AWS Lambda framework for building functions using Node.js for
API Gateway, IoT applications, and other AWS events.
- Simplifies writing lambda handlers
- Automatically verifies event types
- Powerful input validation
- Works with Serverless
- JSON Web Token (JWT) verification and validation
- JWK support for retrieving keys at startup
- Automatic loading of environment variables from SSM Parameter Store
- Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF) detection when using JWT
- SQL Injection (SQLi) detection and protection
- Lambda Proxy Resource support for AWS API Gateway
- Handler initialization for allocating resources
- Post handler execution to allow deallocation of resources
- Forces values into correct types
- Handles uncaught exceptions
- Promise support
- Automatically trimmed strings for input event data
- Low startup overhead
- AWS Lambda Node.js 12.x
Install via npm.
npm install vandium --save
Getting Started
Vandium creates event specific handlers to reduce the amount of code than one
needs to maintain. The following handler code will respond with a message when
executed using the AWS API Gateway with a GET
const vandium = require( 'vandium' );
exports.handler = vandium.api()
.GET( (event) => {
return 'Hello ' + + '!';
The framework can process asynchronous responses using promises. The following
code returns a User object from a datastore asynchronously:
const vandium = require( 'vandium' );
const Users = require( './users' );
exports.handler = vandium.api()
pathParmeters: {
name: 'string:min=1,max=100,required'
.handler( async (event) => {
return await Users.getUser( );
Additionally, resources can be closed at the end, success or failure, of the
handler. Failure to close resources might cause the lambda function to timeout
or run for longer than is required. The following code demonstrates closing a
cache after the handler has been called:
const vandium = require( 'vandium' );
const Users = require( './users' );
const cache = require( './cache' );
exports.handler = vandium.api()
.GET((event) => {
return Users.getUser( );
.finally( () => {
return cache.close();
Vandium supports the following types of AWS Lambda events:
- API Gateway
- Cloudformation
- Cloudwatch
- Cognito
- Dynamodb
- Kinesis
- Alexa
- S3
- Scheduled
For documentation on how to use vandium in your project, please see our documentation page.
We'd love to get feedback on how to make this tool better. Feel free to contact us at