Volto add-on that fetches site settings, as configured in the Site controlpanel, during SSR and stores data in the redux store.
It also contains a customization of the default Volto Logo component that uses the logo and site title set in the controlpanel.
Note: this add-on currently needs redturtle.volto to be installed in order to work.
In your Volto project run
yarn add -W volto-site-settings
Then add the add-on to the addons
section of your project package.json
You can read the site settings directly from the redux store, they will always be populated since they are requested by the server when generating the page during SSR.
The settings are not refreshed on navigation. This means that after changing the settings, you need a full reload of the page in order to read the settings again.
import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
const Logo = () => {
const siteSettings = useSelector((state) => state.siteSettings);
const siteTitle = siteSettings.result.site_title;
See the customized Logo implementation in this package for more details.
Contributions are welcome, feel free to open an issue or submit a PR.
This project uses the conventional changelog specification (see COMMITLINT.md).
This product is licensed under the MIT License.
This product was developed by the RedTurtle Technology team.