Integrates Ant Design to your vike-react
Version history
What it does
See Also
npm install vike-react-antd antd @ant-design/cssinjs
- Extend
import vikeReact from "vike-react/config"
import vikeReactAntd from "vike-react-antd/config"
export default {
extends: [vikeReact, vikeReactAntd]
- You can now use Ant Design at any of your components.
import { Button, Flex } from "antd";
function SomeComponent() {
return (
<Flex gap="small" wrap>
<Button type="primary">Primary Button</Button>
<Button>Default Button</Button>
The vike-react-antd
extension requires vike-react
provides a configuration +antd
for customizing Ant Design Style Compatibility.
export { antd }
import { legacyLogicalPropertiesTransformer, px2remTransformer, type StyleProviderProps } from "@ant-design/cssinjs"
const px2rem = px2remTransformer({
rootValue: 32,
const antd: Omit<StyleProviderProps, "children" | "cache"> = {
hashPriority: "high",
layer: true,
transformers: [legacyLogicalPropertiesTransformer, px2rem],
You can remove the vike-react-antd
integration from some of your pages:
export const antd = null
For full customization consider ejecting.
Consider making a Pull Request before ejecting.
What it does
The vike-react-antd
extension allows you to use Ant Design without FOUC.
It collects the page's styles during SSR and injects them in the HTML, ensuring that styles are applied early (before even JavaScript starts loading).
You can learn more at:
For more details, have a look at the source code of vike-react-styled-jsx
(which is small).
See also