What is vscode-css-languageservice?
The vscode-css-languageservice package provides a set of tools and services for working with CSS in a way that integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio Code. It offers features like CSS validation, completion, hover information, and more, making it easier for developers to write and maintain CSS code.
What are vscode-css-languageservice's main functionalities?
CSS Validation
This feature allows you to validate CSS code and get diagnostics information. The code sample demonstrates how to create a CSS language service, parse a stylesheet, and perform validation to get diagnostics.
const cssService = require('vscode-css-languageservice').getCSSLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test.css', languageId: 'css', version: 1, getText: () => 'body { color: red; }' };
const stylesheet = cssService.parseStylesheet(document);
const diagnostics = cssService.doValidation(document, stylesheet);
CSS Completion
This feature provides code completion suggestions for CSS. The code sample shows how to get completion items for a given position in a CSS document.
const cssService = require('vscode-css-languageservice').getCSSLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test.css', languageId: 'css', version: 1, getText: () => 'body { col' } };
const position = { line: 0, character: 10 };
const stylesheet = cssService.parseStylesheet(document);
const completions = cssService.doComplete(document, position, stylesheet);
CSS Hover Information
This feature provides hover information for CSS code. The code sample demonstrates how to get hover information for a specific position in a CSS document.
const cssService = require('vscode-css-languageservice').getCSSLanguageService();
const document = { uri: 'test.css', languageId: 'css', version: 1, getText: () => 'body { color: red; }' };
const position = { line: 0, character: 7 };
const stylesheet = cssService.parseStylesheet(document);
const hover = cssService.doHover(document, position, stylesheet);
Other packages similar to vscode-css-languageservice
PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins. It offers a wide range of functionalities including linting, autoprefixing, and more. Unlike vscode-css-languageservice, which is focused on providing language services for CSS in an editor environment, PostCSS is more about transforming and processing CSS code.
Stylelint is a modern linter that helps you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles. It is highly configurable and can be integrated into various build systems. While vscode-css-languageservice provides validation and other language services within an editor, Stylelint is more focused on linting and enforcing coding standards.
CSS-tree is a tool for working with CSS, including parsing, generating, and analyzing CSS code. It provides a low-level API for manipulating CSS. Compared to vscode-css-languageservice, which offers high-level language services, CSS-tree provides more granular control over CSS parsing and manipulation.
Language services for CSS, LESS and SCSS

The vscode-css-languageservice contains the language smarts behind the CSS, LESS and SCSS editing experience of Visual Studio Code
and the Monaco editor.
- doValidation analyses an input string and returns syntax and lint errors.
- doComplete provides completion proposals for a given location.
- doHover provides a hover text for a given location.
- findDefinition finds the definition of the symbol at the given location.
- findReferences finds all references to the symbol at the given location.
- findDocumentHighlights finds all symbols connected to the given location.
- findDocumentSymbols provides all symbols in the given document
- doCodeActions evaluates code actions for the given location, typically to fix a problem.
- findDocumentColors evaluates all color symbols in the given document
- doRename renames all symbols connected to the given location.
- prepareRename the range of the node that can be renamed
- getFoldingRanges returns folding ranges in the given document.
npm install --save vscode-css-languageservice
For the complete API see cssLanguageService.ts and cssLanguageTypes.ts
- clone this repo, run `npm install``
npm test
to compile and run tests
How can I run and debug the service?
- open the folder in VSCode.
- set breakpoints, e.g. in
- run the Unit tests from the run viewlet and wait until a breakpoint is hit:

How can I run and debug the service inside an instance of VSCode?
- run VSCode out of sources setup as described here: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute
- run
npm link
in the folder of vscode-css-languageservice
- use
npm link vscode-css-languageservice
in vscode/extensions/css-language-features/server
to run VSCode with the latest changes from vscode-css-languageservice
- run VSCode out of source (
) and open a .css
file - in VSCode window that is open on the
sources, run command Debug: Attach to Node process
and pick the code-oss
process with the css-language-features

- set breakpoints, e.g. in
- in the instance run from sources, invoke code completion in the
Note: All CSS entities (properties, at-rules, etc) are sourced from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-custom-data/tree/master/web-data and transpiled here. For adding new property or fixing existing properties' completion/hover description, please open PR there).
(MIT License)
Copyright 2016, 20 Microsoft
With the exceptions of build/mdn-documentation.js
, which is built upon content from Mozilla Developer Network
and distributed under CC BY-SA 2.5.