vueJS + threeJS 3d viewer component, support dae/fbx/gltf(glb)/obj/ply/stl/json models, and support the same scene to import multiple different 3D models, support mtl materials and texture
Click here view demo page
demo gif
![demo gif image](
Vue3 please install 2.0.0 or later, vue2 please install 1.x.x version
Feature Support List
- Load a single 3D model
- Loading Multiple 3D Models Simultaneously
- Load multiple 3D models of different types at the same time
- Set scene width and height
- Set up materials and textures
- Interactive control
- Mouse event
- Light
- Camera position and rotation
- Add label points
npm i vue-3d-loader -S # npm install vue-3d-loader -save
yarn add vue-3d-loader
How to use vue-3d-loader
If use in global, insert code in entry file:
import vue3dLoader from "vue-3d-loader";
import vue3dLoader from "vue-3d-loader";
If non-global use, insert code in your vue files:
import { vue3dLoader } from "vue-3d-loader";
Use tags in your components<vue3dLoader></vue3dLoader>
:filePath="['/fbx/1.fbx', '/obj/2.obj', '/gltf/3.gltf']"
:mtlPath="[null, '/obj/2.mtl', null]"
prop | type | default | description |
filePath | string | array | - | File path, supports multiple files to be loaded together, note: If each file corresponds to a material, you need to set the material mtlPath as an array. The same is true for image textures, which need to be set to textureImage as an array |
mtlPath | string | array | - | .material path, supports multiple materials to be loaded together, set this parameter to an array, you must set filePath to an array |
textureImage | string | array | - | jpg/png texture, if is array, filePath must be set to an array |
width | number | - | width |
height | number | - | height |
position | object | - | object position |
rotation | object | - | rotation coordinates |
cameraPosition | object | { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 } | camera position |
cameraRotation | object | - | camera rotation |
scale | object | { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 } | scale the model |
lights | array | [{type: "AmbientLight",color: 0xaaaaaa,},{type: "DirectionalLight",position: { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 },color: 0xffffff,intensity: 0.8,}] | lights is array, type AmbientLight and DirectionalLight |
backgroundColor | number | string | 0xffffff | background color supports number/hex/rgb. like 0xffffff/#f00/rgb(255,255,255) |
backgroundAlpha | number | 1 | Background transparency (range 0-1) |
controlsOptions | object | - | control parameter OrbitControls Properties |
crossOrigin | string | anonymous | Cross-domain configuration. The value is anonymous or use-credentials |
requestHeader | object | - | set request header. example: { 'Authorization: Bearer token' } |
outputEncoding | number | THREE.LinearEncoding | Renderer's output encoding WebGLRenderer OutputEncoding |
webGLRendererOptions | object | { antialias: true, alpha: true } | WebGLRenderer options WebGLRenderer Parameters |
showFps | boolean | false | show stats infomation |
clearScene | boolean | false | clear scene |
parallelLoad | boolean | false | enable/disable parallel load models (useful only for multi-model loading). Use this attribute, the process event will be unpredictable |
labels | object | {image: "", text: "", textStyle: { fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: 18, fontWeight: "normal", lineHeight: 1, color: "#ffffff", borderWidth: 8, borderRadius: 4, borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1)",backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" }, position: {x:0, y:0, z:0}, scale:{x:1, y:1, z:0}, sid: null} | Add an image/text label and set image to display the image label. Set text to display text labels. Text styles can be set using textStyle. For examples, see the examples/add-label.vue file |
event | description |
mousedown(event, intersects) | mouse down, intersect: currently intersecting objects |
mousemove(event, intersects) | mouse move, intersect: currently intersecting objects |
mouseup(event, intersects) | mouse up, intersect: currently intersecting objects |
click(event, intersects) | click, intersect: currently intersecting objects |
load | load model event |
process(event, fileIndex) | loading progress, fileIndex: the index of the currently loaded model |
error(event) | error event |
1. Load a 3D model
supports dae/fbx/gltf(glb)/obj/ply/stl models
<!-- fbx model -->
<vue3dLoader filePath="models/collada/stormtrooper/stormtrooper.dae"></vue3dLoader>
<!-- obj model -->
<vue3dLoader filePath="/obj/1.obj"></vue3dLoader>
2. Loading multiple models in the same scene
<!-- Load multiple models of different type -->
:scale="{ x: 0.4, y: 0.4, z: 0.4 }"
:cameraPosition="{ x: 100, y: 200, z: 30 }"
export default {
data() {
return {
filePath: [
"/models/fbx/Samba Dancing.fbx",
3. Material and texture
<!-- obj and mtl material -->
<vue3dLoader filePath="/obj/1.obj" mtlPath="/obj/1.mtl" ></vue3dLoader>
<!-- fbx and png texture -->
<vue3dLoader filePath="/fbx/1.fbx" textureImage="/fbx/1.png" ></vue3dLoader>
4. Background color and transparency
<vue3dLoader filePath="/fbx/1.fbx" :backgroundAlpha="0.5" backgroundColor="red"></vue3dLoader>
5. Controls
<div class="controls">
<div class="buttons">
<!-- Disable right-click dragging -->
<button @click="enablePan = !enablePan">
{{ enablePan ? "disable" : "enable" }} translation
<!-- Disable zoom -->
<button @click="enableZoom = !enableZoom">
{{ enableZoom ? "disable" : "enable" }} zoom
<!-- Disable rotate -->
<button @click="enableRotate = !enableRotate">
{{ enableRotate ? "disable" : "enable" }} rotation
:cameraPosition="{ x: 0, y: -10, z: 13 }"
export default {
data() {
return {
enablePan: true,
enableZoom: true,
enableRotate: true,
6. Rotate model
export default {
data() {
return {
rotation: {
x: -Math.PI / 2,
y: 0,
z: 0,
methods: {
onLoad() {
rotate() {
this.rotation.z += 0.01;
7. Events
<vue3dLoader filePath="/models/ply/Lucy100k.ply" @mousemove="onMouseMove" />
export default {
data() {
return {
object: null,
methods: {
onMouseMove(event, intersected) {
if (this.object) {
if (intersected) {
this.object = intersected.object;
8. More demos code
Click here to see more demo code
Coming soon
This plugin is inseparable from vue-3d-model