Vanilla UI router
Simple vanilla JavaScript router to be used inside a Single Page App to add routing capabilities.
The router comes with zero dependencies and can be used with any other libraries. It's based on the hashchange-Event from the window-object.
Let's assume your initial markup has the following structure:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.min.css" />
<main id="app"></main>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
Then you could configure the router with the following JavaScript:
import {createRouter} from 'vanilla-ui-router';
const router = createRouter(document.getElementById('app'));
.addRoute('', () => {
.addRoute('home', (domEntryPoint) => {
domEntryPoint.textContent = 'I am the home route.';
.addRoute('about/:aboutId/:editable', (domEntryPoint, routeParams) => {
console.log('I am the about route.');
.addRoute('route-with-template-url', {
templateUrl: 'path/to/template.html'
.addRoute('route-with-template-string/:id', {
templateString: '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor.</p>',
routeHandler: (domEntryPoint, routeParams) => {
.addRoute('route-with-template-id/:id', {
templateId: 'template42'
.otherwise(() => {
console.log('I am the otherwise route');
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