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@@ -465,2 +465,40 @@ /**

* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The function "keys" returns an array of keys from a given object.
* @returns an array of BTNKey objects.
keys(): BTNKey[];
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The function "values" returns an array of values from a map-like object.
* @returns The `values()` method is returning an array of values (`V`) from the entries in the
* object.
values(): (V | undefined)[];
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The `clone` function creates a new tree object and copies all the nodes from the original tree to
* the new tree.
* @returns The `clone()` method is returning a cloned instance of the `TREE` object.
clone(): TREE;
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(1)

@@ -467,0 +505,0 @@ */

@@ -141,2 +141,14 @@ /**

* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The `clone` function creates a deep copy of a tree object.
* @returns The `clone()` method is returning a cloned instance of the `TREE` object.
clone(): TREE;
* Time Complexity: O(1) - constant time, as it performs basic pointer assignments.

@@ -143,0 +155,0 @@ * Space Complexity: O(1) - constant space, as it only uses a constant amount of memory.

@@ -284,2 +284,18 @@ "use strict";

* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The `clone` function creates a deep copy of a tree object.
* @returns The `clone()` method is returning a cloned instance of the `TREE` object.
clone() {
const cloned = this.createTree();
this.bfs(node => cloned.add([node.key, node.value], node.count));
return cloned;
* Time Complexity: O(1) - constant time, as it performs basic pointer assignments.

@@ -286,0 +302,0 @@ * Space Complexity: O(1) - constant space, as it only uses a constant amount of memory.



@@ -8,4 +8,156 @@ /**

import { HashMapLinkedNode, HashMapOptions } from '../../types';
import { HashMapLinkedNode, HashMapOptions, HashMapStoreItem } from '../../types';
export declare class HashMap<K = any, V = any> {
protected _store: {
[key: string]: HashMapStoreItem<K, V>;
protected _objMap: Map<object, V>;
* The constructor function initializes a new instance of a class with optional elements and options.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs `[K, V]`. It
* is optional and defaults to an empty array `[]`. This parameter is used to initialize the map with
* key-value pairs.
* @param [options] - The `options` parameter is an optional object that can contain additional
* configuration options for the constructor. In this case, it has one property:
constructor(elements?: Iterable<[K, V]>, options?: {
hashFn: (key: K) => string;
protected _size: number;
get size(): number;
isEmpty(): boolean;
clear(): void;
* The `set` function adds a key-value pair to a map-like data structure, incrementing the size if
* the key is not already present.
* @param {K} key - The key parameter is the key used to identify the value in the data structure. It
* can be of any type, but if it is an object, it will be stored in a Map, otherwise it will be
* stored in a regular JavaScript object.
* @param {V} value - The value parameter represents the value that you want to associate with the
* key in the data structure.
set(key: K, value: V): void;
* The function "setMany" sets multiple key-value pairs in a map.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs. Each
* key-value pair is represented as an array with two elements: the key and the value.
setMany(elements: Iterable<[K, V]>): void;
* The `get` function retrieves a value from a map based on a given key, either from an object map or
* a string map.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key used to retrieve a value from the map. It can be
* of any type, but it should be compatible with the key type used when the map was created.
* @returns The method `get(key: K)` returns a value of type `V` if the key exists in the `_objMap`
* or `_store`, otherwise it returns `undefined`.
get(key: K): V | undefined;
* The `has` function checks if a given key exists in the `_objMap` or `_store` based on whether it
* is an object key or not.
* @param {K} key - The parameter "key" is of type K, which means it can be any type.
* @returns The `has` method is returning a boolean value.
has(key: K): boolean;
* The `delete` function removes an element from a map-like data structure based on the provided key.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key of the element that you want to delete from the
* data structure.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the key was
* successfully deleted from the map, and `false` if the key was not found in the map.
delete(key: K): boolean;
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from both an object store and an
* object map.
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from the object.
entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]>;
* The function `keys()` returns an iterator that yields all the keys of the object.
keys(): IterableIterator<K>;
values(): IterableIterator<V>;
* The `every` function checks if every element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to test each element in the map against a condition. If the predicate
* function returns false for any element, the every() method will return false. If the predicate
* function returns true for all
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The method is returning a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function
* returns true for every element in the map, and false otherwise.
every(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* The "some" function checks if at least one element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes four arguments: `value`,
* `key`, `index`, and `map`. It is used to determine whether a specific condition is met for a given
* key-value pair in the `HashMap`.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function returns true for any element
* in the map, and false otherwise.
some(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;
* The `forEach` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element.
* @param callbackfn - A function that will be called for each key-value pair in the HashMap. It
* takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value inside the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
* The `map` function in TypeScript creates a new HashMap by applying a callback function to each
* key-value pair in the original HashMap.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each key-value pair in the
* HashMap. It takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value to the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
* @returns The `map` method is returning a new `HashMap` object with the transformed values based on
* the provided callback function.
map<U>(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => U, thisArg?: any): HashMap<K, U>;
* The `filter` function creates a new HashMap containing key-value pairs from the original HashMap
* that satisfy a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to determine whether an element should be included in the filtered map
* or not. The function should return a boolean value - true if the element should be included, and
* false otherwise.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The `filter` method is returning a new `HashMap` object that contains the key-value pairs
* from the original `HashMap` that pass the provided `predicate` function.
filter(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): HashMap<K, V>;
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each element in the HashMap. It
* takes five parameters:
* @param {U} initialValue - The initialValue parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It
* is the value that will be used as the first argument of the callback function when reducing the
* elements of the map.
* @returns The `reduce` method is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating over
* all the elements in the `HashMap`.
reduce<U>(callbackfn: (accumulator: U, currentValue: V, currentKey: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => U, initialValue: U): U;
print(): void;
protected _hashFn: (key: K) => string;
protected _isObjKey(key: any): key is (object | ((...args: any[]) => any));
protected _getNoObjKey(key: K): string;
export declare class LinkedHashMap<K = any, V = any> {
protected _noObjMap: Record<string, HashMapLinkedNode<K, V | undefined>>;

@@ -61,2 +213,6 @@ protected _objMap: WeakMap<object, HashMapLinkedNode<K, V | undefined>>;

set(key: K, value?: V): number;
has(key: K): boolean;
setMany(entries: Iterable<[K, V]>): void;
keys(): K[];
values(): V[];

@@ -125,34 +281,35 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

clear(): void;
clone(): LinkedHashMap<K, V>;
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a HashMap and executes a callback function on
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a LinkedHashMap and executes a callback function on
* each element.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the
* HashMap. It takes three arguments:
* LinkedHashMap. It takes three arguments:
forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, hashMap: HashMap<K, V>) => void): void;
forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, hashMap: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => void): void;
* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new HashMap containing only the
* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new LinkedHashMap containing only the
* key-value pairs that satisfy the predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original HashMap that
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original LinkedHashMap that
* satisfy the given predicate function.
filter(predicate: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean): HashMap<K, V>;
filter(predicate: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => boolean): LinkedHashMap<K, V>;
* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new HashMap with the values transformed
* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new LinkedHashMap with the values transformed
* by the callback.
* @param callback - The `callback` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
map<NV>(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => NV): HashMap<K, NV>;
map<NV>(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => NV): LinkedHashMap<K, NV>;
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a LinkedHashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that takes three arguments: accumulator,
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the HashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the LinkedHashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* result.

@@ -163,7 +320,7 @@ * @param {A} initialValue - The `initialValue` parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It

* @returns The `reduce` function is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating
* over all the elements in the HashMap and applying the callback function to each element.
* over all the elements in the LinkedHashMap and applying the callback function to each element.
reduce<A>(callback: (accumulator: A, element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => A, initialValue: A): A;
reduce<A>(callback: (accumulator: A, element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => A, initialValue: A): A;
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)

@@ -170,0 +327,0 @@ *

@@ -10,5 +10,306 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.HashMap = void 0;
exports.LinkedHashMap = exports.HashMap = void 0;
const utils_1 = require("../../utils");
class HashMap {
* The constructor function initializes a new instance of a class with optional elements and options.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs `[K, V]`. It
* is optional and defaults to an empty array `[]`. This parameter is used to initialize the map with
* key-value pairs.
* @param [options] - The `options` parameter is an optional object that can contain additional
* configuration options for the constructor. In this case, it has one property:
constructor(elements = [], options) {
this._store = {};
this._objMap = new Map();
this._size = 0;
this._hashFn = (key) => String(key);
if (options) {
const { hashFn } = options;
if (hashFn) {
this._hashFn = hashFn;
if (elements) {
get size() {
return this._size;
isEmpty() {
return this.size === 0;
clear() {
this._store = {};
this._size = 0;
* The `set` function adds a key-value pair to a map-like data structure, incrementing the size if
* the key is not already present.
* @param {K} key - The key parameter is the key used to identify the value in the data structure. It
* can be of any type, but if it is an object, it will be stored in a Map, otherwise it will be
* stored in a regular JavaScript object.
* @param {V} value - The value parameter represents the value that you want to associate with the
* key in the data structure.
set(key, value) {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
if (!this._objMap.has(key)) {
this._objMap.set(key, value);
else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
if (this._store[strKey] === undefined) {
this._store[strKey] = { key, value };
* The function "setMany" sets multiple key-value pairs in a map.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs. Each
* key-value pair is represented as an array with two elements: the key and the value.
setMany(elements) {
for (const [key, value] of elements)
this.set(key, value);
* The `get` function retrieves a value from a map based on a given key, either from an object map or
* a string map.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key used to retrieve a value from the map. It can be
* of any type, but it should be compatible with the key type used when the map was created.
* @returns The method `get(key: K)` returns a value of type `V` if the key exists in the `_objMap`
* or `_store`, otherwise it returns `undefined`.
get(key) {
var _a;
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
return this._objMap.get(key);
else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
return (_a = this._store[strKey]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
* The `has` function checks if a given key exists in the `_objMap` or `_store` based on whether it
* is an object key or not.
* @param {K} key - The parameter "key" is of type K, which means it can be any type.
* @returns The `has` method is returning a boolean value.
has(key) {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
return this._objMap.has(key);
else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
return strKey in this._store;
* The `delete` function removes an element from a map-like data structure based on the provided key.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key of the element that you want to delete from the
* data structure.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the key was
* successfully deleted from the map, and `false` if the key was not found in the map.
delete(key) {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
if (this._objMap.has(key)) {
return this._objMap.delete(key);
else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
if (strKey in this._store) {
delete this._store[strKey];
return true;
return false;
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from both an object store and an
* object map.
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const node of Object.values(this._store)) {
yield [node.key, node.value];
for (const node of this._objMap) {
yield node;
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from the object.
*entries() {
for (const item of this) {
yield item;
* The function `keys()` returns an iterator that yields all the keys of the object.
*keys() {
for (const [key] of this) {
yield key;
*values() {
for (const [, value] of this) {
yield value;
* The `every` function checks if every element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to test each element in the map against a condition. If the predicate
* function returns false for any element, the every() method will return false. If the predicate
* function returns true for all
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The method is returning a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function
* returns true for every element in the map, and false otherwise.
every(predicate, thisArg) {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (!, value, key, index++, this)) {
return false;
return true;
* The "some" function checks if at least one element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes four arguments: `value`,
* `key`, `index`, and `map`. It is used to determine whether a specific condition is met for a given
* key-value pair in the `HashMap`.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function returns true for any element
* in the map, and false otherwise.
some(predicate, thisArg) {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (, value, key, index++, this)) {
return true;
return false;
* The `forEach` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element.
* @param callbackfn - A function that will be called for each key-value pair in the HashMap. It
* takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value inside the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {, value, key, index++, this);
* The `map` function in TypeScript creates a new HashMap by applying a callback function to each
* key-value pair in the original HashMap.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each key-value pair in the
* HashMap. It takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value to the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
* @returns The `map` method is returning a new `HashMap` object with the transformed values based on
* the provided callback function.
map(callbackfn, thisArg) {
const resultMap = new HashMap();
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
resultMap.set(key,, value, key, index++, this));
return resultMap;
* The `filter` function creates a new HashMap containing key-value pairs from the original HashMap
* that satisfy a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to determine whether an element should be included in the filtered map
* or not. The function should return a boolean value - true if the element should be included, and
* false otherwise.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The `filter` method is returning a new `HashMap` object that contains the key-value pairs
* from the original `HashMap` that pass the provided `predicate` function.
filter(predicate, thisArg) {
const filteredMap = new HashMap();
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (, value, key, index++, this)) {
filteredMap.set(key, value);
return filteredMap;
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each element in the HashMap. It
* takes five parameters:
* @param {U} initialValue - The initialValue parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It
* is the value that will be used as the first argument of the callback function when reducing the
* elements of the map.
* @returns The `reduce` method is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating over
* all the elements in the `HashMap`.
reduce(callbackfn, initialValue) {
let accumulator = initialValue;
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
accumulator = callbackfn(accumulator, value, key, index++, this);
return accumulator;
print() {
_isObjKey(key) {
const keyType = typeof key;
return (keyType === 'object' || keyType === 'function') && key !== null;
_getNoObjKey(key) {
const keyType = typeof key;
let strKey;
if (keyType !== "string" && keyType !== "number" && keyType !== "symbol") {
strKey = this._hashFn(key);
else {
if (keyType === "number") {
// TODO numeric key should has its own hash
strKey = key;
else {
strKey = key;
return strKey;
exports.HashMap = HashMap;
class LinkedHashMap {
constructor(elements, options = {

@@ -96,44 +397,71 @@ hashFn: (key) => String(key),

let node;
const isNewKey = !this.has(key); // Check if the key is new
if ((0, utils_1.isWeakKey)(key)) {
const hash = this._objHashFn(key);
node = this._objMap.get(hash);
if (node) {
// If the node already exists, update its value
node.value = value;
else {
if (!node && isNewKey) {
// Create new node
node = { key: hash, value, prev: this._tail, next: this._sentinel };
// Add new nodes to _objMap and linked list
this._objMap.set(hash, node);
else if (node) {
// Update the value of an existing node
node.value = value;
else {
const hash = this._hashFn(key);
// Non-object keys are handled in the same way as the original implementation
node = this._noObjMap[hash];
if (node) {
if (!node && isNewKey) {
this._noObjMap[hash] = node = { key, value, prev: this._tail, next: this._sentinel };
else if (node) {
// Update the value of an existing node
node.value = value;
if (node && isNewKey) {
// Update the head and tail of the linked list
if (this._size === 0) {
this._head = node; = node;
else {
this._noObjMap[hash] = node = {
prev: this._tail,
next: this._sentinel
}; = node;
node.prev = this._tail; // Make sure that the prev of the new node points to the current tail node
this._tail = node;
this._sentinel.prev = node;
if (this._size === 0) {
this._head = node; = node;
return this._size;
has(key) {
if ((0, utils_1.isWeakKey)(key)) {
const hash = this._objHashFn(key);
return this._objMap.has(hash);
else { = node;
const hash = this._hashFn(key);
return hash in this._noObjMap;
this._tail = node;
this._sentinel.prev = node;
return this._size;
setMany(entries) {
for (const entry of entries) {
const [key, value] = entry;
this.set(key, value);
keys() {
const keys = [];
for (const [key] of this)
return keys;
values() {
const values = [];
for (const [, value] of this)
return values;

@@ -259,10 +587,18 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

clone() {
const cloned = new LinkedHashMap([], { hashFn: this._hashFn, objHashFn: this._objHashFn });
for (const entry of this) {
const [key, value] = entry;
cloned.set(key, value);
return cloned;
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a HashMap and executes a callback function on
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a LinkedHashMap and executes a callback function on
* each element.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the
* HashMap. It takes three arguments:
* LinkedHashMap. It takes three arguments:

@@ -278,11 +614,11 @@ forEach(callback) {

* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new HashMap containing only the
* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new LinkedHashMap containing only the
* key-value pairs that satisfy the predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original HashMap that
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original LinkedHashMap that
* satisfy the given predicate function.
filter(predicate) {
const filteredMap = new HashMap();
const filteredMap = new LinkedHashMap();
let index = 0;

@@ -298,10 +634,10 @@ for (const [key, value] of this) {

* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new HashMap with the values transformed
* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new LinkedHashMap with the values transformed
* by the callback.
* @param callback - The `callback` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
map(callback) {
const mappedMap = new HashMap();
const mappedMap = new LinkedHashMap();
let index = 0;

@@ -316,6 +652,6 @@ for (const [key, value] of this) {

* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a LinkedHashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that takes three arguments: accumulator,
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the HashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the LinkedHashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* result.

@@ -326,3 +662,3 @@ * @param {A} initialValue - The `initialValue` parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It

* @returns The `reduce` function is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating
* over all the elements in the HashMap and applying the callback function to each element.
* over all the elements in the LinkedHashMap and applying the callback function to each element.

@@ -339,3 +675,3 @@ reduce(callback, initialValue) {

* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)

@@ -378,2 +714,2 @@ *

exports.HashMap = HashMap;
exports.LinkedHashMap = LinkedHashMap;

@@ -11,1 +11,5 @@ export type HashMapLinkedNode<K, V> = {

export type HashMapStoreItem<K, V> = {
key: K;
value: V;


"name": "undirected-graph-typed",
"version": "1.48.0",
"version": "1.48.1",
"description": "Undirected Graph. Javascript & Typescript Data Structure.",

@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"data-structure-typed": "^1.48.0"
"data-structure-typed": "^1.48.1"

@@ -322,2 +322,20 @@ /**

* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* Time complexity: O(n)
* Space complexity: O(n)
* The `clone` function creates a deep copy of a tree object.
* @returns The `clone()` method is returning a cloned instance of the `TREE` object.
override clone(): TREE {
const cloned = this.createTree();
this.bfs(node => cloned.add([node.key, node.value], node.count));
return cloned;
* Time Complexity: O(1) - constant time, as it performs basic pointer assignments.

@@ -324,0 +342,0 @@ * Space Complexity: O(1) - constant space, as it only uses a constant amount of memory.

@@ -10,6 +10,330 @@ /**

import { isWeakKey, rangeCheck } from '../../utils';
import { HashMapLinkedNode, HashMapOptions } from '../../types';
import { HashMapLinkedNode, HashMapOptions, HashMapStoreItem } from '../../types';
export class HashMap<K = any, V = any> {
protected _store: { [key: string]: HashMapStoreItem<K, V> } = {};
protected _objMap: Map<object, V> = new Map();
* The constructor function initializes a new instance of a class with optional elements and options.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs `[K, V]`. It
* is optional and defaults to an empty array `[]`. This parameter is used to initialize the map with
* key-value pairs.
* @param [options] - The `options` parameter is an optional object that can contain additional
* configuration options for the constructor. In this case, it has one property:
constructor(elements: Iterable<[K, V]> = [], options?: {
hashFn: (key: K) => string
}) {
if (options) {
const { hashFn } = options;
if (hashFn) {
this._hashFn = hashFn;
if (elements) {
protected _size = 0;
get size(): number {
return this._size;
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.size === 0;
clear() {
this._store = {};
this._size = 0;
* The `set` function adds a key-value pair to a map-like data structure, incrementing the size if
* the key is not already present.
* @param {K} key - The key parameter is the key used to identify the value in the data structure. It
* can be of any type, but if it is an object, it will be stored in a Map, otherwise it will be
* stored in a regular JavaScript object.
* @param {V} value - The value parameter represents the value that you want to associate with the
* key in the data structure.
set(key: K, value: V) {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
if (!this._objMap.has(key)) {
this._objMap.set(key, value);
} else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
if (this._store[strKey] === undefined) {
this._store[strKey] = { key, value };
* The function "setMany" sets multiple key-value pairs in a map.
* @param elements - The `elements` parameter is an iterable containing key-value pairs. Each
* key-value pair is represented as an array with two elements: the key and the value.
setMany(elements: Iterable<[K, V]>) {
for (const [key, value] of elements) this.set(key, value);
* The `get` function retrieves a value from a map based on a given key, either from an object map or
* a string map.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key used to retrieve a value from the map. It can be
* of any type, but it should be compatible with the key type used when the map was created.
* @returns The method `get(key: K)` returns a value of type `V` if the key exists in the `_objMap`
* or `_store`, otherwise it returns `undefined`.
get(key: K): V | undefined {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
return this._objMap.get(key);
} else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
return this._store[strKey]?.value;
* The `has` function checks if a given key exists in the `_objMap` or `_store` based on whether it
* is an object key or not.
* @param {K} key - The parameter "key" is of type K, which means it can be any type.
* @returns The `has` method is returning a boolean value.
has(key: K): boolean {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
return this._objMap.has(key);
} else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
return strKey in this._store;
* The `delete` function removes an element from a map-like data structure based on the provided key.
* @param {K} key - The `key` parameter is the key of the element that you want to delete from the
* data structure.
* @returns The `delete` method returns a boolean value. It returns `true` if the key was
* successfully deleted from the map, and `false` if the key was not found in the map.
delete(key: K): boolean {
if (this._isObjKey(key)) {
if (this._objMap.has(key)) {
return this._objMap.delete(key);
} else {
const strKey = this._getNoObjKey(key);
if (strKey in this._store) {
delete this._store[strKey];
return true;
return false;
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from both an object store and an
* object map.
* [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
for (const node of Object.values(this._store)) {
yield [node.key, node.value] as [K, V];
for (const node of this._objMap) {
yield node as [K, V];
* The function returns an iterator that yields key-value pairs from the object.
* entries(): IterableIterator<[K, V]> {
for (const item of this) {
yield item;
* The function `keys()` returns an iterator that yields all the keys of the object.
* keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
for (const [key] of this) {
yield key;
* values(): IterableIterator<V> {
for (const [, value] of this) {
yield value;
* The `every` function checks if every element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to test each element in the map against a condition. If the predicate
* function returns false for any element, the every() method will return false. If the predicate
* function returns true for all
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The method is returning a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function
* returns true for every element in the map, and false otherwise.
every(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (!, value, key, index++, this)) {
return false;
return true;
* The "some" function checks if at least one element in a HashMap satisfies a given predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes four arguments: `value`,
* `key`, `index`, and `map`. It is used to determine whether a specific condition is met for a given
* key-value pair in the `HashMap`.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function returns true for any element
* in the map, and false otherwise.
some(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (, value, key, index++, this)) {
return true;
return false;
* The `forEach` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element.
* @param callbackfn - A function that will be called for each key-value pair in the HashMap. It
* takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value inside the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
forEach(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => void, thisArg?: any): void {
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {, value, key, index++, this);
* The `map` function in TypeScript creates a new HashMap by applying a callback function to each
* key-value pair in the original HashMap.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each key-value pair in the
* HashMap. It takes four parameters:
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will
* be passed as the `this` value to the `callbackfn` function. If `thisArg
* @returns The `map` method is returning a new `HashMap` object with the transformed values based on
* the provided callback function.
map<U>(callbackfn: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => U, thisArg?: any): HashMap<K, U> {
const resultMap = new HashMap<K, U>();
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
resultMap.set(key,, value, key, index++, this));
return resultMap;
* The `filter` function creates a new HashMap containing key-value pairs from the original HashMap
* that satisfy a given predicate function.
* @param predicate - The predicate parameter is a function that takes four arguments: value, key,
* index, and map. It is used to determine whether an element should be included in the filtered map
* or not. The function should return a boolean value - true if the element should be included, and
* false otherwise.
* @param {any} [thisArg] - The `thisArg` parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value
* to be used as `this` when executing the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is provided, it will be
* passed as the `this` value to the `predicate` function. If `thisArg` is
* @returns The `filter` method is returning a new `HashMap` object that contains the key-value pairs
* from the original `HashMap` that pass the provided `predicate` function.
filter(predicate: (value: V, key: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): HashMap<K, V> {
const filteredMap = new HashMap<K, V>();
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
if (, value, key, index++, this)) {
filteredMap.set(key, value);
return filteredMap;
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callbackfn - The callback function that will be called for each element in the HashMap. It
* takes five parameters:
* @param {U} initialValue - The initialValue parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It
* is the value that will be used as the first argument of the callback function when reducing the
* elements of the map.
* @returns The `reduce` method is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating over
* all the elements in the `HashMap`.
reduce<U>(callbackfn: (accumulator: U, currentValue: V, currentKey: K, index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => U, initialValue: U): U {
let accumulator = initialValue;
let index = 0;
for (const [key, value] of this) {
accumulator = callbackfn(accumulator, value, key, index++, this);
return accumulator;
print(): void{
protected _hashFn: (key: K) => string = (key: K) => String(key);
protected _isObjKey(key: any): key is (object | ((...args: any[]) => any)) {
const keyType = typeof key;
return (keyType === 'object' || keyType === 'function') && key !== null
protected _getNoObjKey(key: K): string {
const keyType = typeof key;
let strKey: string;
if (keyType !== "string" && keyType !== "number" && keyType !== "symbol") {
strKey = this._hashFn(key);
} else {
if (keyType === "number") {
// TODO numeric key should has its own hash
strKey = <string>key;
} else {
strKey = <string>key;
return strKey;
export class LinkedHashMap<K = any, V = any> {
protected _noObjMap: Record<string, HashMapLinkedNode<K, V | undefined>> = {};

@@ -112,2 +436,3 @@ protected _objMap = new WeakMap<object, HashMapLinkedNode<K, V | undefined>>();

let node;
const isNewKey = !this.has(key); // Check if the key is new

@@ -118,42 +443,68 @@ if (isWeakKey(key)) {

if (node) {
// If the node already exists, update its value
node.value = value;
} else {
if (!node && isNewKey) {
// Create new node
node = { key: <K>hash, value, prev: this._tail, next: this._sentinel };
// Add new nodes to _objMap and linked list
this._objMap.set(hash, node);
} else if (node) {
// Update the value of an existing node
node.value = value;
} else {
const hash = this._hashFn(key);
// Non-object keys are handled in the same way as the original implementation
node = this._noObjMap[hash];
if (node) {
if (!node && isNewKey) {
this._noObjMap[hash] = node = { key, value, prev: this._tail, next: this._sentinel };
} else if (node) {
// Update the value of an existing node
node.value = value;
if (node && isNewKey) {
// Update the head and tail of the linked list
if (this._size === 0) {
this._head = node; = node;
} else {
this._noObjMap[hash] = node = {
prev: this._tail,
next: this._sentinel
}; = node;
node.prev = this._tail; // Make sure that the prev of the new node points to the current tail node
this._tail = node;
this._sentinel.prev = node;
if (this._size === 0) {
this._head = node; = node;
return this._size;
has(key: K): boolean {
if (isWeakKey(key)) {
const hash = this._objHashFn(key);
return this._objMap.has(hash);
} else { = node;
const hash = this._hashFn(key);
return hash in this._noObjMap;
this._tail = node;
this._sentinel.prev = node;
setMany(entries: Iterable<[K, V]>): void {
for (const entry of entries) {
const [key, value] = entry;
this.set(key, value);
return this._size;
keys(): K[] {
const keys: K[] = [];
for (const [key] of this) keys.push(key);
return keys;
values(): V[] {
const values: V[] = [];
for (const [, value] of this) values.push(value);
return values;

@@ -289,12 +640,21 @@ * Time Complexity: O(1)

clone(): LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
const cloned = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>([], { hashFn: this._hashFn, objHashFn: this._objHashFn });
for (const entry of this) {
const [key, value] = entry;
cloned.set(key, value);
return cloned;
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a HashMap and executes a callback function on
* The `forEach` function iterates over each element in a LinkedHashMap and executes a callback function on
* each element.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the
* HashMap. It takes three arguments:
* LinkedHashMap. It takes three arguments:
forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, hashMap: HashMap<K, V>) => void) {
forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, hashMap: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => void) {
let index = 0;

@@ -309,11 +669,11 @@ let node = this._head;

* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new HashMap containing only the
* The `filter` function takes a predicate function and returns a new LinkedHashMap containing only the
* key-value pairs that satisfy the predicate.
* @param predicate - The `predicate` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original HashMap that
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object that contains the key-value pairs from the original LinkedHashMap that
* satisfy the given predicate function.
filter(predicate: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => boolean): HashMap<K, V> {
const filteredMap = new HashMap<K, V>();
filter(predicate: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => boolean): LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
const filteredMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>();
let index = 0;

@@ -330,10 +690,10 @@ for (const [key, value] of this) {

* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new HashMap with the values transformed
* The `map` function takes a callback function and returns a new LinkedHashMap with the values transformed
* by the callback.
* @param callback - The `callback` parameter is a function that takes two arguments: `element` and
* `map`.
* @returns a new HashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
* @returns a new LinkedHashMap object with the values mapped according to the provided callback function.
map<NV>(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => NV): HashMap<K, NV> {
const mappedMap = new HashMap<K, NV>();
map<NV>(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => NV): LinkedHashMap<K, NV> {
const mappedMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, NV>();
let index = 0;

@@ -349,6 +709,6 @@ for (const [key, value] of this) {

* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a HashMap and applies a callback function to
* The `reduce` function iterates over the elements of a LinkedHashMap and applies a callback function to
* each element, accumulating a single value.
* @param callback - The callback parameter is a function that takes three arguments: accumulator,
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the HashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* element, and map. It is called for each element in the LinkedHashMap and is used to accumulate a single
* result.

@@ -359,5 +719,5 @@ * @param {A} initialValue - The `initialValue` parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It

* @returns The `reduce` function is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating
* over all the elements in the HashMap and applying the callback function to each element.
* over all the elements in the LinkedHashMap and applying the callback function to each element.
reduce<A>(callback: (accumulator: A, element: [K, V], index: number, map: HashMap<K, V>) => A, initialValue: A): A {
reduce<A>(callback: (accumulator: A, element: [K, V], index: number, map: LinkedHashMap<K, V>) => A, initialValue: A): A {
let accumulator = initialValue;

@@ -373,3 +733,3 @@ let index = 0;

* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the HashMap.
* Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of elements in the LinkedHashMap.
* Space Complexity: O(1)

@@ -376,0 +736,0 @@ *

@@ -12,1 +12,3 @@ export type HashMapLinkedNode<K, V> = {

export type HashMapStoreItem<K, V> = { key: K, value: V };

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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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