uPort Registry
Deployed Contracts
The registry has been deployed at the following locations:
- Ropsten Testnet:
- Mainnet:
The uPort registry library lets you set the attributes of a uPort identity. The attributes needs to be in a JSON format. Right now we are focusing on
but we intend to support the full Schema.org Person schema. The Full Name and Profile Picture is stored in IPFS as a JSON structure that corresponds to the schema.org schema:
"@context": "http://schema.org/",
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Christian Lundkvist",
"image": [{"@type": "ImageObject",
"name": "avatar",
"contentUrl" : "/ipfs/QmUSBKeGYPmeHmLDAEHknAm5mFEvPhy2ekJc6sJwtrQ6nk"}]
and an IPFS hash of this structure is stored in the contract as a bytes
uPort Registry Library
The uPort Registry Library allows you to set attributes of and/or view attributes of uPort identities in your Dapp.
Running tests
npm run test
To use the library, first include it in your project:
var UportRegistry = require("uport-registry");
var registry = new UportRegistry()
IPFS Setup
It defaults to the Infura IPFS server but you can easily set it to a local server or use another client library using setIpfsProvider
You can change the ipfs connection details by passing a configuration object containing a
var registry = new UportRegistry({
ipfs: { host: '', port: 5001 }
We also support a full ipfs-js-api compliant client:
const ipfsApi = require('ipfs-api');
var registry = new UportRegistry({
ipfs: ipfsAPI('localhost', '5001', {protocol: 'http'})
Customize Web3 Provider
By default it connects to Infura's ropsten network. But you can change it by passing in your own web3 provider.
var Web3 = require('web3');
var registry = new UportRegistry({
web3prov: new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://ropsten.infura.io/uport-registry')
Change uport registry address
By default it uses the ropsten uport registry at 0xb9C1598e24650437a3055F7f66AC1820c419a679
. You can change this using the registryAddress setting.
var Web3 = require('web3');
var registry = new UportRegistry({
web3prov: new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('https://mainnet.infura.io/uport-registry'),
registryAddress: '0x022f41a91cb30d6a20ffcfde3f84be6c1fa70d60'
Setting uportRegistry Attributes
var attributes =
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Christian Lundkvist",
"image": [{"@type": "ImageObject",
"name": "avatar",
"contentUrl" : "/ipfs/QmUSBKeGYPmeHmLDAEHknAm5mFEvPhy2ekJc6sJwtrQ6nk"}]
registry.setAttributes( attributes,
{from: myAddr}
).then(function ()
{console.log('Attributes set.')})
Getting attributes
If you have an address of the current uPort identity, you can get their associated attributes using the command uPortRegistry.getAttributes()
. This command looks up the attributes and returns a JSON structure.
var registryAddress = '0xb9C1598e24650437a3055F7f66AC1820c419a679'
var uportId = '0xdb24b49d8f7e47d30498ee2a846375c3ba771d3e'
registry.getAttributes(uportId).then(function (attributes)