
exclude: [/^\$/, (filename) => filename.includes('__')]
['umi-plugin-routes', {
exclude: [/stores/]
yarn add umi-plugin-routes
[Deprecated] You can also just use page.jsx
or page.tsx
to skip umijs
dirctory resolving.
interface PluginOptions {
modelName?: string;
exclude?: Excludes;
type Excludes = (RegExp | TestFn)[];
type TestFn = (filename: string) => boolean;
Config mobx
Mobx config documents
export function config() {
return {
enforceActions: true
Create a state-tree node.
import { types, flow } from 'mobx-state-tree';
export const Item = types
.model('item', {
key: types.string,
content: types.string
type ItemSnapshotType = typeof Item.SnapshotType;
const User = types
firstName: types.string,
lastName: types.string,
age: types.number,
list: types.array(Item)
.views((self) => ({
get name() {
return self.firstName + ' ' + self.lastName;
.volatile((self) => ({
uid: 0
.actions((self) => ({
changeFirstName(str: string) {
self.firstName = str;
addListItemAsync: flow(function* addListItemAsync() {
const currentUid = self.uid++;
const item: ItemSnapshotType = yield new Promise<ItemSnapshotType>((resolve) => setTimeout(() => {
key: 'item-' + currentUid,
content: 'this is content...'
}, 1000));
export type UserType = typeof User.Type;
export default User.create({
firstName: 'Heskey',
lastName: 'Baozi',
age: 20,
list: []
Create an observer and inject the state-tree node.
import * as React from 'react';
import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react';
import { UserType } from '../stores/user';
import { observable, action, computed } from 'mobx';
interface AboutProps {
user?: UserType;
export default class About extends React.Component<AboutProps> {
count = 15;
handleChangeInput: React.ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = (e) => {
up = () => {
console.log('click to ', this.count);
handleClickAddItem: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> = async () => {
const { user } = this.props;
await user!.addListItemAsync();
console.log('add, uid = ', user!.uid);
get List() {
const { user } = this.props;
return user! => (
<li key={ item.key }>
[{ item.key }]: { item.content }
render() {
return (
<p>Name: { this.props.user!.name }</p>
<input type="text" value={ this.props.user!.firstName } onChange={ this.handleChangeInput } />
<p>count: { this.count }</p>
<button onClick={ this.up }>count++</button>
<p>List: <button onClick={ this.handleClickAddItem }>Add Item</button></p>
{ this.List }