Vue material date picker
A material date picker component for Vue 3.
🚀 Installation
Install using your package manager of choice:
yarn add vue-3-material-date-picker
✨ Features
- Multiple date selection
- Customizable and themable
- Can be changed to any locale on the fly
📺 Demo
⚙️ Usage
Import the component locally or define it globally and include the css file:
<div style="display: flex">
:selected-items-text-formatter="(n) => `${n} dates selected`"
:allowed-dates="(date) => parseInt(date.split('-')[2], 10) % 2 === 0"
<div style="margin-left: 30px">
{{ date }}
<button @click="changeDate" style="margin-left: 5px">Change</button>
<button @click="changeLocale" style="margin-left: 5px">
Change locale
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import { DatePicker } from "vue-3-material-date-picker";
import "vue-3-material-date-picker/dist/style.css";
const date = ref(new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10));
const locale = ref("en-US");
const changeDate = () => {
date.value = "2023-09-23";
const changeLocale = () => {
locale.value = "hr-HR";
📃 Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
v-model | string/string[] | null | Standard two way input, must be passed as an ISO string (YYYY-mm-dd format e.g. 2023-04-23) |
min | string | 1970-01-01 | Allowed starting date, must be passed as an ISO string (YYYY-mm-dd format e.g. 2023-04-23) |
max | string | Current date | Allowed ending date, must be passed as an ISO string (YYYY-mm-dd format e.g. 2023-04-23) |
disabled | boolean | false | Makes the component uninteractable |
readonly | boolean | false | Makes the component uninteractable, but without the style of the disabled variant |
width | number/string | 290px | Sets the width of the element - can be provided as a string like "290px" or "290" or a number, defaults to 290px |
full-width | boolean | false | Ignores the previous width prop and sets the width to 100% of the parent container |
color | string | #2e79bd | Color of the various active component elements |
first-day-of-week | number/string | 0 | Sets the first day of the week, starting with 0 for Sunday |
hide-title | boolean | false | Hide the picker title |
show-adjacent-months | boolean | false | Toggles visibility of days from previous and next months |
locale | string | undefined | Sets the locale, accepts a string with a BCP 47 language tag e.g. en-us or hr-HR |
multiple | boolean | false | Allow the selection of multiple dates |
allowed-dates | function ((date: string) => boolean) | null | Restricts which dates can be selected |
selected-items-text-formatter | function ((n: number) => string) | Selected ${n} dates | Function for formatting the text for selecting multiple dates |
title-text-formatter | function ((date: string) => string) | undefined | Function for formatting the title text |
🎺 Events
Name | Type | Description |
change | (date: string) => void | Triggered when a date is selected |
select:year | () => void | Triggered when the user selects the year portion |
select:month | () => void | Triggered when the user selects the month portion |
select:day | () => void | Triggered when the user selects the day portion |
🧩 Slots
Use this slot if you want to override the date picke title, an example being:
<date-picker v-model="date">
{{ date }}
There are a few props being exposed:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
date | string | null | Currently selected date |
selectYears | function | N/A | Helper function used for triggering the selection of the years |
selectMonths | function | N/A | Helper function used for triggering the selection of the months |
selectDays | function | N/A | Helper function used for triggering the selection of the days |