JavaScript fork of the timelinefx lib.
Allows particle system effects created in the standalone TimelineFX tool to be loaded and run within a browser.
Basic usage:
- Unzip TimelineFX .eff file containing xml and images.
- Place those assets where they can be accessed from your javascript.
// Create particle manager and fx library
var particleManager = new ParticleManager( drawSprite, particle limit = 1000, layers = 1 );
EffectsLibrary.load( xml );
// Grab an effect prototype
var effectPrototype = EffectsLibrary.getEffect( "explosion" );
// Create/spawn an effect instance
var currentEffectInstance = new Effect( effectPrototype, particleManager );
particleManager.addEffect( currentEffectInstance );``
A complete demo can be found here: http://factor43.com/projects/tfx/demo
This fork brings the timelinefxjs lib to ES6+ syntax & style. Eventually we will include typescript definitions.
There is only one major API change between this fork and gooddoggy's timelinefx, and that is that ParticleManager
takes 3 arguments now, the first one being the drawSprite