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v-wave - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.5.0-beta.0 to 1.5.0


"name": "v-wave",
"version": "1.5.0-beta.0",
"version": "1.5.0",
"description": "The material-ripple directive for Vue that actually works",

@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ "main": "dist/cjs/index.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "^16.0.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^16.0.0",
"@commitlint/cli": "^17.0.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^17.0.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^13.0.0",

@@ -58,0 +58,0 @@ "@types/jest": "^27.0.1",

@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ <p align="center">

![NPM version](
![npm bundle size](
![NPM version](
![Downloads per month](

@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ ![Total downloads](

## Why did I make this? <!-- omit in toc -->
<sub>Also available for React: [use-wave](</sub>
Because every ripple-plugin I've tried to use in the past either didn't work, or was missing basic features.
<summary><h3 style="display:inline;">Why did I make this?</h3></summary>
<sub>Also available for React: [use-wave](</sub>
<br />
Because every ripple-plugin I've tried to use in the past either didn't work, or was missing basic features.

@@ -41,16 +43,27 @@ **Here's what you can expect from this plugin:**

If you have a feature request or you found a bug, please open an issue!
## [[ Live Demo ]]( <!-- omit in toc -->
> Source code for the demo page can be found on the [example branch.](
### Contents
## Quick start <!-- omit in toc -->
- [Install](#install)
- [Register the plugin](#register-the-plugin)
- [Usage](#usage)
After installing and registering the plugin, this is all you need to get started:
<button v-wave>Click here</button>
![Example of default options](
> Out of the box, this will provide you with a ripple that matches the text color of the element it has been applied to, with reasonable defaults for a responsive feeling ripple.
> You can change the look and feel of the ripple on a [per-element basis](#configuring-locally), or by modifying the [global defaults](#configuring-globally).
## Contents <!-- omit in toc -->
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Via NPM](#via-npm)
- [Via CDN](#via-cdn)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Configuring globally](#configuring-globally)
- [Configuring locally](#configuring-locally)
- [Options](#options)
- [Setting options globally](#setting-options-globally)
- [Setting options per-directive](#setting-options-per-directive)
- [Summary](#summary)

@@ -70,21 +83,34 @@ - [Details](#details)

- [Advanced](#advanced)
- [Registering the directive locally](#registering-the-directive-locally)
- [Local registration with Composition API:](#local-registration-with-composition-api)
- [Local registration with Options API:](#local-registration-with-options-api)
- [Changing the directive's name](#changing-the-directives-name)
- [License](#license)
## Install
## Installation
<small>See: [npm](#via-npm), [cdn](#via-cdn)</small>
### Via NPM
<small>See: [Vue](#vue----omit-in-toc), [Nuxt](#nuxt----omit-in-toc)</small>
$ npm i v-wave
<script src=""></script>
#### Vue <!-- omit in toc -->
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VWave from 'v-wave'
import App from './App.vue'
const app = createApp(App)
## Register the plugin
<summary>Vue 2</summary>

@@ -98,17 +124,8 @@ // Vue 2

// Vue 3
import {createApp} from 'vue'
import VWave from 'v-wave'
import App from './App.vue'
#### Nuxt <!-- omit in toc -->

@@ -123,20 +140,38 @@ ```js

## Usage
### Via CDN
<summary>Expand examples</summary>
<button v-wave>Click me!</button>
<script src=""></script>
// With a CDN, `VWave` is made available as a global
## Options
### Setting options globally
## Configuration
<small>See: [configuring globally](#configuring-globally), [configuring locally](#configuring-locally)</small>
### Configuring globally
<small>See: [Vue](#vue----omit-in-toc-1), [Nuxt](#nuxt----omit-in-toc-1)</small>
#### Vue <!-- omit in toc -->
// main.js
. . .
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import VWave from 'v-wave'
import App from './App.vue'
.use(VWave, {
const app = createApp(App)
app.use(VWave, {
color: 'red',

@@ -148,6 +183,23 @@ initialOpacity: 0.5,

<summary>Vue 2</summary>
// Vue 2
import Vue from 'vue'
import VWave from 'v-wave'
Vue.use(VWave, {
color: 'red',
initialOpacity: 0.5,
easing: 'ease-in',
#### Nuxt <!-- omit in toc -->

@@ -158,3 +210,2 @@ // nuxt.config.js

modules: ['v-wave/nuxt'],
vWave: {

@@ -166,6 +217,5 @@ color: 'red',

### Setting options per-directive
### Configuring locally

@@ -178,87 +228,282 @@ ```html

Click me!
Click here
## Options
<small>See: [summary](#summary), [details](#details)</small>
### Summary
| Name | Type | Default |
| -------------------- | ----------------------------- | :--------------: |
| `color` | `string` | `"currentColor"` |
| `initialOpacity` | `number` | `0.2` |
| `finialOpacity` | `number` | `0.1` |
| `duration` | `number` | `0.4` |
| `dissolveDuration` | `number` | `0.15` |
| `easing` | `string` | `ease-out` |
| `cancellationPeriod` | `number` | `75` |
| `trigger` | `string \| boolean \| "auto"` | `"auto"` |
| `tagName` | `string` | `"div"` |
| Name | Default | Type |
| ----------------------------------------- | :--------------: | ----------------------------- |
| [color](#color) | `"currentColor"` | `string` |
| [initialOpacity](#initialopacity) | `0.2` | `number` |
| [finalOpacity](#finalopacity) | `0.1` | `number` |
| [duration](#duration) | `0.4` | `number` |
| [dissolveDuration](#dissolveduration) | `0.15` | `number` |
| [easing](#easing) | `ease-out` | `string` |
| [cancellationPeriod](#cancellationperiod) | `75` | `number` |
| [trigger](#trigger) | `"auto"` | `string \| boolean \| "auto"` |
| [tagName](#tagname) | `"div"` | `string` |
### Details
#### color
- **type:** `string`
- *default:* `"currentColor"`
The `background-color` of the wave.
#### color
#### initialOpacity
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.2`
The opacity of the wave when it first appears.
- **type:** `string` ([`background` shorthand syntax](
- *default:* `"currentColor"`
#### finalOpacity
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.1`
The opacity the wave should be when it has stopped moving.
> Sets the background of the ripple.
> Supports any value that the CSS `background` property does.
#### duration
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.4`
The duration of the wave animation in seconds.
<summary>Expand examples</summary>
#### dissolveDuration
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.15`
The duration of the "dissolve animation" in seconds.
> This is the fade-out animation that plays once the wave has reached its maximum size.
<small>See: [color](#simple-color-), [gradient](#gradient-), [image](#image-)</small>
#### easing
- **type:** `string`
- *default:* `"ease-out"`
Any valid CSS `<timing-function>`
#### Simple color <!-- omit in toc -->
#### cancellationPeriod
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `75`
The delay, *in milliseconds*, during which the animation will be canceled by the user moving their figure/pointer (e.g. while scrolling on a mobile phone).
<button v-wave="{
color: 'red',
Click here
> **Note:**
> The wave will not appear until after the delay, meaning a delay greater than 100ms can make the site feel sluggish.
#### trigger
- **type:** `string | boolean | "auto"`
- *default:* `"auto"`
#### Gradient <!-- omit in toc -->
Sets the behavior of the wave when used with triggers.
<button v-wave="{
color: 'radial-gradient(closest-side, #fff, #00f, #fff)',
Click here
#### Image <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
color: 'no-repeat url(https://...) 0 0 / cover',
Click here
#### initialOpacity
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.2`
> The opacity of the ripple when it first appears.
<summary>Expand examples</summary>
<small>See: [initialOpacity: 1](#initialopacity-of-1-), [initialOpacity: 0](#initialopacity-of-0-)</small>
#### initialOpacity of 1 <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
initialOpacity: 1,
Click here
#### initialOpacity of 0 <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
initialOpacity: 0,
Click here
#### finalOpacity
- **type:** `number`
- *default:* `0.1`
> The opacity the ripple should be when it has stopped moving.
<summary>Expand examples</summary>
<small>See: [finalOpacity: 1](#finalopacity-of-1-), [finalOpacity: 0](#finalopacity-of-0-)</small>
#### finalOpacity of 1 <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
finalOpacity: 1,
Click here
#### finalOpacity of 0 <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
finalOpacity: 0,
Click here
#### duration
- **type:** `number` (seconds)
- *default:* `0.4`
> The duration of the ripple in seconds.
> The total duration is `duration + dissolveDuration`
<summary>Expand example</summary>
#### duration of 3 seconds <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
duration: 3,
Click here
#### dissolveDuration
- **type:** `number` (seconds)
- *default:* `0.15`
> The duration of the "dissolve animation" in seconds.
> This is the fade-out animation that plays once the wave has reached its maximum size.
> The total duration is `duration + dissolveDuration`
<summary>Expand example</summary>
#### dissolve duration of 3 seconds <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
dissolveDuration: 3,
Click here
#### easing
- **type:** `string` ([`<easing-function>`](
- *default:* `"ease-out"`
> Any valid CSS `<easing-function>` ([see more](
<summary>Expand example</summary>
#### cubic-bezier <!-- omit in toc -->
<button v-wave="{
easing: 'cubic-bezier(0,.57,.89,0)',
Click here
#### cancellationPeriod
- **type:** `number` (milliseconds)
- *default:* `75`
> The delay, in milliseconds, during which the animation will be canceled if the user moves their figure/pointer (e.g. while scrolling on a mobile device).
> **Note:** The ripple will not appear until after the delay. This means a delay greater than 100ms can feel sluggish.
#### trigger
- **type:** `"auto" | string | boolean`
- *default:* `"auto"`
> Sets the behavior of the wave when used with triggers. (See the [dedication section](#using-triggers) on triggers for more details).
- `false`
Disables the use of triggers. If a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) is present in the dom tree of this element, it will be ignored (i.e. `v-wave` always behaves as if there's no trigger).
- `true`
Requires a trigger to activate the ripple. `v-wave` assumes the presence of a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) in its dom tree. The ripple will only active for `pointerdown` events on the trigger element.
- `"auto"`
If a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) is present in the dom-tree of the v-wave element, it behaves as `trigger: true`, otherwise it behaves as `trigger: false`.
- `string`
Any string other than `"auto"` will be treated as an ID. `v-wave` will only activate when a `v-wave-trigger` with a matching ID receives a `pointerdown` event.
> This is different from the other values as it allows you to place the trigger element anywhere in the dom, while the others require the trigger to be a descendant.
<summary>Expand example</summary>
#### basic trigger <!-- omit in toc -->
<label v-wave>
<input type="text" placeholder="Search" />
- `false`
Disables the use of triggers. If a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) is present in the dom tree of this element, it will be ignored (i.e. `v-wave` always behaves as if there's no trigger).
- `true`
Requires a trigger to activate the wave. `v-wave` assumes the presence of a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) in its dom tree. The wave will only active for `pointerdown` events on the trigger element.
- `"auto"`
If a `v-wave-trigger` (without an ID) is present in the dom-tree of the v-wave element, it behaves as `trigger: true`, otherwise it behaves as `trigger: false`.
- `string`
Any string other than `"auto"` will be treated as an ID. `v-wave` will only activate when a `v-wave-trigger` with a matching ID receives a `pointerdown` event.
<!-- Only show the wave when the trigger is clicked -->
<img v-wave-trigger src="search.svg" />
> This is different from the other values as it allows you to place the trigger element anywhere in the dom, while the others require the trigger to be a descendant.
#### tagName

@@ -268,3 +513,3 @@ - **type:** `string`

Sets the tag name of the element used as the wave container. This is is useful in scenarios where the default `div` may interfere with `:last-of-type` selectors.
> Sets the tag name of the element used as the wave container. This is is useful in scenarios where the default `div` may interfere with `:last-of-type` or similar selectors.

@@ -309,4 +554,64 @@ ---

## Advanced
### Registering the directive locally
#### Local registration with Composition API:
import VWave from 'v-wave'
const { vWave, vWaveTrigger } = VWave.createLocalWaveDirective({/* global options */})
<button v-wave>Click me!</button>
#### Local registration with Options API:
import VWave from 'v-wave'
const { wave, waveTrigger } = VWave.createLocalWaveDirective({/* global options */})
export default {
directives: {
<button v-wave>Click me!</button>
<summary>Vue 2</summary>
If you are using Vue 2, you need to pass `"vue2"` as the second argument to `createLocalWaveDirective`
import VWave from 'v-wave'
const { wave, waveTrigger } = VWave.createLocalWaveDirective({/* global options */}, 'vue2') // this is the difference
export default {
directives: {
<button v-wave>Click me!</button>
### Changing the directive's name

@@ -334,5 +639,4 @@

Keep in mind that this option can only be set globally (i.e. it cannot be set on individual directives).
> Keep in mind that this option can only be set globally (i.e. it cannot be set on individual directives).
## License

@@ -339,0 +643,0 @@

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