url (required)
eg. 'ldaps://ldap.example.com:663'
bindDn (optional)
eg. 'uid=myapp,ou=users,o=example.com'.
bindCredentials (required when bindDn is set)
Password for bindDn
bindProperty (optional)
defaults to 'dn'. Property of user to bind against client eg. 'name', 'email'
searchBase (required)
The base DN from which to search for users by username. eg. 'ou=users,o=example.com'
searchScope (optional)
Optional, default 'sub'. Scope of the search, one of 'base', 'one', or 'sub'.
searchFilter (required)
LDAP search filter with which to find a user by username, e.g. '(uid={{username}})'. Use the literal '{{username}}' to have the given username be interpolated in for the LDAP search.
searchAttributes (optional)
default all. Array of attributes to fetch from LDAP server.
groupDnProperty (optional)
default 'dn'. The property of user object to use in '{{dn}}' interpolation of groupSearchFilter.
groupSearchBase (optional)
The base DN from which to search for groups. If defined, also groupSearchFilter must be defined for the search to work.
groupSearchScope (optional)
default 'sub'.
groupSearchFilter (optional)
LDAP search filter for groups. The following literals are interpolated from the found user object: '{{dn}}' the property configured with groupDnProperty.
groupSearchAttributes (optional)
default all. Array of attributes to fetch from LDAP server.
log4js (optional)
The require'd log4js module to use for logging. If given this will result in TRACE-level logging for ldapauth.
verbose (optional)
default false. If log4js
is also given, this will add TRACE-level logging for ldapjs (quite verbose).
cache (optional)
default false. If true, then up to 100 credentials at a time will be cached for 5 minutes.
timeout (optional)
default Infinity. How long the client should let operations live for before timing out.
connectTimeout (optional)
Optional, default is up to the OS. How long the client should wait before timing out on TCP connections.
tlsOptions (optional)
Additional options passed to the TLS connection layer when connecting via ldaps://. See http://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_connect_options_calback for available options
maxConnections (optional)
Whether or not to enable connection pooling, and if so, how many to maintain.
checkInterval (optional)
How often to schedule health checks for the connection pool.
maxIdleTime (optional)
How long a client can be idle before health-checking the connection (subject to the checkInterval frequency)
includeRaw (optional)
default false. Set to true to add property '_raw' containing the original buffers to the returned user object. Useful when you need to handle binary attributes
reconnect (optional)
node-ldap reconnect option.