- easily create context-menus using Vanilla JavaScript and integrate them in any web application
Browser CDN
<script src=""></script>
Where @1.4.1
is the version that you want to use.
Then anywhere in your JavaScript code you can access the library with window.VanillaContextMenu
or simply VanillaContextMenu
npm i vanilla-context-menu
Then anywhere in your code.
import VanillaContextMenu from 'vanilla-context-menu';
How to use it
new VanillaContextMenu({
scope: document.querySelector('main'),
menuItems: [
label: 'Copy',
callback: () => {
label: 'Paste',
callback: pasteFunction,
label: 'Cut',
callback: pasteFunction,
iconClass: 'fa fa-scissors',
{ label: 'Face', iconHTML: `<span class="material-icons">face</span>`
Configuration options
VanillaContextMenu(configurableOptions: ConfigurableOptions):VanillaContextMenu
Option | Required | Type | Default | Description |
scope | yes | HTMLElement | undefined | The HTML element on which you want to bind the contextmenu event listener. |
menuItems | yes | MenuItem[] | undefined | Menu items to be built. |
customClass | no | string | undefined | A custom CSS class that can be added to the context menu |
customThemeClass | no | string | undefined | A custom CSS class that can be added to the context menu theme. A value for this property will exclude the theme option. |
preventCloseOnClick | no | boolean | false | If this variable is true , then the context menu will not close when its elements are clicked. |
transitionDuration | no | number | 200 | Duration of the context menu transition. Set this value to 0 if you want to disable the animation. |
theme | no | 'black' | 'white' | black | By default, the library provides two themes for the context menu: black and white . You can use this option to choose the one you want to use. |
normalizePosition | no | boolean | true | If true, the position of the contextmenu is bound to the scope. Otherwise the left top corner of the contextmenu is bound to the mouse position. |
type MenuItem = MenuOption | 'hr';
Option | Required | Type | Default | Description |
label | yes | string | undefined | Menu option label. |
iconClass | no | string | undefined | This property can be used to display an optional icon. It presents the CSS classes that will be added for the <i></i> tag. |
iconHTML | no | string | undefined | This property can be used to display an optional icon. It presents an HTML string that will be sanitized internally using DOMPurify. |
callback | no | (ev:MouseEvent) => any | undefined | Callback to be executed. The parameter ev is the MouseEvent that occurred when the contextmenu event was triggered |
preventCloseOnClick | no | boolean | false | If this variable is true , then the context menu will not close when this menu option is clicked. A value set for this option, either true or false will override the global one. |
nestedMenu | no | NestedMenuItem[] | undefined | Nested menu to be built. |
export type NestedMenuItem = BaseMenuOption | 'hr';
export interface BaseMenuOption {
label: string;
callback?: (ev: MouseEvent) => unknown;
iconClass?: string;
iconHTML?: string;
preventCloseOnClick?: boolean;
API (3)
The following methods and properties are available through the class instance.
const myContextMenu = new VanillaContextMenu(...)
off(): void
This method will remove all event listeners that have been registered for the context-menu.
! It should be called when you want to deactivate the context menu or when the container item has been removed from the DOM.
updateOptions(configurableOptions: Partial<ConfigurableOptions>): void
close(): void
This method closes the context-menu.
Define your own theme
.context-menu-orange-theme {
background: #d35400;
hr {
background-color: #eee;
& > *:not(hr) {
color: #eee;
&:hover {
background: #e67e22;
Define your own CSS class for styling
.custom-context-menu-cls {
width: 100px !important;
font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
const myContextMenu = new window.VanillaContextMenu({
scope: ...,
menuItems: [...],
customThemeClass: 'context-menu-orange-theme',
customClass: 'custom-context-menu-cls',
Firstly you need to add an icon library inside your application and then you can use the iconClass
property to specify the CSS classes that will be added for the <i></i>
The following example will add a FontAwesome scissors icon near the menu option Cut.
new VanillaContextMenu({
scope: document.querySelector('main'),
menuItems: [
label: 'Cut',
callback: pasteFunction,
iconClass: 'fa fa-scissors',
You can check the demo
file for more examples from demo/index.html.
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. Please check the guidelines.
For project updates you can also reference the changelog.
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This project is licensed under the MIT License