
Add it to your project
- Using NPM
npm install react-native-quiz-single-choice
- or:
- Using Yarn
yarn add react-native-quiz-single-choice
import React from "react";
import QuizeSingleChoice from "react-native-quiz-single-choice";
const QuizSingleChoiceApp = () => {
const data = [
"Pendant la préhistoire, quelle période a suivi l’age de la pierre taillée ?",
optionA: "l’âge de la pierre polie",
optionB: "l’âge du fer",
optionC: "l’âge du bronze",
optionD: "l’âge de la pierre ponce",
answer: "l’âge de la pierre polie",
question: "Une personne qui parle couramment le français est :",
optionA: "Francilienne",
optionB: "Francophone",
optionC: "Tchatcheuse",
optionD: "Francophile",
answer: "Francophone",
question: "Quel petit signe place-t-on parfois sous la lettre C ?",
optionA: "Une virgule",
optionB: "Une cédille",
optionC: "Une apostrophe",
optionD: "Un petit cygne",
answer: "Une cédille",
return (
containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#61dafb", paddingTop: 30 }}
questionTitleStyle={{ fontSize: 22, color: "#FFF" }}
borderRadius: 15,
responseTextStyle={{ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: "normal" }}
borderRadius: 15,
backgroundColor: "#fa5541",
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: "normal",
nextButtonStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#06d755" }}
nextButtonTextStyle={{ color: "#FFF" }}
prevButtonStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#fa5541" }}
prevButtonTextStyle={{ color: "#FFF" }}
endButtonStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#000" }}
endButtonTextStyle={{ color: "#FFF" }}
buttonsContainerStyle={{ marginTop: "auto" }}
onEnd={(results) => {
export default QuizSingleChoiceApp;
Property name | Type | Description |
containerStyle | Object | Custom style for the screen container |
questionTitleStyle | Object | custom style for the title of the question |
responseStyle | Object | custom style for the container of each response |
responseTextStyle | Object | custom style for the text of each response |
selectedResponseStyle | Object | custom style for the container of the selected response |
selectedResponseTextStyle | Object | custom style for the text of selected response |
responseRequired | Boolean | make the answer mandatory if true. default to false |
nextButtonText | String | the text of the next button |
nextButtonStyle | Object | Custom style for the next button |
nextButtonTextStyle | Object | Custom style for the title of the next button |
prevButtonText | String | the text of the prev button |
prevButtonStyle | Object | Custom style for the prev button |
prevButtonTextStyle | Object | Custom style for the title of the prev button |
endButtonText | String | the text of the end button |
endButtonStyle | Object | Custom style for the end button |
endButtonTextStyle | Object | Custom style for the title of the end button |
buttonsContainerStyle | Object | Custom style for the container of the next and prev buttons |
onEnd | Function | Function to handle the end of the quiz |
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