Generate a generic violation report from whatever tool you like and optionally generate a standard XML report.
Code Example
var MultiReporter = require('violation-reporter')(grunt);
var XMLReporter = require('violation-reporter/tasks/XML')(grunt);
var checkstyleReporter = require('violation-reporter/tasks/checkstyleXML')(grunt, XMLReporter);
// create a new reporter and add checkstyle formatting
var reporter = new MultiReporter(files, options);
// create a new violation, from whatever data you like
filepath: file,
line: 0,
column: 0,
name: key,
rule: key,
severity: severity,
message: 'Too many',
ratio: ratio,
value: metrics[key] + ' ('+ options.analyzecss[key] + ')'
// register the violation with the reporter
reporter.violations(file, violations);
Real-world examples can be found in (grunt-css-analysis) and (grunt-complexity-report)
Jenkins has plugins to report on violations from a number of standard tools. There are many tools that are used to generate errors and issues, in a huge range of formats.
Violation-reporter is designed as a way to take this data and transform it into one of the available standards.
Generally intended to be run from grunt or another build tool.
It currently only outputs to console, checkstyle and PMD format, but would be easy to extend to other XML formats.
npm install violation-reporter
Stuart Campbell (campbes)
Released under the MIT License