Powered by Telegraf
What is this?
This is a utility for express to send fresh posts from VK to Telegram!
Be careful, it doesn't send audio and poll's(maybe fix soon).
npm install git+https://github.com/ejnshtein/vk-to-telegram.git
Soon i'll push it to npm package
And now a bit example
const app = require('express')(),
bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
vkToTelegram = require('vk-to-telegram'),
vkToTg = new vkToTelegram({
botToken: token,
chatName: chatName,
ownerId: ownerId,
vkConfirmation: vkConfirmation,
vkToken: vkToken
app.post('/', vkToTg.send)
console.log('listening on port 80')
Variables from example
Variable | Required | Description |
token | Yes | Bot token from Botfather |
chatName | Yes | Telegram channel or group link, like '@tavernofheroes' but without @!!! |
ownerId | Yes | Your telegram id for sending error if they are. U can get know it from @getidsbot |
vkConfirmation | Yes | Confirmation string from ur group callback api server: ![](https://github.com/ejnshtein/vk-to-telegram/raw/HEAD/docs/vkcallback.png) |
vkToken | Yes | Follow the instructions below: |
| | 1. Create Standalone application here: https://vk.com/apps?act=manage |
| | 2. Open settings in created application and copy application id |
| | 3. Open this link with replace your application id: |
| | https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id=YOUR APPLICATION ID&display=page&redirect_uri=http://vk.com/&scope=offline,video,docs&response_type=code&v=5.73 |
| | 4. Click allow all that need's and it's all! Your token is in query url, do not copy all link, only token without other params!!! |
fromId | Optional | VK group id with '-'in start or nothing, if you don't need check. |
For example, because I had a lot of bot's and when fixing the bug is inconvenient to update the code in all bots.
It's free, yeah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)