- Reactive content using Vue.js
- Material Icons
- Hotkey support
- Touch-device compatibile
- Add your own button or menu components
- Easy multi-language implementation by using vue-i18n
In your Vue.js project:
npm install vue-file-toolbar-menu
:speech_balloon: If you prefer static files, import assets from the dist
Basic example
<div> <vue-file-toolbar-menu :content="my_menu" /> </div>
import VueFileToolbarMenu from 'vue-file-toolbar-menu'
export default {
components: { VueFileToolbarMenu },
data () { return { happy: false } },
computed: {
my_menu () {
return [
{ text: "My Menu", menu: [
{ text: "Item 1", click: () => alert("Action 1") },
{ text: "Item 2", click: () => alert("Action 2") }
] }, {
text: "My Button",
active: this.happy,
icon: this.happy ? "sentiment_very_satisfied" : "sentiment_satisfied",
click: () => { this.happy = !this.happy }
Should render this:
Complete example
See the Demo.vue file corresponding to the live demo. Also read the API.
Styling can be done either by writing CSS variables or by overloading CSS properties using !important
. View the default stylesheet for reference.
:speech_balloon: If you need some variables that are missing, edit this file then submit a PR.
View CSS variables
:root {
--bar-font-color: rgb(32, 33, 36);
--bar-font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
--bar-font-size: 15px;
--bar-font-weight: 500;
--bar-letter-spacing: 0.2px;
--bar-padding: 3px;
--bar-button-icon-size: 20px;
--bar-button-padding: 4px 6px;
--bar-button-radius: 4px;
--bar-button-hover-bkg: rgb(241, 243, 244);
--bar-button-active-color: rgb(26, 115, 232);
--bar-button-active-bkg: rgb(232, 240, 254);
--bar-button-open-color: rgb(32, 33, 36);
--bar-button-open-bkg: rgb(232, 240, 254);
--bar-menu-bkg: white;
--bar-menu-border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
--bar-menu-item-chevron-margin: 0;
--bar-menu-item-hover-bkg: rgb(241, 243, 244);
--bar-menu-item-padding: 5px 8px 5px 35px;
--bar-menu-item-icon-size: 15px;
--bar-menu-item-icon-margin: 0 9px 0 -25px;
--bar-menu-padding: 6px 1px;
--bar-menu-shadow: 0 2px 6px 2px rgba(60, 64, 67, 0.15);
--bar-menu-separator-height: 1px;
--bar-menu-separator-margin: 5px 0 5px 34px;
--bar-menu-separator-color: rgb(227, 229, 233);
--bar-separator-color: rgb(218, 220, 224);
--bar-separator-width: 1px;
--bar-sub-menu-border-radius: 3px;
:microscope: (CSS backdrop filter is still experimental!)
View CSS variables
:root {
--bar-font-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
--bar-font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
--bar-font-size: 15.5px;
--bar-button-icon-size: 20px;
--bar-button-padding: 4px 7px 5px 7px;
--bar-button-radius: 0;
--bar-button-hover-bkg: none;
--bar-button-active-color: white;
--bar-button-active-bkg: rgba(41, 122, 255, 0.9);
--bar-button-open-color: white;
--bar-button-open-bkg: rgba(41, 122, 255, 0.9);
--bar-menu-bkg: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
--bar-menu-backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px);
--bar-menu-backdrop-filter-bkg: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
--bar-menu-border: solid 1px #BBB;
--bar-menu-border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px;
--bar-menu-item-chevron-margin: 0;
--bar-menu-item-hover-color: white;
--bar-menu-item-hover-bkg: rgba(41, 122, 255, 0.9);
--bar-menu-item-padding: 1px 12px 2px 25px;
--bar-menu-item-icon-size: 16px;
--bar-menu-item-icon-margin: 0 4px 0 -20px;
--bar-menu-padding: 3px 0;
--bar-menu-shadow: 0 6px 13px 0 rgba(60, 60, 60, 0.4);
--bar-menu-separator-height: 2px;
--bar-menu-separator-margin: 5px 0;
--bar-menu-separator-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08);
--bar-sub-menu-border-radius: 6px;
Project development
npm run serve
compiles and hot-reloads demo for developmentnpm run build
compiles and minifies production files and demonpm run lint
lints and fixes files
Copyright (c) 2020 Romain Lamothe, MIT License