A json editor of vue.js
Component properties
v-model:bind the [json object]
:show-btns: boolean, show the save button, default: true
:expandedOnStart: boolean, expand the JSON editor on start for the modes 'tree', 'view', and 'form', default: false
:mode: string, default: tree
:lang: string, default: en
@json-change: on json changed
@json-save: on json save
@has-error: on error
How to use
1. Install using npm
npm install vue-json-editor --save
2. Use vue-json-editor in the vue component
<vue-json-editor v-model="json" :show-btns="true" :expandedOnStart="true" @json-change="onJsonChange"></vue-json-editor>
import vueJsonEditor from 'vue-json-editor'
export default {
data () {
return {
json: {
msg: 'demo of jsoneditor'
components: {
methods: {
onJsonChange (value) {
console.log('value:', value)