uPort Registry
Deployed Contracts
The registry has been deployed at the following locations:
- Ropsten Testnet:
- Mainnet:
The uPort registry library lets you set the attributes of a uPort identity. The attributes needs to be in a JSON format. Right now we are focusing on
but we intend to support the full Schema.org Person schema. The Full Name and Profile Picture is stored in IPFS as a JSON structure that corresponds to the schema.org schema:
"@context": "http://schema.org/",
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Christian Lundkvist",
"image": [{"@type": "ImageObject",
"name": "avatar",
"contentUrl" : "/ipfs/QmUSBKeGYPmeHmLDAEHknAm5mFEvPhy2ekJc6sJwtrQ6nk"}]
and an IPFS hash of this structure is stored in the contract as a bytes
uPort Registry Library
The uPort Registry Library allows you to set attributes of and/or view attributes of uPort identities in your Dapp. You need to set a web3 provider using uPortRegistry.setWeb3Provider
in order to access the Ethereum contracts, and you need to set an Ipfs provider using uPortRegistry.setIpfsProvider
to access data stored in IPFS.
Running tests
Remember to have a local IPFS node and Ethereum node running.
npm run test
To use the library, first include it in your project:
var uportRegistry = require("uport-registry");
IPFS Setup
It defaults to the Infura IPFS server but you can easily set it to a local server or use another client library using setIpfsProvider
You can change the ipfs connection details by passing a configuration object containing a
uportRegistry.setIpfsProvider({ host: '', port: 5001 });
We also support a full ipfs-js-api compliant client:
const ipfsApi = require('ipfs-api');
uportRegistry.setIpfsProvider(ipfsAPI('localhost', '5001', {protocol: 'http'}));
Web3 Provider
You need to pass in a web3 provider to connect to the Ethereum blockchain
var Web3 = require('web3');
uportRegistry.setWeb3Provider(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://ropsten.infura.io/uport-registry'));
Setting uportRegistry Attributes
var registryAddress = '0xb9C1598e24650437a3055F7f66AC1820c419a679'
var attributes =
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Christian Lundkvist",
"image": [{"@type": "ImageObject",
"name": "avatar",
"contentUrl" : "/ipfs/QmUSBKeGYPmeHmLDAEHknAm5mFEvPhy2ekJc6sJwtrQ6nk"}]
{from: myAddr}
).then(function ()
{console.log('Attributes set.')})
Getting attributes
If you have an address of the current uPort identity, you can get their associated attributes using the command uPortRegistry.getAttributes()
. This command looks up the attributes and returns a JSON structure.
var registryAddress = '0xb9C1598e24650437a3055F7f66AC1820c419a679'
var uportId = '0xdb24b49d8f7e47d30498ee2a846375c3ba771d3e'
).then(function (attributes)