Es6 Tag function to create a virtual-dom tree from a template literal.
Very similar to hyperx, but has a better
support for custom components and supports multiple root elements.
This package does not provide any way to render the tree, you have to combine it
with a virtual dom implementation to make it useful (e.g. virtual-dom, React, ...).
npm install vdom-tag
import h from 'virtual-dom/h'
import createElement from 'virtual-dom/create-element'
import createTag from 'vdom-tag'
const html = createTag(h)
const title = 'world'
const tree = html`
<h1>hello ${title}!</h1>
<h2>Connected users</h2>
${['Oh', 'My', 'God'].map(name => html`
<li onclick=${() => console.log(name, 'clicked!')}>
Multiple root elements
const list = html`
const app = html`
Custom elements
const MyComponent = () => html`<p>hey</p>`
const tree = html`
<${MyComponent} />
With React
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import createTag from 'vdom-tag'
const html = createTag(React.createElement)
const App = ({ name = 'React' }) => html`
<p>Hello, ${name}!</p>
render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'))