The form validation component for use with Valour and ES-Components
Name | Type | Default | Description |
formName | string | Required | The name of the form |
rules | object | Required | All of the valour rules the form will use to validate |
children | node | Required | The child elements in the form |
handleFormSubmission | func | Function | The function to execute during a valid submit |
preventDefaultSubmissionBehavior | bool | false | Call preventDefault() on submit |
setValidationTypeForForm | enum | | You can set the validation type for all fields in the form One of: onChange, onBlur |
import { ValourForm } from 'valour-form';
const rules = {
Email: valour.rule.isRequired().isEmail()
<ValourForm rules={rules} formName="exampleForm" handleFormSubmission={this.doThisOnValidSubmit} >
<ValourTextbox labelText="Email:" name="Email" />
Note: It's not required to have a rule for every input. Inputs without rules will just not validate.
Setting Validation Types:
You can set the validation type of all Valoured inputs at once by using the setValidationTypeForForm
property at the form level and choosing either onBlur
or onChange
By not using the setValidationTypeForForm
property, validation will only occur on submit by default unless you put the validateOnBlur
and/or validateOnChange
properties on the individual inputs.
<ValourForm rules={rules}
<ValourTextbox labelText="Textbox" name="Text" />
<ValourTextbox labelText="Textbox Two" name="TextboxTwo" />
If you use the setValidationTypeForForm
form-level property and add a validateOnBlur
or validateOnChange
property to an input, it will cancel out the form-level validation for that input.
<ValourTextbox validateOnBlur labelText="Another Box" name="LastBox" />
Components Used With ValourForm:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | Required | Used to match the validation rule to the input |
labelText | string | Required | The label text for the input |
validateOnBlur | bool | false | Validates after the text box loses focus |
validateOnChange | bool | false | Validates after the text box value changes |
successValidation | bool | false | Uses the green success coloring when input is valid |
Note: Form will always validate all inputs on submit.
import { ValourTextbox } from 'valour-form';
<ValourTextbox labelText="Textbox" name="Text"/>
<ValourTextbox successValidation labelText="Success Coloring Box" name="GreenBox"/>
ValourTextbox can still use the handleOnChange
, handleFocusLost
, and any other props on es-components's Textbox.
<ValourTextbox validateOnChange handleFocusLost={this.handleBlur} labelText="Textbox" name="Text"/>
<ValourTextbox validateOnBlur handleOnChange={this.handleChange} labelText="Textbox Two" name="TextTwo"/>
If, for some reason, you want to validate on blur and on change both, you will have to add the validateOnBlur
and validateOnChange
properties to the individual input.
<ValourTextbox validateOnBlur validateOnChange labelText="Another Box" name="LastBox" />