Airship Accengage React Native
A React Native module for Airship's iOS and Android SDK.
Please visit for any issues integrating or using this module.
- Xcode 11+
- iOS: Deployment target 11.0+
- Android: minSdkVersion 16+, compileSdkVersion 28+
- React Native >= 0.60.0
- React Native cli >= 2.0.1
using yarn
yarn add urbanairship-accengage-react-native
using npm
npm install urbanairship-accengage-react-native --save
iOS Setup
- Install pods
cd ios && pod install
import AirshipAccengage from 'urbanairship-accengage-react-native';
Version 8.0.0 - July 8, 2020
Major release rewritten in TypeScript and adding separate modules for location,
HMS and Accengage features
- Added urbanairship-location-react-native module (iOS integration no longer needs AirshipLocationKit for location services.)
- Added urbanairship-hms-react-native module
- Added urbanairship-accengage-react-native module
- Added full TypeScript coverage
- Removed Flow
- Updated iOS SDK to 13.5.0
- Updated Android SDK to 13.2.1