A simple dev HTTP/HTTPS proxy for replacing CORS headers.
Core features
Other new features you can find in roadmap.
Full documentation you can found on wiki pages.
Quick Install
Homebrew (macOS | Linux)
If you are on macOS or Linux and using Homebrew, you can install uncors with the following
brew install evg4b/tap/uncors
Scoop (Windows)
If you are on Windows and using Scoop, you can install uncors with the following commands:
scoop bucket add evg4b https://github.com/evg4b/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install evg4b/uncors
NPM (Cross-platform)
To install uncors as a node package in your project, you can use the following commands:
Via npm:
npm install uncors --save-dev
Via yarn:
yarn add uncors --dev
We currently offer images for Docker
docker run -p 80:3000 evg4b/uncors --from 'http://local.github.com' --to 'https://github.com'
Stew (Cross-platform)
Also, you can install binaris using Stew with the following commands:
stew install evg4b/uncors
Binary (Cross-platform)
Download the appropriate version for your platform
from UNCORS releases page.
Once downloaded, the binary can be run from anywhere. You don’t need to install it into a global location.
This works well for shared hosts and other systems where you don’t have a privileged account.
Ideally, you should install it somewhere in your PATH
for easy use. /usr/local/bin
is the most probable location.
Build from source
Prerequisite Tools
Fetch from GitHub
UNCORS uses the Go Modules support built into Go 1.11 to build. The easiest way to get started is to clone
UNCORS source code in a directory outside the GOPATH, as in the following example:
mkdir $HOME/src
cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/evg4b/uncors.git
cd uncors
go install -tags release
If you are a Windows user, substitute the $HOME environment variable above with %USERPROFILE%
The following command can be used to start the UNCORS proxy server:
uncors --from 'http://localhost' --to 'https://github.com' --http-port 8080
More information about configuration and usage you can fiund on UNCORS wiki.
⚠️ Caution
Please note that removing or replacing CORS headers can pose potential security vulnerabilities. This tool is specifically designed to streamline the development and testing workflow and should not be used in a production environment or as a remote proxy server. It has not undergone a thorough security review, so caution should be exercised when utilizing it.