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vue-maplibre-gl - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.3.3 to 5.3.4




@@ -10,3 +10,2 @@ export { default as MglMap } from './map.component';

export { default as MglStyleSwitchControl } from './controls/styleSwitch.control';
export { default as MglDrawControl } from './controls/draw.control';
export { default as MglButton } from './button.component';

@@ -13,0 +12,0 @@ export { default as MglMarker } from './marker.component';

@@ -6,1 +6,2 @@ export * from './plugin';

export * from './types';
export { default as MglDrawControl } from './draw.control';
* vue-maplibre-gl v5.3.3
* vue-maplibre-gl v5.3.4
* (c) 2025 Volker Nauruhn
* @license MIT
import { C as e, a as r, b as s, D as d, P as i } from "./plugin-CLGuBXZ9.js";
var Pe = Object.defineProperty;
var Se = (t, o, e) => o in t ? Pe(t, o, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) : t[o] = e;
var b = (t, o, e) => Se(t, typeof o != "symbol" ? o + "" : o, e);
import { t as fe, b as Ae, h as te, m as Le, f as Ee, M as $, B as q } from "./button.component-DHk7NkrP.js";
import "maplibre-gl";
import "geojson";
import { defineComponent as ke, inject as ie, reactive as De, watch as G, onBeforeUnmount as Te, h as H } from "vue";
var L = 63710088e-1, Oe = {
centimeters: L * 100,
centimetres: L * 100,
degrees: 360 / (2 * Math.PI),
feet: L * 3.28084,
inches: L * 39.37,
kilometers: L / 1e3,
kilometres: L / 1e3,
meters: L,
metres: L,
miles: L / 1609.344,
millimeters: L * 1e3,
millimetres: L * 1e3,
nauticalmiles: L / 1852,
radians: 1,
yards: L * 1.0936
function K(t, o, e = {}) {
const i = { type: "Feature" };
return ( === 0 || && ( =, e.bbox && (i.bbox = e.bbox), = o || {}, i.geometry = t, i;
function Ve(t, o, e = {}) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("coordinates is required");
if (!Array.isArray(t))
throw new Error("coordinates must be an Array");
if (t.length < 2)
throw new Error("coordinates must be at least 2 numbers long");
if (!re(t[0]) || !re(t[1]))
throw new Error("coordinates must contain numbers");
return K({
type: "Point",
coordinates: t
}, o, e);
function xe(t, o, e = {}) {
for (const n of t) {
if (n.length < 4)
throw new Error(
"Each LinearRing of a Polygon must have 4 or more Positions."
if (n[n.length - 1].length !== n[0].length)
throw new Error("First and last Position are not equivalent.");
for (let r = 0; r < n[n.length - 1].length; r++)
if (n[n.length - 1][r] !== n[0][r])
throw new Error("First and last Position are not equivalent.");
return K({
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: t
}, o, e);
function ze(t, o = "kilometers") {
const e = Oe[o];
if (!e)
throw new Error(o + " units is invalid");
return t / e;
function oe(t) {
return t % (2 * Math.PI) * 180 / Math.PI;
function Y(t) {
return t % 360 * Math.PI / 180;
function re(t) {
return !isNaN(t) && t !== null && !Array.isArray(t);
function Ie(t) {
return t !== null && typeof t == "object" && !Array.isArray(t);
function de(t, o, e) {
if (t !== null)
for (var i, n, r, s, a, c, u, p = 0, l = 0, h, f = t.type, g = f === "FeatureCollection", m = f === "Feature", y = g ? t.features.length : 1, d = 0; d < y; d++) {
u = g ? t.features[d].geometry : m ? t.geometry : t, h = u ? u.type === "GeometryCollection" : !1, a = h ? u.geometries.length : 1;
for (var v = 0; v < a; v++) {
var w = 0, M = 0;
if (s = h ? u.geometries[v] : u, s !== null) {
c = s.coordinates;
var _ = s.type;
switch (p = 0, _) {
case null:
case "Point":
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
l++, w++;
case "LineString":
case "MultiPoint":
for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
l++, _ === "MultiPoint" && w++;
_ === "LineString" && w++;
case "Polygon":
case "MultiLineString":
for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
for (n = 0; n < c[i].length - p; n++) {
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
_ === "MultiLineString" && w++, _ === "Polygon" && M++;
_ === "Polygon" && w++;
case "MultiPolygon":
for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
for (M = 0, n = 0; n < c[i].length; n++) {
for (r = 0; r < c[i][n].length - p; r++) {
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
case "GeometryCollection":
for (i = 0; i < s.geometries.length; i++)
if (de(s.geometries[i], o) === !1)
return !1;
throw new Error("Unknown Geometry Type");
function me(t, o) {
var e, i, n, r, s, a, c, u, p, l, h = 0, f = t.type === "FeatureCollection", g = t.type === "Feature", m = f ? t.features.length : 1;
for (e = 0; e < m; e++) {
for (a = f ? t.features[e].geometry : g ? t.geometry : t, u = f ? t.features[e].properties : g ? : {}, p = f ? t.features[e].bbox : g ? t.bbox : void 0, l = f ? t.features[e].id : g ? : void 0, c = a ? a.type === "GeometryCollection" : !1, s = c ? a.geometries.length : 1, n = 0; n < s; n++) {
if (r = c ? a.geometries[n] : a, r === null) {
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
switch (r.type) {
case "Point":
case "LineString":
case "MultiPoint":
case "Polygon":
case "MultiLineString":
case "MultiPolygon": {
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
case "GeometryCollection": {
for (i = 0; i < r.geometries.length; i++)
if (o(
) === !1)
return !1;
throw new Error("Unknown Geometry Type");
function Re(t, o, e) {
var i = e;
return me(
function(n, r, s, a, c) {
i = o(
), i;
function Ue(t) {
return Re(
(o, e) => o + Fe(e),
function Fe(t) {
let o = 0, e;
switch (t.type) {
case "Polygon":
return ne(t.coordinates);
case "MultiPolygon":
for (e = 0; e < t.coordinates.length; e++)
o += ne(t.coordinates[e]);
return o;
case "Point":
case "MultiPoint":
case "LineString":
case "MultiLineString":
return 0;
return 0;
function ne(t) {
let o = 0;
if (t && t.length > 0) {
o += Math.abs(se(t[0]));
for (let e = 1; e < t.length; e++)
o -= Math.abs(se(t[e]));
return o;
var Ge = L * L / 2, W = Math.PI / 180;
function se(t) {
const o = t.length - 1;
if (o <= 2) return 0;
let e = 0, i = 0;
for (; i < o; ) {
const n = t[i], r = t[i + 1 === o ? 0 : i + 1], s = t[i + 2 >= o ? (i + 2) % o : i + 2], a = n[0] * W, c = r[1] * W, u = s[0] * W;
e += (u - a) * Math.sin(c), i++;
return e * Ge;
var He = Ue;
function ge(t) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("coord is required");
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
if (t.type === "Feature" && t.geometry !== null && t.geometry.type === "Point")
return [...t.geometry.coordinates];
if (t.type === "Point")
return [...t.coordinates];
if (Array.isArray(t) && t.length >= 2 && !Array.isArray(t[0]) && !Array.isArray(t[1]))
return [...t];
throw new Error("coord must be GeoJSON Point or an Array of numbers");
function N(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return t;
if (t.type === "Feature") {
if (t.geometry !== null)
return t.geometry.coordinates;
} else if (t.coordinates)
return t.coordinates;
throw new Error(
"coords must be GeoJSON Feature, Geometry Object or an Array"
function Ne(t) {
return t.type === "Feature" ? t.geometry : t;
function Be(t, o) {
return t.type === "FeatureCollection" ? "FeatureCollection" : t.type === "GeometryCollection" ? "GeometryCollection" : t.type === "Feature" && t.geometry !== null ? t.geometry.type : t.type;
function $e(t, o, e, i = {}) {
const n = ge(t), r = Y(n[0]), s = Y(n[1]), a = Y(e), c = ze(o, i.units), u = Math.asin(
Math.sin(s) * Math.cos(c) + Math.cos(s) * Math.sin(c) * Math.cos(a)
), p = r + Math.atan2(
Math.sin(a) * Math.sin(c) * Math.cos(s),
Math.cos(c) - Math.sin(s) * Math.sin(u)
), l = oe(p), h = oe(u);
return Ve([l, h],;
function qe(t, o, e = {}) {
const i = e.steps || 64, n = ? : !Array.isArray(t) && t.type === "Feature" && ? : {}, r = [];
for (let s = 0; s < i; s++)
$e(t, o, s * -360 / i, e).geometry.coordinates
return r.push(r[0]), xe([r], n);
var Ye = qe;
class j {
constructor(o, e, i) {
b(this, "earthRadius", 6371e3);
b(this, "plugin");
b(this, "map");
b(this, "source");
b(this, "collection");
this.plugin = o, = e, this.source = i;
getPolygon() {
return this.collection.features[0];
clonePolygon() {
return this.getPolygon().geometry.coordinates[0].map((o) => [o[0], o[1]]);
isNearby(o, e, i) {
const n = i ? this.plugin.options.pointerPrecision.touch : this.plugin.options.pointerPrecision.mouse, r =, s = Math.sqrt((e.x - r.x) ** 2 + (e.y - r.y) ** 2);
return console.log("isTouch", i, n, s, s <= n), s <= n;
getMidpoint(o, e) {
return [(o[0] + e[0]) / 2, (o[1] + e[1]) / 2];
clear() {
this.source.setData({ type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] });
render() {
var o;
if (this.plugin.options.minArea.size && ((o = this.collection) != null && o.features[0])) {
const e = this.getAreaSize(this.collection.features[0]);
this.collection.features[0].properties.area = e, this.collection.features[0].properties.tooSmall = e < this.plugin.options.minArea.size;
this.source.setData(this.collection ?? { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] });
emitOnUpdate(o) {
var e, i, n, r;
o ? (i = (e = this.plugin.options).onUpdate) == null ||, o) : this.collection && ((r = (n = this.plugin.options).onUpdate) == null ||, this.collection.features[0]));
createCircle(o, e, i = 64) {
const n = Ye(o, e, { units: "degrees", steps: i, properties: { center: o, radius: e, meta: "circle" } });
return = this.getAreaSize(n), = < (this.plugin.options.minArea.size ?? -1), n;
// returns m²
getAreaSize(o) {
if ( === "circle" && {
const e = * (Math.PI / 180) * this.earthRadius;
return Math.PI * Math.pow(e, 2);
return He(o);
isTouchEvent(o) {
return o.originalEvent instanceof TouchEvent;
const I = 11102230246251565e-32, S = 134217729, We = (3 + 8 * I) * I;
function X(t, o, e, i, n) {
let r, s, a, c, u = o[0], p = i[0], l = 0, h = 0;
p > u == p > -u ? (r = u, u = o[++l]) : (r = p, p = i[++h]);
let f = 0;
if (l < t && h < e)
for (p > u == p > -u ? (s = u + r, a = r - (s - u), u = o[++l]) : (s = p + r, a = r - (s - p), p = i[++h]), r = s, a !== 0 && (n[f++] = a); l < t && h < e; )
p > u == p > -u ? (s = r + u, c = s - r, a = r - (s - c) + (u - c), u = o[++l]) : (s = r + p, c = s - r, a = r - (s - c) + (p - c), p = i[++h]), r = s, a !== 0 && (n[f++] = a);
for (; l < t; )
s = r + u, c = s - r, a = r - (s - c) + (u - c), u = o[++l], r = s, a !== 0 && (n[f++] = a);
for (; h < e; )
s = r + p, c = s - r, a = r - (s - c) + (p - c), p = i[++h], r = s, a !== 0 && (n[f++] = a);
return (r !== 0 || f === 0) && (n[f++] = r), f;
function Xe(t, o) {
let e = o[0];
for (let i = 1; i < t; i++) e += o[i];
return e;
function F(t) {
return new Float64Array(t);
const Je = (3 + 16 * I) * I, Ze = (2 + 12 * I) * I, Qe = (9 + 64 * I) * I * I, R = F(4), ae = F(8), le = F(12), ce = F(16), A = F(4);
function Ke(t, o, e, i, n, r, s) {
let a, c, u, p, l, h, f, g, m, y, d, v, w, M, _, C, k, P;
const D = t - n, T = e - n, O = o - r, V = i - r;
M = D * V, h = S * D, f = h - (h - D), g = D - f, h = S * V, m = h - (h - V), y = V - m, _ = g * y - (M - f * m - g * m - f * y), C = O * T, h = S * O, f = h - (h - O), g = O - f, h = S * T, m = h - (h - T), y = T - m, k = g * y - (C - f * m - g * m - f * y), d = _ - k, l = _ - d, R[0] = _ - (d + l) + (l - k), v = M + d, l = v - M, w = M - (v - l) + (d - l), d = w - C, l = w - d, R[1] = w - (d + l) + (l - C), P = v + d, l = P - v, R[2] = v - (P - l) + (d - l), R[3] = P;
let z = Xe(4, R), U = Ze * s;
if (z >= U || -z >= U || (l = t - D, a = t - (D + l) + (l - n), l = e - T, u = e - (T + l) + (l - n), l = o - O, c = o - (O + l) + (l - r), l = i - V, p = i - (V + l) + (l - r), a === 0 && c === 0 && u === 0 && p === 0) || (U = Qe * s + We * Math.abs(z), z += D * p + V * a - (O * u + T * c), z >= U || -z >= U)) return z;
M = a * V, h = S * a, f = h - (h - a), g = a - f, h = S * V, m = h - (h - V), y = V - m, _ = g * y - (M - f * m - g * m - f * y), C = c * T, h = S * c, f = h - (h - c), g = c - f, h = S * T, m = h - (h - T), y = T - m, k = g * y - (C - f * m - g * m - f * y), d = _ - k, l = _ - d, A[0] = _ - (d + l) + (l - k), v = M + d, l = v - M, w = M - (v - l) + (d - l), d = w - C, l = w - d, A[1] = w - (d + l) + (l - C), P = v + d, l = P - v, A[2] = v - (P - l) + (d - l), A[3] = P;
const _e = X(4, R, 4, A, ae);
M = D * p, h = S * D, f = h - (h - D), g = D - f, h = S * p, m = h - (h - p), y = p - m, _ = g * y - (M - f * m - g * m - f * y), C = O * u, h = S * O, f = h - (h - O), g = O - f, h = S * u, m = h - (h - u), y = u - m, k = g * y - (C - f * m - g * m - f * y), d = _ - k, l = _ - d, A[0] = _ - (d + l) + (l - k), v = M + d, l = v - M, w = M - (v - l) + (d - l), d = w - C, l = w - d, A[1] = w - (d + l) + (l - C), P = v + d, l = P - v, A[2] = v - (P - l) + (d - l), A[3] = P;
const be = X(_e, ae, 4, A, le);
M = a * p, h = S * a, f = h - (h - a), g = a - f, h = S * p, m = h - (h - p), y = p - m, _ = g * y - (M - f * m - g * m - f * y), C = c * u, h = S * c, f = h - (h - c), g = c - f, h = S * u, m = h - (h - u), y = u - m, k = g * y - (C - f * m - g * m - f * y), d = _ - k, l = _ - d, A[0] = _ - (d + l) + (l - k), v = M + d, l = v - M, w = M - (v - l) + (d - l), d = w - C, l = w - d, A[1] = w - (d + l) + (l - C), P = v + d, l = P - v, A[2] = v - (P - l) + (d - l), A[3] = P;
const Ce = X(be, le, 4, A, ce);
return ce[Ce - 1];
function je(t, o, e, i, n, r) {
const s = (o - r) * (e - n), a = (t - n) * (i - r), c = s - a, u = Math.abs(s + a);
return Math.abs(c) >= Je * u ? c : -Ke(t, o, e, i, n, r, u);
function et(t, o) {
var e, i, n = 0, r, s, a, c, u, p, l, h = t[0], f = t[1], g = o.length;
for (e = 0; e < g; e++) {
i = 0;
var m = o[e], y = m.length - 1;
if (p = m[0], p[0] !== m[y][0] && p[1] !== m[y][1])
throw new Error("First and last coordinates in a ring must be the same");
for (s = p[0] - h, a = p[1] - f, i; i < y; i++) {
if (l = m[i + 1], c = l[0] - h, u = l[1] - f, a === 0 && u === 0) {
if (c <= 0 && s >= 0 || s <= 0 && c >= 0)
return 0;
} else if (u >= 0 && a <= 0 || u <= 0 && a >= 0) {
if (r = je(s, c, a, u, 0, 0), r === 0)
return 0;
(r > 0 && u > 0 && a <= 0 || r < 0 && u <= 0 && a > 0) && n++;
p = l, a = u, s = c;
return n % 2 !== 0;
function tt(t, o, e = {}) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("point is required");
if (!o)
throw new Error("polygon is required");
const i = ge(t), n = Ne(o), r = n.type, s = o.bbox;
let a = n.coordinates;
if (s && it(i, s) === !1)
return !1;
r === "Polygon" && (a = [a]);
let c = !1;
for (var u = 0; u < a.length; ++u) {
const p = et(i, a[u]);
if (p === 0) return !e.ignoreBoundary;
p && (c = !0);
return c;
function it(t, o) {
return o[0] <= t[0] && o[1] <= t[1] && o[2] >= t[0] && o[3] >= t[1];
var ye = tt;
class ot extends j {
constructor(e, i, n, r) {
super(e, i, n);
b(this, "_mode");
b(this, "_moveStart");
b(this, "_resizeAnker");
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this), this.onMouseMove = fe(this.onMouseMove.bind(this), 16), this.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this), this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this), this.setModel(r);
onClick(e) {
if (this._mode)
const i = e.lngLat.toArray(), n =[e.point.x + 1, e.point.y]), r = Math.abs(n.lng - e.lngLat.lng) * 50, s = this.createCircle(i, r);
this.createFeatureCollection(s), this.generateVertices(), this.render(), this.emitOnUpdate();
onMouseDown(e) {
var n;
if (!((n = this.collection) != null && n.features.length))
for (let r = 0, s = this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates.length; r < s; r++)
if (this.isNearby(this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates[r], e.point, this.isTouchEvent(e))) {
e.preventDefault(), this._resizeAnker = r, this._mode = "resize";
const i = this.getPolygon();
ye(e.lngLat.toArray(), i) && (e.preventDefault(), this._moveStart = { polygon: this.clonePolygon(), point: [], start: e.lngLat }, this._mode = "move");
onMouseMove(e) {
var n;
if (!this._mode || !((n = this.collection) != null && n.features.length))
let i;
switch (this._mode) {
case "move":
if (!this._moveStart)
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon();
const r = -, s = e.lngLat.lng - this._moveStart.start.lng;
for (let c = 0, u = i.geometry.coordinates[0].length; c < u; c++)
i.geometry.coordinates[0][c][1] = this._moveStart.polygon[c][1] + r, i.geometry.coordinates[0][c][0] = this._moveStart.polygon[c][0] + s;[1] = this._moveStart.point[1] + r,[0] = this._moveStart.point[0] + s, this.generateVertices(), this.render();
case "resize":
if (!this._resizeAnker)
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon();
let a;
switch (this._resizeAnker) {
case 0:
case 2:
a = Math.abs([1] -;
case 1:
case 3:
a = Math.abs([0] - e.lngLat.lng) * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180);
i.geometry.coordinates[0] = this.createCircle(, a).geometry.coordinates[0], = a, this.generateVertices(), this.render();
onMouseUp(e) {
if (this._mode)
switch (this._mode) {
case "move":
case "resize":
e.preventDefault(), this._mode = void 0, this._moveStart = void 0, this._resizeAnker = void 0, this.emitOnUpdate();
generateVertices() {
if (!this.collection)
const e = this.getPolygon(), i = this.createCircle(,, 4);
this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates = i.geometry.coordinates[0].slice(0, -1);
createFeatureCollection(e) {
this.collection = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
properties: { meta: "vertex" }
register() {"click", this.onClick),"mousemove", this.onMouseMove),"mousedown", this.onMouseDown),"mouseup", this.onMouseUp),"touchstart", this.onMouseDown),"touchmove", this.onMouseMove),"touchend", this.onMouseUp);
unregister() {"click", this.onClick),"mousemove", this.onMouseMove),"mousedown", this.onMouseDown),"mouseup", this.onMouseUp),"touchstart", this.onMouseDown),"touchmove", this.onMouseMove),"touchend", this.onMouseUp);
setModel(e) {
var i;
((i = e == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : i.meta) === "circle" ? (this.createFeatureCollection(e), this.generateVertices()) : this.collection = void 0, this.render();
class rt extends j {
constructor(e, i, n, r) {
super(e, i, n);
b(this, "_model");
b(this, "_container", document.createElement("div"));
b(this, "_circle");
this.onViewportChange = this.onViewportChange.bind(this), this._model = r, this._container.classList.add("maplibregl-draw-circle-mode"), this._circle = document.createElement("div"), this._circle.classList.add("maplibregl-draw-circle-mode-circle"), this._circle.innerHTML = `<svg class="maplibre-draw-min-area-pattern" xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%">
<pattern id="maplibre-draw-min-area-pattern" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="4.5" height="4.5" patternTransform="rotate(135)">
<line x1="0" y="0" x2="0" y2="4.5" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1" />
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="url(#maplibre-draw-min-area-pattern)" :opacity="1" />
</svg>`, this._container.appendChild(this._circle), this.setPadding();
onViewportChange() {
this._model = this.viewportToModel(), this.emitOnUpdate(this._model), ? this._circle.classList.add("maplibregl-draw-circle-too-small") : this._circle.classList.remove("maplibregl-draw-circle-too-small");
viewportToModel() {
const e = this._container.offsetLeft + this._circle.offsetLeft, i = this._container.offsetTop + this._circle.offsetTop, n =[Math.round(e + this._circle.offsetWidth / 2), Math.round(i + this._circle.offsetHeight / 2)]), r =[e, i]), s = Math.abs( -, a = n.toArray();
return this.createCircle(a, s);
register() {,"dragend", this.onViewportChange),"zoomend", this.onViewportChange);
unregister() {,"dragend", this.onViewportChange),"zoomend", this.onViewportChange);
setModel(e) {
(e == null ? void 0 : === "circle" ? this._model = this.createCircle(, : this._model = void 0;
setPadding() {
var i;
const e = (i = this.plugin.options.fitBoundsOptions) == null ? void 0 : i.padding;
switch (typeof e) {
case "number":"--padding", `${e}px`);
case "object":
let n;
for (n in e)
typeof e[n] == "number" &&`--padding-${n}`, `${e[n]}px`);
function nt(t, o = {}) {
var e = typeof o == "object" ? o.mutate : o;
if (!t) throw new Error("geojson is required");
var i = Be(t), n = [];
switch (i) {
case "LineString":
n = J(t, i);
case "MultiLineString":
case "Polygon":
N(t).forEach(function(s) {
n.push(J(s, i));
case "MultiPolygon":
N(t).forEach(function(s) {
var a = [];
s.forEach(function(c) {
a.push(J(c, i));
}), n.push(a);
case "Point":
return t;
case "MultiPoint":
var r = {};
N(t).forEach(function(s) {
var a = s.join("-");, a) || (n.push(s), r[a] = !0);
throw new Error(i + " geometry not supported");
return t.coordinates ? e === !0 ? (t.coordinates = n, t) : { type: i, coordinates: n } : e === !0 ? (t.geometry.coordinates = n, t) : K({ type: i, coordinates: n },, {
bbox: t.bbox,
function J(t, o) {
var e = N(t);
if (e.length === 2 && !he(e[0], e[1])) return e;
var i = [], n = e.length - 1, r = i.length;
for (var s = 1; s < n; s++) {
var a = i[i.length - 1];
e[s][0] === a[0] && e[s][1] === a[1] || (i.push(e[s]), r = i.length, r > 2 && ue(
i[r - 3],
i[r - 1],
i[r - 2]
) && i.splice(i.length - 2, 1));
if (i.push(e[e.length - 1]), r = i.length, (o === "Polygon" || o === "MultiPolygon") && he(e[0], e[e.length - 1]) && r < 4)
throw new Error("invalid polygon");
return o === "LineString" && r < 3 || ue(
i[r - 3],
i[r - 1],
i[r - 2]
) && i.splice(i.length - 2, 1), i;
function he(t, o) {
return t[0] === o[0] && t[1] === o[1];
function ue(t, o, e) {
var i = e[0], n = e[1], r = t[0], s = t[1], a = o[0], c = o[1], u = i - r, p = n - s, l = a - r, h = c - s, f = u * h - p * l;
return f !== 0 ? !1 : Math.abs(l) >= Math.abs(h) ? l > 0 ? r <= i && i <= a : a <= i && i <= r : h > 0 ? s <= n && n <= c : c <= n && n <= s;
function st(t) {
if (!t)
throw new Error("geojson is required");
switch (t.type) {
case "Feature":
return ve(t);
case "FeatureCollection":
return at(t);
case "Point":
case "LineString":
case "Polygon":
case "MultiPoint":
case "MultiLineString":
case "MultiPolygon":
case "GeometryCollection":
return ee(t);
throw new Error("unknown GeoJSON type");
function ve(t) {
const o = { type: "Feature" };
return Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
switch (e) {
case "type":
case "properties":
case "geometry":
o[e] = t[e];
}), = Me(, t.geometry == null ? o.geometry = null : o.geometry = ee(t.geometry), o;
function Me(t) {
const o = {};
return t && Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
const i = t[e];
typeof i == "object" ? i === null ? o[e] = null : Array.isArray(i) ? o[e] = => n) : o[e] = Me(i) : o[e] = i;
}), o;
function at(t) {
const o = { type: "FeatureCollection" };
return Object.keys(t).forEach((e) => {
switch (e) {
case "type":
case "features":
o[e] = t[e];
}), o.features = => ve(e)), o;
function ee(t) {
const o = { type: t.type };
return t.bbox && (o.bbox = t.bbox), t.type === "GeometryCollection" ? (o.geometries = => ee(e)), o) : (o.coordinates = we(t.coordinates), o);
function we(t) {
const o = t;
return typeof o[0] != "object" ? o.slice() : => we(e));
function lt(t, o) {
var e = t[0] - o[0], i = t[1] - o[1];
return e * e + i * i;
function ct(t, o, e) {
var i = o[0], n = o[1], r = e[0] - i, s = e[1] - n;
if (r !== 0 || s !== 0) {
var a = ((t[0] - i) * r + (t[1] - n) * s) / (r * r + s * s);
a > 1 ? (i = e[0], n = e[1]) : a > 0 && (i += r * a, n += s * a);
return r = t[0] - i, s = t[1] - n, r * r + s * s;
function ht(t, o) {
for (var e = t[0], i = [e], n, r = 1, s = t.length; r < s; r++)
n = t[r], lt(n, e) > o && (i.push(n), e = n);
return e !== n && i.push(n), i;
function Z(t, o, e, i, n) {
for (var r = i, s, a = o + 1; a < e; a++) {
var c = ct(t[a], t[o], t[e]);
c > r && (s = a, r = c);
r > i && (s - o > 1 && Z(t, o, s, i, n), n.push(t[s]), e - s > 1 && Z(t, s, e, i, n));
function ut(t, o) {
var e = t.length - 1, i = [t[0]];
return Z(t, 0, e, o, i), i.push(t[e]), i;
function B(t, o, e) {
if (t.length <= 2) return t;
var i = o !== void 0 ? o * o : 1;
return t = e ? t : ht(t, i), t = ut(t, i), t;
function pt(t, o = {}) {
var e, i, n;
if (o = o ?? {}, !Ie(o)) throw new Error("options is invalid");
const r = (e = o.tolerance) != null ? e : 1, s = (i = o.highQuality) != null ? i : !1, a = (n = o.mutate) != null ? n : !1;
if (!t) throw new Error("geojson is required");
if (r && r < 0) throw new Error("invalid tolerance");
return a !== !0 && (t = st(t)), me(t, function(c) {
ft(c, r, s);
}), t;
function ft(t, o, e) {
const i = t.type;
if (i === "Point" || i === "MultiPoint") return t;
if (nt(t, { mutate: !0 }), i !== "GeometryCollection")
switch (i) {
case "LineString":
t.coordinates = B(
case "MultiLineString":
t.coordinates =
(n) => B(n, o, e)
case "Polygon":
t.coordinates = pe(
case "MultiPolygon":
t.coordinates =
(n) => pe(n, o, e)
return t;
function pe(t, o, e) {
return {
if (i.length < 4)
throw new Error("invalid polygon");
let n = o, r = B(i, n, e);
for (; !dt(r); )
n -= n * 0.01, r = B(i, n, e);
return (r[r.length - 1][0] !== r[0][0] || r[r.length - 1][1] !== r[0][1]) && r.push(r[0]), r;
function dt(t) {
return t.length < 3 ? !1 : !(t.length === 3 && t[2][0] === t[0][0] && t[2][1] === t[0][1]);
var mt = pt;
class gt extends j {
constructor(e, i, n, r) {
super(e, i, n);
b(this, "_mode");
b(this, "_hasHelperVertex", !0);
b(this, "_moveStart");
this.onClick = this.onClick.bind(this), this.onDoubleClick = this.onDoubleClick.bind(this), this.onMouseMove = fe(this.onMouseMove.bind(this), 16), this.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this), this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this), this.setModel(r);
onClick(e) {
const i = e.lngLat.toArray();
switch (this._mode) {
case "create":
const n = this.getPolygon();
if (this.isNearby(n.geometry.coordinates[0][0], e.point, this.isTouchEvent(e))) {
this.getPolygon().geometry.coordinates[0].splice(1, 1), this.endCreation();
n.geometry.coordinates[0].splice(1, 0, i), this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates[1] = i;
const r = n.geometry.coordinates[0].length, s = r - 2;
this._hasHelperVertex && r === 5 && (n.geometry.coordinates[0].splice(s, 1), this._hasHelperVertex = !1);
if (e.originalEvent.ctrlKey && this.collection) {
const a = this.getPolygon(), c = a.geometry.coordinates[0].length;
if (c < 5)
for (let u = 0; u < c; u++)
if (this.isNearby(a.geometry.coordinates[0][u], e.point, this.isTouchEvent(e))) {
a.geometry.coordinates[0].splice(u, 1), u === 0 && (a.geometry.coordinates[0].splice(-1, 1), a.geometry.coordinates[0].push(a.geometry.coordinates[0][0])), this.generateCollectionWithVertexes(), this.source.setData(this.collection);
this._hasHelperVertex = !0, this.createFeatureCollection({
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "Polygon",
coordinates: [[i, i, i, i]]
properties: { meta: "polygon" }
}), this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates = [i, i], this._mode = "create";
onDoubleClick(e) {
if (!(!this._mode || !this.collection))
switch (this._mode) {
case "create":
e.preventDefault(), this.endCreation();
onMouseMove(e) {
var r;
if (!this._mode || !((r = this.collection) != null && r.features.length))
let i, n;
switch (this._mode) {
case "create":
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon(), n = e.lngLat.toArray();
const s = i.geometry.coordinates[0].length, a = s - 2;
if (i.geometry.coordinates[0][1] = n, this._hasHelperVertex) {
const p =[e.point.x + 1, e.point.y]), l = Math.abs((p.lng - n[0]) / 3);
i.geometry.coordinates[0][a] = this.calculateB(n, i.geometry.coordinates[0][0], l);
case "move":
if (!this._moveStart)
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon();
const c = e.lngLat.lng - this._moveStart.start.lng, u = -;
for (let p = 0, l = i.geometry.coordinates[0].length; p < l; p++)
i.geometry.coordinates[0][p][0] = this._moveStart.polygon[p][0] + c, i.geometry.coordinates[0][p][1] = this._moveStart.polygon[p][1] + u;
this.generateCollectionWithVertexes(), this.render();
case "move_vertex":
if (!this._moveStart)
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon(), n = e.lngLat.toArray();
for (let p = 0, l = i.geometry.coordinates[0].length; p < l; p++)
if (this._moveStart.polygon[p][0] === this._moveStart.point[0] && this._moveStart.polygon[p][1] === this._moveStart.point[1]) {
i.geometry.coordinates[0][p] = n, p === 0 && (i.geometry.coordinates[0][i.geometry.coordinates[0].length - 1] = n);
this.generateCollectionWithVertexes(), this.render();
case "add_vertex":
if (!this._moveStart)
e.preventDefault(), i = this.getPolygon(), n = e.lngLat.toArray();
for (let p = 0, l = i.geometry.coordinates[0].length; p < l - 1; p++) {
const h = this.getMidpoint(i.geometry.coordinates[0][p], i.geometry.coordinates[0][p + 1]);
if (h[0] === this._moveStart.point[0] && h[1] === this._moveStart.point[1]) {
i.geometry.coordinates[0].splice(p + 1, 0, h), this._moveStart = {
polygon: this.clonePolygon(),
point: h,
start: e.lngLat
}, this._mode = "move_vertex";
this.generateCollectionWithVertexes(), this.render();
onMouseDown(e) {
var n;
if (this._mode === "create" || !((n = this.collection) != null && n.features.length))
for (let r = 0, s = this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates.length; r < s; r++)
if (this.isNearby(this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates[r], e.point, this.isTouchEvent(e))) {
e.preventDefault(), this._moveStart = {
polygon: this.clonePolygon(),
point: this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates[r],
start: e.lngLat
}, this._mode = "move_vertex";
for (let r = 0, s = this.collection.features[2].geometry.coordinates.length; r < s; r++)
if (this.isNearby(this.collection.features[2].geometry.coordinates[r], e.point, this.isTouchEvent(e))) {
e.preventDefault(), this._moveStart = {
polygon: this.clonePolygon(),
point: this.collection.features[2].geometry.coordinates[r],
start: e.lngLat
}, this._mode = "add_vertex";
const i = this.getPolygon();
ye(e.lngLat.toArray(), i) && (e.preventDefault(), this._moveStart = { polygon: this.clonePolygon(), start: e.lngLat }, this._mode = "move");
onMouseUp(e) {
if (this._mode)
switch (this._mode) {
case "move":
case "move_vertex":
case "add_vertex":
e.preventDefault(), this._mode = void 0, this._moveStart = void 0, this.emitOnUpdate();
register() {"click", this.onClick),"dblclick", this.onDoubleClick),"mousemove", this.onMouseMove),"mousedown", this.onMouseDown),"mouseup", this.onMouseUp),"touchstart", this.onMouseDown),"touchmove", this.onMouseMove),"touchend", this.onMouseUp);
unregister() {"click", this.onClick),"dblclick", this.onDoubleClick),"mousemove", this.onMouseMove),"mousedown", this.onMouseDown),"mouseup", this.onMouseUp),"touchstart", this.onMouseDown),"touchmove", this.onMouseMove),"touchend", this.onMouseUp);
setModel(e) {
var i;
((i = e == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : i.meta) === "polygon" ? (this.createFeatureCollection(e), this.generateCollectionWithVertexes()) : this.collection = void 0, this.render();
createFeatureCollection(e) {
this.collection = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
properties: { meta: "vertex" }
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "MultiPoint",
coordinates: []
properties: { meta: "midpoint" }
endCreation() {
const e = this.getPolygon();
this._mode = void 0, this.collection.features[0] = mt(e, { tolerance: 1e-5, highQuality: !0 }), this.generateCollectionWithVertexes(), this.render(), this.emitOnUpdate();
generateCollectionWithVertexes() {
if (!this.collection)
const e = this.getPolygon(), i = e.geometry.coordinates[0].length;
this.collection.features[1].geometry.coordinates = e.geometry.coordinates[0].slice(0, -1);
const n = new Array(i - 1);
for (let r = 0; r < i - 1; r++)
n[r] = this.getMidpoint(e.geometry.coordinates[0][r], e.geometry.coordinates[0][r + 1]);
this.collection.features[2].geometry.coordinates = n;
calculateB(e, i, n) {
const r = e[0] - i[0], s = e[1] - i[1], a = Math.sqrt(r * r + s * s), c = i[0] + n * (-s / a), u = i[1] + n * (r / a);
return [c, u];
const yt = [
// ACTIVE (being drawn)
// line stroke
id: "gl-draw-line",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "LineString"], ["!=", "mode", "static"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
paint: {
"line-color": "#e74b3c",
"line-dasharray": [0.2, 2],
"line-width": 2
// polygon fill
id: "gl-draw-polygon-fill",
type: "fill",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["!=", "mode", "static"]],
paint: {
"fill-color": "#3c99e7",
"fill-outline-color": "#3c99e7",
"fill-opacity": 0.1
// polygon fill below min area size
id: "gl-draw-polygon-fill-below-min-area-size",
type: "fill",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "tooSmall", !0]],
paint: {
"fill-pattern": "maplibre-draw-min-area-pattern"
// polygon mid points
id: "gl-draw-polygon-midpoint",
type: "circle",
filter: [
["==", "$type", "Point"],
["==", "meta", "midpoint"]
paint: {
"circle-radius": 4,
"circle-color": "#e74b3c"
// polygon outline stroke
// This doesn't style the first edge of the polygon, which uses the line stroke styling instead
id: "gl-draw-polygon-stroke-active",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["!=", "mode", "static"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
paint: {
"line-color": "#e74b3c",
"line-dasharray": [0.2, 2],
"line-width": 2
// vertex point halos
id: "gl-draw-polygon-and-line-vertex-halo-active",
type: "circle",
filter: ["all", ["==", "meta", "vertex"], ["==", "$type", "Point"], ["!=", "mode", "static"]],
paint: {
"circle-radius": 8,
"circle-color": "#FFF"
// vertex points
id: "gl-draw-polygon-and-line-vertex-active",
type: "circle",
filter: ["all", ["==", "meta", "vertex"], ["==", "$type", "Point"], ["!=", "mode", "static"]],
paint: {
"circle-radius": 5,
"circle-color": "#e74b3c"
// INACTIVE (static, already drawn)
// line stroke
id: "gl-draw-line-static",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "LineString"], ["==", "mode", "static"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
paint: {
"line-color": "#000",
"line-width": 3
// polygon fill
id: "gl-draw-polygon-fill-static",
type: "fill",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "mode", "static"]],
paint: {
"fill-color": "#000",
"fill-outline-color": "#000",
"fill-opacity": 0.1
// polygon outline
id: "gl-draw-polygon-stroke-static",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "mode", "static"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
paint: {
"line-color": "#000",
"line-width": 3
var E = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.POLYGON = "POLYGON", t.CIRCLE = "CIRCLE", t.CIRCLE_STATIC = "CIRCLE_STATIC", t))(E || {});
function vt(t, o = {}) {
if (t.bbox != null && o.recompute !== !0)
return t.bbox;
const e = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0];
return de(t, (i) => {
e[0] > i[0] && (e[0] = i[0]), e[1] > i[1] && (e[1] = i[1]), e[2] < i[0] && (e[2] = i[0]), e[3] < i[1] && (e[3] = i[1]);
}), e;
var Mt = vt;
const x = class x {
constructor(o, e, i = {}) {
b(this, "map");
b(this, "_model");
b(this, "_mode");
b(this, "_modeInstance");
b(this, "_source");
b(this, "options"); = o, this._model = e, this._mode = i.mode ?? E.POLYGON, this.options = {
styles: i.styles ?? yt,
zoomOnUpdate: !0,
minArea: i.minArea ?? {},
pointerPrecision: {
mouse: 24,
touch: 36,
...i.pointerPrecision || {}
}, this.setup = this.setup.bind(this), this.zoomToModel = this.zoomToModel.bind(this),"load", this.setup);
get mode() {
return this._mode;
setMode(o, e) {
this._model = e, this._mode !== o && (this._mode = o, this.setupMode());
setupMode() {
var o;
switch (this._modeInstance && (this._modeInstance.unregister(), this._modeInstance.clear()), this._mode) {
this._modeInstance = new gt(this,, this._source, this._model);
case E.CIRCLE:
this._modeInstance = new ot(this,, this._source, this._model);
this._modeInstance = new rt(this,, this._source, this._model);
throw new Error(`Unsupported mode "${this._mode}"`);
this.zoomToModel(), (o = this._modeInstance) == null || o.register();
setupMap() {, { type: "geojson", data: { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] } }), this._source =, this.setupStyles(),"resize", this.zoomToModel);
setupStyles() {
for (let o = 0, e = this.options.styles.length; o < e; o++){ ...this.options.styles[o], source: x.SOURCE_ID });
setStyles(o) {
this.removeStyles(), this.options.styles = o, this.setupStyles();
setOnUpdate(o) {
this.options.onUpdate = o;
setModel(o) {
var e;
this._model = o, (e = this._modeInstance) == null || e.setModel(o), o && this.options.zoomOnUpdate && this.zoomToModel();
setMinAreaSize(o) {
this.options.minArea.size = o, o && this.setMinAreaSizePattern();
setMinAreaColor(o) {
this.options.minArea.color = o, this.options.minArea.size && this.setMinAreaSizePattern();
zoomToModel() {
this._model &&, this.options.fitBoundsOptions);
removeStyles() {
for (let o = 0, e = this.options.styles.length; o < e; o++)[o].id);
setup() {
this.setupMap(), this.setupMode(), this.options.minArea.size && this.setMinAreaSizePattern();
setMinAreaSizePattern() {
const o = document.createElement("canvas"), e = o.getContext("2d", { antialias: !0 }), i = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, n = 12 * i, r = n, s = n, a = 16 * i;
o.width = r, o.height = s, e.fillStyle = this.options.minArea.color || "#e74b3c", e.translate(r / 2, s / 2), e.rotate(Math.PI / 2), e.translate(-r / 2, -s / 2), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(0, s * (1 / a)), e.lineTo(r * (1 / a), 0), e.lineTo(0, 0), e.lineTo(0, s * (1 / a)), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(r, s * (1 / a)), e.lineTo(r * (1 / a), s), e.lineTo(0, s), e.lineTo(0, s * ((a - 1) / a)), e.lineTo(r * ((a - 1) / a), 0), e.lineTo(r, 0), e.lineTo(r, s * (1 / a)), e.fill(), e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(r, s * ((a - 1) / a)), e.lineTo(r * ((a - 1) / a), s), e.lineTo(r, s), e.lineTo(r, s * ((a - 1) / a)), e.fill();
const c = e.getImageData(0, 0, r, s); ?, c) :, c, { pixelRatio: 2 * i });
dispose() {
var o, e;
(o = this._modeInstance) == null || o.unregister(),"resize", this.zoomToModel);
try {
(e = == null || e.removeSource(x.SOURCE_ID);
} catch {
b(x, "SOURCE_ID", "mgl-draw-plugin"), b(x, "MIN_AREA_PATTERN_ID", "maplibre-draw-min-area-pattern");
let Q = x;
const St = /* @__PURE__ */ ke({
name: "MglDrawControl",
components: { MglCustomControl: te },
props: {
position: { type: String, default: Ae.TOP_RIGHT },
model: { type: Object },
mode: { type: String, default: E.POLYGON },
defaultMode: { type: String, default: E.POLYGON },
zoomOnUpdate: { type: Boolean, default: !0 },
minAreaSize: { type: Number },
minAreaColor: { type: String },
pointerPrecision: { type: Object }
emits: ["update:mode", "update:model"],
slots: Object,
setup(t, { emit: o, slots: e }) {
const i = ie(Le), n = ie(Ee), r = De(new Q(i.value, t.model, {
mode: t.mode,
zoomOnUpdate: t.zoomOnUpdate,
pointerPrecision: t.pointerPrecision,
minArea: {
size: t.minAreaSize,
color: t.minAreaColor
fitBoundsOptions: n,
onUpdate: (a) => o("update:model", a)
function s(a) {
r.mode === a ? r.setMode(t.defaultMode, t.model) : r.setMode(a, t.model), o("update:mode", a);
return G(() => t.mode, () => t.mode !== r.mode && s(t.mode)), G(() => t.model, () => r.setModel(t.model)), G(() => t.minAreaSize, () => r.setMinAreaSize(t.minAreaSize)), G(() => t.minAreaColor, () => r.setMinAreaColor(t.minAreaColor)), Te(() => r.dispose()), () => H(
{ position: t.position },
() => e.buttons ? e.buttons({ mode: r.mode, setMode: s }) : [
H($, {
type: q.MDI,
path: "M17,15.7V13H19V17L10,21L3,14L7,5H11V7H8.3L5.4,13.6L10.4,18.6L17,15.7M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-polygon", r.mode === E.POLYGON ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => s(E.POLYGON)
H($, {
type: q.MDI,
path: "M11,19A6,6 0 0,0 17,13H19A8,8 0 0,1 11,21A8,8 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,5V7A6,6 0 0,0 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-circle", r.mode === E.CIRCLE ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => s(E.CIRCLE)
H($, {
type: q.MDI,
path: "M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-circle-static", r.mode === E.CIRCLE_STATIC ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => s(E.CIRCLE_STATIC)
export {
e as CircleMode,
r as CircleStaticMode,
s as DrawMode,
d as DrawPlugin,
i as PolygonMode
ot as CircleMode,
rt as CircleStaticMode,
E as DrawMode,
Q as DrawPlugin,
St as MglDrawControl,
gt as PolygonMode
* vue-maplibre-gl v5.3.3
* vue-maplibre-gl v5.3.4
* (c) 2025 Volker Nauruhn
* @license MIT
var Se = Object.defineProperty;
var be = (e, a, o) => a in e ? Se(e, a, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) : e[a] = o;
var v = (e, a, o) => be(e, typeof a != "symbol" ? a + "" : a, o);
import { reactive as J, defineComponent as p, markRaw as se, getCurrentInstance as w, shallowRef as te, ref as k, provide as T, watch as c, onMounted as ve, onBeforeUnmount as E, h as R, unref as X, nextTick as oe, inject as g, createCommentVNode as O, Teleport as ce, warn as me, createTextVNode as ue, isRef as Z } from "vue";
import { d as Ae, b as _, D as Oe } from "./plugin-CLGuBXZ9.js";
import { Map as Le, AttributionControl as Re, FullscreenControl as Ce, GeolocateControl as Me, NavigationControl as Ee, ScaleControl as Ne, Marker as xe } from "maplibre-gl";
import Ie from "mitt";
const s = J({
var de = Object.defineProperty;
var ce = (e, a, o) => a in e ? de(e, a, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) : e[a] = o;
var A = (e, a, o) => ce(e, typeof a != "symbol" ? a + "" : a, o);
import { reactive as q, defineComponent as p, markRaw as te, getCurrentInstance as P, shallowRef as Y, ref as _, provide as I, watch as c, onMounted as me, onBeforeUnmount as C, h as H, unref as G, nextTick as re, inject as g, createCommentVNode as O, Teleport as fe, createTextVNode as ae, isRef as F, warn as ge } from "vue";
import { m as x, i as W, a as T, c as J, s as Q, e as X, f as he, d as ye, u as B, P as z, b as Z, C as pe, M as K, B as oe, g as ie, A as k, h as Se } from "./button.component-DHk7NkrP.js";
import { j as vt } from "./button.component-DHk7NkrP.js";
import { Map as ve, AttributionControl as be, FullscreenControl as Ae, GeolocateControl as Re, NavigationControl as Oe, ScaleControl as Ee, Marker as Le } from "maplibre-gl";
import Me from "mitt";
const l = q({
style: "",

@@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ center: [0, 0],

class I {
class N {
static createEventHandler(a, o, n, t) {
return (r = {}) => n.emit(t, { type: r.type, map: o, component: a, event: r });
return (s = {}) => n.emit(t, { type: s.type, map: o, component: a, event: s });

@@ -76,3 +77,3 @@ "bearing",


@@ -88,3 +89,3 @@ "offset",

]), v(I, "MAP_EVENT_TYPES", [

@@ -143,20 +144,13 @@ "boxzoomend",

const K = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), fe = Symbol("default");
function At(e = fe) {
let a = K.get(e);
return a || (a = J({ isLoaded: !1, isMounted: !1, language: null }), K.set(e, a)), a;
const U = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), le = Symbol("default");
function ht(e = le) {
let a = U.get(e);
return a || (a = q({ isLoaded: !1, isMounted: !1, language: null }), U.set(e, a)), a;
function Te(e, a, o = fe) {
function Ne(e, a, o = le) {
var t;
let n = K.get(o);
return n || (n = J({ isLoaded: !1, isMounted: !1, language: null }), K.set(o, n)), n.component = e, = a.value, n.isLoaded = ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.loaded()) || !1, n.isMounted = !1, n;
let n = U.get(o);
return n || (n = q({ isLoaded: !1, isMounted: !1, language: null }), U.set(o, n)), n.component = e, = a.value, n.isLoaded = ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.loaded()) || !1, n.isMounted = !1, n;
const N = Symbol("map"), Q = Symbol("isLoaded"), P = Symbol("isInitialized"), ne = Symbol("componentId"), ie = Symbol("sourceId"), ge = Symbol("sourceLayerRegistry"), re = Symbol("emitter"), ye = Symbol("fitBoundsOptions");
function Ot(e) {
return Object.keys(e);
function F(e) {
return Object.keys(e);
const he = {
const se = {

@@ -255,52 +249,52 @@ * AUTO mode uses the language of the browser

new Set(Object.values(he));
new Set(Object.values(he));
function ee(e, a) {
const o = e.getStyle().layers, n = /^\s*{\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}$/, t = /^\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*$/, r = /^\s*{\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}(\s*){\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}$/, u = /^(.*)({\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*})(.*)$/, f = a ? `name:${a}` : "name", y = [
new Set(Object.values(se));
new Set(Object.values(se));
function $(e, a) {
const o = e.getStyle().layers, n = /^\s*{\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}$/, t = /^\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*$/, s = /^\s*{\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}(\s*){\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*}$/, h = /^(.*)({\s*name\s*(:\s*(\S*))?\s*})(.*)$/, S = a ? `name:${a}` : "name", m = [
["has", f],
["get", f],
["has", S],
["get", S],
["get", "name"]
for (let A = 0; A < o.length; A += 1) {
const h = o[A], C = h.layout;
if (!C || !C["text-field"])
for (let b = 0; b < o.length; b += 1) {
const f = o[b], E = f.layout;
if (!E || !E["text-field"])
const m = e.getLayoutProperty(, "text-field");
let L;
if (Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 2 && m[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "concat") {
const S = m.slice();
for (let d = 0; d < m.length; d += 1) {
const i = m[d];
if ((typeof i == "string" || i instanceof String) && n.exec(i.toString())) {
S[d] = y;
const d = e.getLayoutProperty(, "text-field");
let R;
if (Array.isArray(d) && d.length >= 2 && d[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "concat") {
const y = d.slice();
for (let u = 0; u < d.length; u += 1) {
const r = d[u];
if ((typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String) && n.exec(r.toString())) {
y[u] = m;
} else if (Array.isArray(i) && i.length >= 2 && i[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "get" && t.exec(i[1].toString())) {
S[d] = y;
} else if (Array.isArray(r) && r.length >= 2 && r[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "get" && t.exec(r[1].toString())) {
y[u] = m;
} else if (Array.isArray(i) && i.length === 4 && i[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "case") {
S[d] = y;
} else if (Array.isArray(r) && r.length === 4 && r[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "case") {
y[u] = m;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
} else if (Array.isArray(m) && m.length >= 2 && m[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "get" && t.exec(m[1].toString())) {
const S = y;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
} else if ((typeof m == "string" || m instanceof String) && n.exec(m.toString())) {
const S = y;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
} else if (Array.isArray(m) && m.length === 4 && m[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "case") {
const S = y;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
} else if ((typeof m == "string" || m instanceof String) && (L = r.exec(m.toString())) !== null) {
const S = `{${f}}${L[3]}{name${L[4] || ""}}`;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
} else if ((typeof m == "string" || m instanceof String) && (L = u.exec(m.toString())) !== null) {
const S = `${L[1]}{${f}}${L[5]}`;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", S);
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
} else if (Array.isArray(d) && d.length >= 2 && d[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "get" && t.exec(d[1].toString())) {
const y = m;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
} else if ((typeof d == "string" || d instanceof String) && n.exec(d.toString())) {
const y = m;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
} else if (Array.isArray(d) && d.length === 4 && d[0].trim().toLowerCase() === "case") {
const y = m;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
} else if ((typeof d == "string" || d instanceof String) && (R = s.exec(d.toString())) !== null) {
const y = `{${S}}${R[3]}{name${R[4] || ""}}`;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
} else if ((typeof d == "string" || d instanceof String) && (R = h.exec(d.toString())) !== null) {
const y = `${R[1]}{${S}}${R[5]}`;
e.setLayoutProperty(, "text-field", y);
const we = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
const Ce = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglMap",

@@ -310,61 +304,61 @@ props: {

height: { type: [Number, String], default: "100%" },
attributionControl: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: () => s.attributionControl },
bearing: { type: Number, default: () => s.bearing },
bearingSnap: { type: Number, default: () => s.bearingSnap },
bounds: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => s.bounds },
boxZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.boxZoom },
attributionControl: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: () => l.attributionControl },
bearing: { type: Number, default: () => l.bearing },
bearingSnap: { type: Number, default: () => l.bearingSnap },
bounds: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => l.bounds },
boxZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.boxZoom },
cancelPendingTileRequestsWhileZooming: {
type: Boolean,
default: () => s.cancelPendingTileRequestsWhileZooming
default: () => l.cancelPendingTileRequestsWhileZooming
canvasContextAttributes: { type: Object, default: () => s.canvasContextAttributes },
center: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => },
centerClampedToGround: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.centerClampedToGround },
clickTolerance: { type: Number, default: () => s.clickTolerance },
collectResourceTiming: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.collectResourceTiming },
cooperativeGestures: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: () => s.cooperativeGestures },
crossSourceCollisions: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.crossSourceCollisions },
doubleClickZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.doubleClickZoom },
dragPan: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.dragPan },
dragRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.dragRotate },
elevation: { type: Number, default: () => s.elevation },
fadeDuration: { type: Number, default: () => s.fadeDuration },
fitBoundsOptions: { type: Object, default: () => s.fitBoundsOptions },
hash: { type: [Boolean, String], default: () => s.hash },
interactive: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.interactive },
keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.keyboard },
language: { type: String, default: () => s.language || null },
locale: { type: Object, default: () => s.locale },
canvasContextAttributes: { type: Object, default: () => l.canvasContextAttributes },
center: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => },
centerClampedToGround: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.centerClampedToGround },
clickTolerance: { type: Number, default: () => l.clickTolerance },
collectResourceTiming: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.collectResourceTiming },
cooperativeGestures: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: () => l.cooperativeGestures },
crossSourceCollisions: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.crossSourceCollisions },
doubleClickZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.doubleClickZoom },
dragPan: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.dragPan },
dragRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.dragRotate },
elevation: { type: Number, default: () => l.elevation },
fadeDuration: { type: Number, default: () => l.fadeDuration },
fitBoundsOptions: { type: Object, default: () => l.fitBoundsOptions },
hash: { type: [Boolean, String], default: () => l.hash },
interactive: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.interactive },
keyboard: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.keyboard },
language: { type: String, default: () => l.language || null },
locale: { type: Object, default: () => l.locale },
localIdeographFontFamily: {
type: String,
default: () => s.localIdeographFontFamily
default: () => l.localIdeographFontFamily
logoPosition: { type: [String], default: () => s.logoPosition },
logoPosition: { type: [String], default: () => l.logoPosition },
mapKey: { type: [String, Symbol] },
maplibreLogo: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.maplibreLogo },
maplibreLogo: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.maplibreLogo },
// StyleSpecification triggers TS7056, so users must handle typings themselves
mapStyle: { type: [String, Object], default: () => },
maxBounds: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => s.maxBounds },
maxCanvasSize: { type: Array, default: () => s.maxCanvasSize },
maxPitch: { type: Number, default: () => s.maxPitch },
maxTileCacheSize: { type: Number, default: () => s.maxTileCacheSize },
maxTileCacheZoomLevels: { type: Number, default: () => s.maxTileCacheZoomLevels },
maxZoom: { type: Number, default: () => s.maxZoom },
minPitch: { type: Number, default: () => s.minPitch },
minZoom: { type: Number, default: () => s.minZoom },
pitch: { type: Number, default: () => s.pitch },
pitchWithRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.pitchWithRotate },
pixelRatio: { type: Number, default: () => s.pixelRatio },
refreshExpiredTiles: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.refreshExpiredTiles },
renderWorldCopies: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.renderWorldCopies },
roll: { type: Number, default: () => s.roll },
rollEnabled: { typed: Boolean, default: () => s.rollEnabled },
scrollZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.scrollZoom },
touchPitch: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.touchPitch },
touchZoomRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.touchZoomRotate },
trackResize: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.trackResize },
transformCameraUpdate: { type: Function, default: s.transformCameraUpdate },
transformRequest: { type: Function, default: s.transformRequest },
validateStyle: { type: Boolean, default: () => s.validateStyle },
zoom: { type: Number, default: () => s.zoom }
mapStyle: { type: [String, Object], default: () => },
maxBounds: { type: [Array, Object], default: () => l.maxBounds },
maxCanvasSize: { type: Array, default: () => l.maxCanvasSize },
maxPitch: { type: Number, default: () => l.maxPitch },
maxTileCacheSize: { type: Number, default: () => l.maxTileCacheSize },
maxTileCacheZoomLevels: { type: Number, default: () => l.maxTileCacheZoomLevels },
maxZoom: { type: Number, default: () => l.maxZoom },
minPitch: { type: Number, default: () => l.minPitch },
minZoom: { type: Number, default: () => l.minZoom },
pitch: { type: Number, default: () => l.pitch },
pitchWithRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.pitchWithRotate },
pixelRatio: { type: Number, default: () => l.pixelRatio },
refreshExpiredTiles: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.refreshExpiredTiles },
renderWorldCopies: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.renderWorldCopies },
roll: { type: Number, default: () => l.roll },
rollEnabled: { typed: Boolean, default: () => l.rollEnabled },
scrollZoom: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.scrollZoom },
touchPitch: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.touchPitch },
touchZoomRotate: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.touchZoomRotate },
trackResize: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.trackResize },
transformCameraUpdate: { type: Function, default: l.transformCameraUpdate },
transformRequest: { type: Function, default: l.transformRequest },
validateStyle: { type: Boolean, default: () => l.validateStyle },
zoom: { type: Number, default: () => l.zoom }

@@ -427,78 +421,78 @@ emits: [

setup(e, a) {
const o = se(w()), n = te(), t = te(), r = k(!1), u = k(!1), f = k(!1), y = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), A = Ie(), h = Te(o, t, e.mapKey);
let C;
T(N, t), T(Q, u), T(P, r), T(ne, o.uid), T(ie, ""), T(re, A), T(ye, e.fitBoundsOptions), c(() => e.bearing, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setBearing(i));
}), c(() => e.bounds, (i) => {
var l, x;
return i && ((x = t.value) == null ? void 0 : x.fitBounds(i, (l = e.fitBoundsOptions) != null && l.useOnBoundsUpdate ? e.fitBoundsOptions : void 0));
}), c(() =>, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setCenter(i));
}), c(() => e.maxBounds, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setMaxBounds(i));
}), c(() => e.maxPitch, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setMaxPitch(i));
}), c(() => e.maxZoom, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setMaxZoom(i));
}), c(() => e.minPitch, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setMinPitch(i));
}), c(() => e.minZoom, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setMinZoom(i));
}), c(() => e.pitch, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setPitch(i));
}), c(() => e.renderWorldCopies, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setRenderWorldCopies(i));
}), c(() => e.mapStyle, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setStyle(i));
}), c(() => e.transformRequest, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setTransformRequest(i));
}), c(() => e.zoom, (i) => {
var l;
return i && ((l = t.value) == null ? void 0 : l.setZoom(i));
}), c(() => e.language, (i) => {
f.value && t.value && h.language !== (i || null) && (ee(t.value, i || ""), h.language = i || null);
}), c(() => h.language, (i) => {
f.value && t.value && ee(t.value, i || "");
const o = te(P()), n = Y(), t = Y(), s = _(!1), h = _(!1), S = _(!1), m = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), b = Me(), f = Ne(o, t, e.mapKey);
let E;
I(x, t), I(W, h), I(T, s), I(J, o.uid), I(Q, ""), I(X, b), I(he, e.fitBoundsOptions), c(() => e.bearing, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setBearing(r));
}), c(() => e.bounds, (r) => {
var i, M;
return r && ((M = t.value) == null ? void 0 : M.fitBounds(r, (i = e.fitBoundsOptions) != null && i.useOnBoundsUpdate ? e.fitBoundsOptions : void 0));
}), c(() =>, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setCenter(r));
}), c(() => e.maxBounds, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setMaxBounds(r));
}), c(() => e.maxPitch, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setMaxPitch(r));
}), c(() => e.maxZoom, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setMaxZoom(r));
}), c(() => e.minPitch, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setMinPitch(r));
}), c(() => e.minZoom, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setMinZoom(r));
}), c(() => e.pitch, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setPitch(r));
}), c(() => e.renderWorldCopies, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setRenderWorldCopies(r));
}), c(() => e.mapStyle, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setStyle(r));
}), c(() => e.transformRequest, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setTransformRequest(r));
}), c(() => e.zoom, (r) => {
var i;
return r && ((i = t.value) == null ? void 0 : i.setZoom(r));
}), c(() => e.language, (r) => {
S.value && t.value && f.language !== (r || null) && ($(t.value, r || ""), f.language = r || null);
}), c(() => f.language, (r) => {
S.value && t.value && $(t.value, r || "");
function m() {
f.value = !0, e.language ? h.language = e.language : h.language && ee(t.value, e.language || "");
function d() {
S.value = !0, e.language ? f.language = e.language : f.language && $(t.value, e.language || "");
function L() {
h.isMounted = !0;
const i = Object.keys(e).filter((l) => e[l] !== void 0 && I.MAP_OPTION_KEYS.indexOf(l) !== -1).reduce((l, x) => (l[x === "mapStyle" ? "style" : x] = X(e[x]), l), { container: n.value });
if (t.value = se(new Le(i)), = t.value, r.value = !0, y.set("__load", () => (u.value = !0, h.isLoaded = !0)), t.value.once("styledata", m), t.value.on("load", y.get("__load")), o.vnode.props) {
for (let l = 0, x = I.MAP_EVENT_TYPES.length; l < x; l++)
if (o.vnode.props["onMap:" + I.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[l]]) {
const le = I.createEventHandler(o, t.value, a, "map:" + I.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[l]);
y.set(I.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[l], le), t.value.on(I.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[l], le);
function R() {
f.isMounted = !0;
const r = Object.keys(e).filter((i) => e[i] !== void 0 && N.MAP_OPTION_KEYS.indexOf(i) !== -1).reduce((i, M) => (i[M === "mapStyle" ? "style" : M] = G(e[M]), i), { container: n.value });
if (t.value = te(new ve(r)), = t.value, s.value = !0, m.set("__load", () => (h.value = !0, f.isLoaded = !0)), t.value.once("styledata", d), t.value.on("load", m.get("__load")), o.vnode.props) {
for (let i = 0, M = N.MAP_EVENT_TYPES.length; i < M; i++)
if (o.vnode.props["onMap:" + N.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[i]]) {
const ee = N.createEventHandler(o, t.value, a, "map:" + N.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[i]);
m.set(N.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[i], ee), t.value.on(N.MAP_EVENT_TYPES[i], ee);
t.value.getCanvas().addEventListener("webglcontextlost", d);
t.value.getCanvas().addEventListener("webglcontextlost", u);
async function S() {
h.isMounted = !1, h.isLoaded = !1, u.value = !1, t.value && (t.value.getCanvas().removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", d), t.value._controls.forEach((i) => {
}), r.value = !1, y.forEach((i, l) => {"__") ? l.substring(2) : l, i);
async function y() {
f.isMounted = !1, f.isLoaded = !1, h.value = !1, t.value && (t.value.getCanvas().removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", u), t.value._controls.forEach((r) => {
}), s.value = !1, m.forEach((r, i) => {"__") ? i.substring(2) : i, r);
}), t.value.remove());
function d() {
S(), oe(L);
function u() {
y(), re(R);
return ve(() => {
L(), t.value && (C = new ResizeObserver(Ae(t.value.resize.bind(t.value), 100)), C.observe(n.value));
}), E(() => {
C !== void 0 && (C.disconnect(), C = void 0), S();
}), a.expose({ map: t }), () => R(
return me(() => {
R(), t.value && (E = new ResizeObserver(ye(t.value.resize.bind(t.value), 100)), E.observe(n.value));
}), C(() => {
E !== void 0 && (E.disconnect(), E = void 0), y();
}), a.expose({ map: t }), () => H(

@@ -510,17 +504,8 @@ {

R("div", { ref: n, class: "mgl-wrapper" }),
r.value && a.slots.default ? a.slots.default({}) : void 0
H("div", { ref: n, class: "mgl-wrapper" }),
s.value && a.slots.default ? a.slots.default({}) : void 0
var H = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.TOP_LEFT = "top-left", e.TOP_RIGHT = "top-right", e.BOTTOM_LEFT = "bottom-left", e.BOTTOM_RIGHT = "bottom-right", e))(H || {});
const z = Object.values(H);
function V(e, a, o) {
c(e, (n) => {
var t, r;
n && z.indexOf(n) === -1 || ((t = a.value) != null && t.hasControl(o) && a.value.removeControl(o), (r = a.value) == null || r.addControl(o, n));
}, { immediate: !0 });
const Pe = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), xe = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglAttributionControl",

@@ -536,55 +521,8 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new Re({ compact: e.compact, customAttribution: e.customAttribution });
V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => o.value && a.value.removeControl(n));
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new be({ compact: e.compact, customAttribution: e.customAttribution });
B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => o.value && a.value.removeControl(n));
render() {
}), j = class j {
constructor(a, o) {
v(this, "container");
this.isAdded = a, this.container = document.createElement("div"), this.setClasses(o);
getDefaultPosition() {
return H.TOP_LEFT;
onAdd() {
return oe(() => this.isAdded.value = !0), this.container;
onRemove() {
this.isAdded.value = !1, this.container.remove();
setClasses(a) {
a ? (this.container.classList.remove(j.CONTROL_CLASS), this.container.classList.remove(j.CONTROL_GROUP_CLASS)) : (this.container.classList.add(j.CONTROL_CLASS), this.container.classList.add(j.CONTROL_GROUP_CLASS));
v(j, "CONTROL_CLASS", "maplibregl-ctrl"), v(j, "CONTROL_GROUP_CLASS", "maplibregl-ctrl-group");
let q = j;
const ae = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglCustomControl",
props: {
position: {
type: String,
validator: (e) => z.indexOf(e) !== -1
noClasses: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
slots: Object,
setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = g(N), n = g(P), t = k(!1), r = new q(t, e.noClasses);
return V(() => e.position, o, r), c(() => e.noClasses, (u) => r.setClasses(u)), E(() => {
var u;
return n.value && ((u = o.value) == null ? void 0 : u.removeControl(r));
}), () => {
var u;
return t.value ? R(
{ to: r.container },
(u = a.default) == null ? void 0 :, {})
) : O("custom-component");
}), He = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Ie = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglFullscreenControl",

@@ -594,3 +532,3 @@ props: {

type: String,
default: H.TOP_RIGHT,
default: Z.TOP_RIGHT,
validator: (e) => z.indexOf(e) !== -1

@@ -604,12 +542,12 @@ },

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new Ce({ container: e.container || void 0 });
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new Ae({ container: e.container || void 0 });
function t() {
oe(() => {
var r;
return (r = a.value) == null ? void 0 : r.resize();
re(() => {
var s;
return (s = a.value) == null ? void 0 : s.resize();
n.on("fullscreenstart", t), n.on("fullscreenend", t), V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => {
var r;"fullscreenstart", t),"fullscreenend", t), o.value && ((r = a.value) == null || r.removeControl(n));
n.on("fullscreenstart", t), n.on("fullscreenend", t), B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => {
var s;"fullscreenstart", t),"fullscreenend", t), o.value && ((s = a.value) == null || s.removeControl(n));

@@ -620,17 +558,17 @@ },

class ze {
constructor(a = "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)", o = 4 * window.devicePixelRatio, n = "#7cf859", t = "Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace", r = 60 * window.devicePixelRatio, u = 90 * window.devicePixelRatio, f = 0, y = 5 * window.devicePixelRatio, A = 100 * window.devicePixelRatio) {
v(this, "frames", 0);
v(this, "totalTime", 0);
v(this, "totalFrames", 0);
v(this, "time", null);
v(this, "map");
v(this, "container");
v(this, "readOutput");
v(this, "canvas");
v(this, "eventHandlers", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
this.background = a, this.barWidth = o, this.color = n, this.font = t, this.graphHeight = r, this.graphWidth = u, this.graphTop = f, this.graphRight = y, this.width = A;
class Pe {
constructor(a = "rgba(0,0,0,0.9)", o = 4 * window.devicePixelRatio, n = "#7cf859", t = "Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace", s = 60 * window.devicePixelRatio, h = 90 * window.devicePixelRatio, S = 0, m = 5 * window.devicePixelRatio, b = 100 * window.devicePixelRatio) {
A(this, "frames", 0);
A(this, "totalTime", 0);
A(this, "totalFrames", 0);
A(this, "time", null);
A(this, "map");
A(this, "container");
A(this, "readOutput");
A(this, "canvas");
A(this, "eventHandlers", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
this.background = a, this.barWidth = o, this.color = n, this.font = t, this.graphHeight = s, this.graphWidth = h, this.graphTop = S, this.graphRight = m, this.width = b;
getDefaultPosition() {
return H.TOP_RIGHT;
return Z.TOP_RIGHT;

@@ -687,3 +625,3 @@ onAdd(a) {

const Be = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
const we = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglFrameRateControl",

@@ -733,3 +671,3 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new ze(
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new Pe(

@@ -745,3 +683,3 @@ e.barWidth,

V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => {
B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => {
var t;

@@ -753,3 +691,3 @@ return o.value && ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.removeControl(n));

}), _e = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Te = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglGeolocationControl",

@@ -759,3 +697,3 @@ props: {

type: String,
default: H.TOP_RIGHT,
default: Z.TOP_RIGHT,
validator: (e) => z.indexOf(e) !== -1

@@ -785,3 +723,3 @@ },

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new Me({
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new Re({
positionOptions: e.positionOptions,

@@ -793,3 +731,3 @@ fitBoundsOptions: e.fitBoundsOptions,

V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => {
B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => {
var t;

@@ -801,3 +739,3 @@ return o.value && ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.removeControl(n));

}), je = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), He = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglNavigationControl",

@@ -807,3 +745,3 @@ props: {

type: String,
default: H.TOP_RIGHT,
default: Z.TOP_RIGHT,
validator: (e) => z.indexOf(e) !== -1

@@ -816,4 +754,4 @@ },

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new Ee({ showCompass: e.showCompass, showZoom: e.showZoom, visualizePitch: e.visualizePitch });
V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => {
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new Oe({ showCompass: e.showCompass, showZoom: e.showZoom, visualizePitch: e.visualizePitch });
B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => {
var t;

@@ -826,4 +764,4 @@ return o.value && ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.removeControl(n));

var pe = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.IMPERIAL = "imperial", e.METRIC = "metric", e.NAUTICAL = "nautical", e))(pe || {});
const ke = Object.values(pe), Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
var ue = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.IMPERIAL = "imperial", e.METRIC = "metric", e.NAUTICAL = "nautical", e))(ue || {});
const Be = Object.values(ue), ze = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglScaleControl",

@@ -839,8 +777,8 @@ props: {

default: "metric",
validator: (e) => ke.indexOf(e) !== -1
validator: (e) => Be.indexOf(e) !== -1
setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = g(P), n = new Ne({ maxWidth: e.maxWidth, unit: e.unit });
V(() => e.position, a, n), E(() => {
const a = g(x), o = g(T), n = new Ee({ maxWidth: e.maxWidth, unit: e.unit });
B(() => e.position, a, n), C(() => {
var t;

@@ -853,60 +791,6 @@ return o.value && ((t = a.value) == null ? void 0 : t.removeControl(n));

var D = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.DEFAULT = "default", e.TEXT = "text", e.MDI = "mdi", e.SIMPLE_ICON = "simple-icons", e))(D || {});
const De = Object.values(D), $ = {
text: void 0,
mdi: {
size: 21,
viewbox: "0 0 24 24"
"simple-icons": {
size: 21,
viewbox: "0 0 24 24"
default: {
size: 0,
viewbox: "0 0 0 0"
}, U = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglButton",
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: "default",
validator: (e) => De.indexOf(e) !== -1
path: {
type: String
size: Number,
viewbox: String
slots: Object,
setup(e, { slots: a }) {
!e.path && e.type !== "text" && me("property `path` must be set on MaplibreButton");
const o = k($[e.type] || $.default);
return c(() => e.type, (n) => o.value = $[n] || $.default), () => {
var n, t;
return e.type === "text" ? R("button", { type: "button" }, (n = a.default) == null ? void 0 :, {})) : R(
{ type: "button", class: "maplibregl-ctrl-icon" },
width: e.size || o.value.size,
height: e.size || o.value.size,
viewBox: e.viewbox || o.value.viewbox
R("path", { fill: "currentColor", d: e.path })
(t = a.default) == null ? void 0 :, {})
function de(e) {
function ne(e) {
return e && !!e.stopPropagation;
const Fe = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
const ke = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglStyleSwitchControl",

@@ -934,62 +818,62 @@ props: {

setup(e, { emit: a, slots: o }) {
const n = g(N), t = g(P), r = g(Q), u = g(re), f = k(!1), y = k(e.isOpen === void 0 ? !1 : e.isOpen), A = te(e.modelValue === void 0 ? e.mapStyles.length ? e.mapStyles[0] : null : e.modelValue), h = new q(f, !1), C = S.bind(null, !1);
function m() {
const d = n.value.getStyle().name;
for (let i = 0, l = e.mapStyles.length; i < l; i++)
if (e.mapStyles[i].name === d) {
const n = g(x), t = g(T), s = g(W), h = g(X), S = _(!1), m = _(e.isOpen === void 0 ? !1 : e.isOpen), b = Y(e.modelValue === void 0 ? e.mapStyles.length ? e.mapStyles[0] : null : e.modelValue), f = new pe(S, !1), E = y.bind(null, !1);
function d() {
const u = n.value.getStyle().name;
for (let r = 0, i = e.mapStyles.length; r < i; r++)
if (e.mapStyles[r].name === u) {
c(r, (d) => {
d && m();
}, { immediate: !0 }), n.value.on("style.load", m), document.addEventListener("click", C), V(() => e.position, n, h), e.modelValue !== void 0 && c(() => e.modelValue, (d) => {
d !== void 0 && (A.value = d);
}), e.isOpen !== void 0 && c(() => e.isOpen, (d) => {
d !== void 0 && (y.value = d);
}), E(() => {
t.value && (n.value.removeControl(h),"style.load", m)), document.removeEventListener("click", C);
c(s, (u) => {
u && d();
}, { immediate: !0 }), n.value.on("style.load", d), document.addEventListener("click", E), B(() => e.position, n, f), e.modelValue !== void 0 && c(() => e.modelValue, (u) => {
u !== void 0 && (b.value = u);
}), e.isOpen !== void 0 && c(() => e.isOpen, (u) => {
u !== void 0 && (m.value = u);
}), C(() => {
t.value && (n.value.removeControl(f),"style.load", d)), document.removeEventListener("click", E);
function L(d) {
var i;
((i = A.value) == null ? void 0 : !== && (u.emit("styleSwitched", d), n.value.setStyle(, { diff: !1 }), e.modelValue === void 0 && (A.value = d), a("update:modelValue", d), S(!1));
function R(u) {
var r;
((r = b.value) == null ? void 0 : !== && (h.emit("styleSwitched", u), n.value.setStyle(, { diff: !1 }), e.modelValue === void 0 && (b.value = u), a("update:modelValue", u), y(!1));
function S(d, i) {
de(i) ? i.stopPropagation() : de(d) && d.stopPropagation(), !(e.isOpen !== void 0 && e.isOpen === d || y.value === d) && (e.isOpen === void 0 ? (y.value = typeof d == "boolean" ? d : !y.value, a("update:isOpen", y.value)) : a("update:isOpen", typeof d == "boolean" ? d : !e.isOpen));
function y(u, r) {
ne(r) ? r.stopPropagation() : ne(u) && u.stopPropagation(), !(e.isOpen !== void 0 && e.isOpen === u || m.value === u) && (e.isOpen === void 0 ? (m.value = typeof u == "boolean" ? u : !m.value, a("update:isOpen", m.value)) : a("update:isOpen", typeof u == "boolean" ? u : !e.isOpen));
return () => {
if (!f.value)
if (!S.value)
return O("style-switch-control");
const d = {
isOpen: y,
toggleOpen: S,
setStyle: L,
const u = {
isOpen: m,
toggleOpen: y,
setStyle: R,
mapStyles: e.mapStyles,
currentStyle: A
currentStyle: b
return R(
{ to: h.container },
o.default ? o.default(d) : [
o.button ? o.button(d) : R(U, {
type: D.MDI,
return H(
{ to: f.container },
o.default ? o.default(u) : [
o.button ? o.button(u) : H(K, {
type: oe.MDI,
path: "M12,18.54L19.37,12.8L21,14.07L12,21.07L3,14.07L4.62,12.81L12,18.54M12,16L3,9L12,2L21,9L12,16M12,4.53L6.26,9L12,13.47L17.74,9L12,4.53Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-style-switch", y.value ? "is-open" : ""],
onClick: S.bind(null, !0)
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-style-switch", m.value ? "is-open" : ""],
onClick: y.bind(null, !0)
o.styleList ? o.styleList(d) : R(
o.styleList ? o.styleList(u) : H(
{ class: ["maplibregl-style-list", y.value ? "is-open" : ""] }, => {
var l, x;
return i.icon ? R(U, {
type: D.MDI,
path: i.icon.path,
class: ((l = A.value) == null ? void 0 : === ? "is-active" : "",
onClick: () => L(i)
}, ue(i.label)) : R("button", {
{ class: ["maplibregl-style-list", m.value ? "is-open" : ""] }, => {
var i, M;
return r.icon ? H(K, {
type: oe.MDI,
path: r.icon.path,
class: ((i = b.value) == null ? void 0 : === ? "is-active" : "",
onClick: () => R(r)
}, ae(r.label)) : H("button", {
type: "button",
class: ((x = A.value) == null ? void 0 : === ? "is-active" : "",
onClick: () => L(i)
}, ue(i.label));
class: ((M = b.value) == null ? void 0 : === ? "is-active" : "",
onClick: () => R(r)
}, ae(r.label));

@@ -1008,58 +892,3 @@ )

}), Ge = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglDrawControl",
components: { MglCustomControl: ae },
props: {
position: { type: String, default: H.TOP_RIGHT },
model: { type: Object },
mode: { type: String, default: _.POLYGON },
defaultMode: { type: String, default: _.POLYGON },
zoomOnUpdate: { type: Boolean, default: !0 },
minAreaSize: { type: Number },
minAreaColor: { type: String },
pointerPrecision: { type: Object }
emits: ["update:mode", "update:model"],
slots: Object,
setup(e, { emit: a, slots: o }) {
const n = g(N), t = g(ye), r = J(new Oe(n.value, e.model, {
mode: e.mode,
zoomOnUpdate: e.zoomOnUpdate,
pointerPrecision: e.pointerPrecision,
minArea: {
size: e.minAreaSize,
color: e.minAreaColor
fitBoundsOptions: t,
onUpdate: (f) => a("update:model", f)
function u(f) {
r.mode === f ? r.setMode(e.defaultMode, e.model) : r.setMode(f, e.model), a("update:mode", f);
return c(() => e.mode, () => e.mode !== r.mode && u(e.mode)), c(() => e.model, () => r.setModel(e.model)), c(() => e.minAreaSize, () => r.setMinAreaSize(e.minAreaSize)), c(() => e.minAreaColor, () => r.setMinAreaColor(e.minAreaColor)), E(() => r.dispose()), () => R(
{ position: e.position },
() => o.buttons ? o.buttons({ mode: r.mode, setMode: u }) : [
R(U, {
type: D.MDI,
path: "M17,15.7V13H19V17L10,21L3,14L7,5H11V7H8.3L5.4,13.6L10.4,18.6L17,15.7M22,5V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5H22Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-polygon", r.mode === _.POLYGON ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => u(_.POLYGON)
R(U, {
type: D.MDI,
path: "M11,19A6,6 0 0,0 17,13H19A8,8 0 0,1 11,21A8,8 0 0,1 3,13A8,8 0 0,1 11,5V7A6,6 0 0,0 5,13A6,6 0 0,0 11,19M19,5H22V7H19V10H17V7H14V5H17V2H19V5Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-circle", r.mode === _.CIRCLE ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => u(_.CIRCLE)
R(U, {
type: D.MDI,
path: "M3.05,13H1V11H3.05C3.5,6.83 6.83,3.5 11,3.05V1H13V3.05C17.17,3.5 20.5,6.83 20.95,11H23V13H20.95C20.5,17.17 17.17,20.5 13,20.95V23H11V20.95C6.83,20.5 3.5,17.17 3.05,13M12,5A7,7 0 0,0 5,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,19A7,7 0 0,0 19,12A7,7 0 0,0 12,5Z",
class: ["maplibregl-ctrl-icon maplibregl-draw-control maplibregl-draw-control-circle-static", r.mode === _.CIRCLE_STATIC ? "is-active" : void 0],
onClick: () => u(_.CIRCLE_STATIC)
}), Ue = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), je = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglMarker",

@@ -1082,22 +911,22 @@ props: {

setup(e) {
const a = g(N), o = Object.keys(e).filter((t) => e[t] !== void 0 && I.MARKER_OPTION_KEYS.indexOf(t) !== -1).reduce((t, r) => (t[r] = X(e[r]), t), {}), n = new xe(o);
return n.setLngLat(e.coordinates).addTo(a.value), c(() => e.coordinates, (t) => n.setLngLat(t)), c(() => e.offset, (t) => n.setOffset(t || [0, 0])), c(() => e.pitchAlignment, (t) => n.setPitchAlignment(t || "auto")), c(() => e.rotationAlignment, (t) => n.setRotationAlignment(t || "auto")), E(n.remove.bind(n)), { marker: n };
const a = g(x), o = Object.keys(e).filter((t) => e[t] !== void 0 && N.MARKER_OPTION_KEYS.indexOf(t) !== -1).reduce((t, s) => (t[s] = G(e[s]), t), {}), n = new Le(o);
return n.setLngLat(e.coordinates).addTo(a.value), c(() => e.coordinates, (t) => n.setLngLat(t)), c(() => e.offset, (t) => n.setOffset(t || [0, 0])), c(() => e.pitchAlignment, (t) => n.setPitchAlignment(t || "auto")), c(() => e.rotationAlignment, (t) => n.setRotationAlignment(t || "auto")), C(n.remove.bind(n)), { marker: n };
render() {
}), W = class W {
}), D = class D {
static genSourceOpts(a, o, n) {
return Object.keys(o).filter((t) => o[t] !== void 0 && n.indexOf(t) !== -1).reduce((t, r) => (t[r] = X(o[r]), t), { type: a });
return Object.keys(o).filter((t) => o[t] !== void 0 && n.indexOf(t) !== -1).reduce((t, s) => (t[s] = G(o[s]), t), { type: a });
static getSourceRef(a, o) {
const n = typeof o == "string", t = String(a) + (n ? o : "");
let r = W.REFS.get(t);
return r || (r = k(n ? null : void 0), W.REFS.set(t, r)), r;
let s = D.REFS.get(t);
return s || (s = _(n ? null : void 0), D.REFS.set(t, s)), s;
v(W, "REFS", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
let Y = W;
class Ze {
A(D, "REFS", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
let V = D;
class _e {
constructor() {
v(this, "unmountHandlers", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());
A(this, "unmountHandlers", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map());

@@ -1114,20 +943,20 @@ registerUnmountHandler(a, o) {

function G(e, a, o) {
const n = g(N), t = g(Q), r = g(re), u = g(ne), f = Y.getSourceRef(u, e.sourceId), y = new Ze();
T(ie, e.sourceId), T(ge, y);
function A() {
t.value && (n.value.addSource(e.sourceId, Y.genSourceOpts(a, e, o)), f.value = n.value.getSource(e.sourceId));
function j(e, a, o) {
const n = g(x), t = g(W), s = g(X), h = g(J), S = V.getSourceRef(h, e.sourceId), m = new _e();
I(Q, e.sourceId), I(ie, m);
function b() {
t.value && (n.value.addSource(e.sourceId, V.genSourceOpts(a, e, o)), S.value = n.value.getSource(e.sourceId));
function h() {
f.value = null;
function f() {
S.value = null;
return c(t, A, { immediate: !0 }), n.value.on("style.load", A), r.on("styleSwitched", h), E(() => {
t.value && (y.unmount(), n.value.removeSource(e.sourceId)),"style.load", A),"styleSwitched", h);
}), f;
return c(t, b, { immediate: !0 }), n.value.on("style.load", b), s.on("styleSwitched", f), C(() => {
t.value && (m.unmount(), n.value.removeSource(e.sourceId)),"style.load", b),"styleSwitched", f);
}), S;
const We = F({
const Fe = k({
animate: void 0,
canvas: void 0,
coordinates: void 0
}), Ye = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), De = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglCanvasSource",

@@ -1145,4 +974,4 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "canvas", We);
return c(Z(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
const o = j(e, "canvas", Fe);
return c(F(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
var t;

@@ -1155,3 +984,3 @@ (t = o.value) == null || t.setCoordinates(n);

}), $e = F({
}), Ve = k({
data: void 0,

@@ -1171,3 +1000,3 @@ maxzoom: void 0,

filter: void 0
}), Ke = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Ze = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglGeoJsonSource",

@@ -1196,4 +1025,4 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "geojson", $e);
return c(Z( ? : () =>, (n) => {
const o = j(e, "geojson", Ve);
return c(F( ? : () =>, (n) => {
var t;

@@ -1206,6 +1035,6 @@ (t = o.value) == null || t.setData(n || { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] });

}), qe = F({
}), Ue = k({
url: void 0,
coordinates: void 0
}), Je = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Ge = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglImageSource",

@@ -1222,4 +1051,4 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "image", qe);
return c(Z(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
const o = j(e, "image", Ue);
return c(F(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
var t;

@@ -1232,3 +1061,3 @@ (t = o.value) == null || t.setCoordinates(n);

}), Xe = F({
}), We = k({
url: void 0,

@@ -1243,3 +1072,3 @@ tiles: void 0,

volatile: void 0
}), Qe = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), $e = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglRasterSource",

@@ -1263,3 +1092,3 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "raster", Xe);
const o = j(e, "raster", We);
return () => [

@@ -1270,3 +1099,3 @@ O("Raster Source"),

}), et = F({
}), Ye = k({
url: void 0,

@@ -1285,3 +1114,3 @@ tiles: void 0,

baseShift: void 0
}), tt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Ke = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglRasterDemSource",

@@ -1309,3 +1138,3 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "raster-dem", et);
const o = j(e, "raster-dem", Ye);
return () => [

@@ -1316,3 +1145,3 @@ O("RasterDem Source"),

}), at = F({
}), qe = k({
url: void 0,

@@ -1327,3 +1156,3 @@ tiles: void 0,

volatile: void 0
}), ot = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Je = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglVectorSource",

@@ -1347,7 +1176,7 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "vector", at);
return c(Z(e.tiles) ? e.tiles : () => e.tiles, (n) => {
const o = j(e, "vector", qe);
return c(F(e.tiles) ? e.tiles : () => e.tiles, (n) => {
var t;
(t = o.value) == null || t.setTiles(n || []);
}, { immediate: !0 }), c(Z(e.url) ? e.url : () => e.url, (n) => {
}, { immediate: !0 }), c(F(e.url) ? e.url : () => e.url, (n) => {
var t;

@@ -1360,6 +1189,6 @@ (t = o.value) == null || t.setUrl(n || "");

}), nt = F({
}), Qe = k({
urls: void 0,
coordinates: void 0
}), it = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), Xe = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglVideoSource",

@@ -1376,4 +1205,4 @@ props: {

setup(e, { slots: a }) {
const o = G(e, "video", nt);
return c(Z(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
const o = j(e, "video", Qe);
return c(F(e.coordinates) ? e.coordinates : () => e.coordinates, (n) => {
var t;

@@ -1386,11 +1215,11 @@ (t = o.value) == null || t.setCoordinates(n);

}), M = class M {
}), L = class L {
static genLayerOpts(a, o, n, t) {
return Object.keys(n).filter((r) => n[r] !== void 0 && M.SOURCE_OPTS.indexOf(r) !== -1).reduce((r, u) => (r[u === "sourceLayer" ? "source-layer" : u] = X(n[u]), r), { type: o, source: n.source || t, id: a });
return Object.keys(n).filter((s) => n[s] !== void 0 && L.SOURCE_OPTS.indexOf(s) !== -1).reduce((s, h) => (s[h === "sourceLayer" ? "source-layer" : h] = G(n[h]), s), { type: o, source: n.source || t, id: a });
static registerLayerEvents(a, o, n) {
if (n.props)
for (let t = 0, r = M.LAYER_EVENTS.length; t < r; t++) {
const u = "on" + M.LAYER_EVENTS[t].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + M.LAYER_EVENTS[t].substr(1);
n.props[u] && a.on(M.LAYER_EVENTS[t], o, n.props[u]);
for (let t = 0, s = L.LAYER_EVENTS.length; t < s; t++) {
const h = "on" + L.LAYER_EVENTS[t].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + L.LAYER_EVENTS[t].substr(1);
n.props[h] && a.on(L.LAYER_EVENTS[t], o, n.props[h]);

@@ -1400,9 +1229,9 @@ }

if (n.props)
for (let t = 0, r = M.LAYER_EVENTS.length; t < r; t++) {
const u = "on" + M.LAYER_EVENTS[t].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + M.LAYER_EVENTS[t].substr(1);
n.props[u] &&[t], o, n.props[u]);
for (let t = 0, s = L.LAYER_EVENTS.length; t < s; t++) {
const h = "on" + L.LAYER_EVENTS[t].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + L.LAYER_EVENTS[t].substr(1);
n.props[h] &&[t], o, n.props[h]);

@@ -1418,3 +1247,3 @@ "ref",

]), v(M, "LAYER_EVENTS", [
]), A(L, "LAYER_EVENTS", [

@@ -1433,3 +1262,3 @@ "dblclick",

]), v(M, "SHARED", {
]), A(L, "SHARED", {
props: {

@@ -1464,31 +1293,31 @@ layerId: {

let b = M;
function B(e, a, o, n, t) {
const r = g(ie), u = a || r;
u || me(`Layer (${o}): layer must be used inside source tag or source prop must be set`);
const f = g(N), y = g(Q), A = g(ne), h = Y.getSourceRef(A, u), C = g(ge);
function m() {
y.value && (t && b.unregisterLayerEvents(f.value, o, t.vnode), f.value.getLayer(o) && f.value.removeLayer(o));
let v = L;
function w(e, a, o, n, t) {
const s = g(Q), h = a || s;
h || ge(`Layer (${o}): layer must be used inside source tag or source prop must be set`);
const S = g(x), m = g(W), b = g(J), f = V.getSourceRef(b, h), E = g(ie);
function d() {
m.value && (t && v.unregisterLayerEvents(S.value, o, t.vnode), S.value.getLayer(o) && S.value.removeLayer(o));
return C.registerUnmountHandler(o, m), E(() => {
C.unregisterUnmountHandler(o), m();
}), c([y, h], ([L, S]) => {
L && (S || S === void 0) && (f.value.addLayer(b.genLayerOpts(o, e, n, u), n.before || void 0), t && b.registerLayerEvents(f.value, n.layerId, t.vnode));
}, { immediate: !0 }), { map: f, isLoaded: y, source: h };
return E.registerUnmountHandler(o, d), C(() => {
E.unregisterUnmountHandler(o), d();
}), c([m, f], ([R, y]) => {
R && (y || y === void 0) && (S.value.addLayer(v.genLayerOpts(o, e, n, h), n.before || void 0), t && v.registerLayerEvents(S.value, n.layerId, t.vnode));
}, { immediate: !0 }), { map: S, isLoaded: m, source: f };
const rt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
const et = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglBackgroundLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,
paint: Object
emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
return B("background", e.source, e.layerId, e), () => O("Background Layer");
return w("background", e.source, e.layerId, e), () => O("Background Layer");
}), lt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), tt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglCircleLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1498,11 +1327,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("circle", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Circle Layer");
const a = P();
return w("circle", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Circle Layer");
}), st = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), at = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglFillLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1512,11 +1341,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("fill", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Fill Layer");
const a = P();
return w("fill", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Fill Layer");
}), ut = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), ot = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglFillExtrusionLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1526,11 +1355,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("fill-extrusion", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Fill Extrusion Layer");
const a = P();
return w("fill-extrusion", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Fill Extrusion Layer");
}), dt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), nt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglHeatmapLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1540,11 +1369,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("heatmap", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Heatmap Layer");
const a = P();
return w("heatmap", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Heatmap Layer");
}), ct = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), rt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglHillshadeLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1554,11 +1383,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("hillshade", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Hillshade Layer");
const a = P();
return w("hillshade", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Hillshade Layer");
}), mt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), it = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglLineLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1568,11 +1397,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("line", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Line Layer");
const a = P();
return w("line", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Line Layer");
}), ft = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), lt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglRasterLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1582,11 +1411,11 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("raster", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Raster Layer");
const a = P();
return w("raster", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Raster Layer");
}), gt = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
}), st = /* @__PURE__ */ p({
name: "MglSymbolLayer",
props: {
layout: Object,

@@ -1596,40 +1425,39 @@ paint: Object,

emits: [...b.SHARED.emits],
emits: [...v.SHARED.emits],
setup(e) {
const a = w();
return B("symbol", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Symbol Layer");
const a = P();
return w("symbol", e.source, e.layerId, e, a), () => O("Symbol Layer");
}), yt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
}), ut = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
MglAttributionControl: Pe,
MglBackgroundLayer: rt,
MglButton: U,
MglCanvasSource: Ye,
MglCircleLayer: lt,
MglCustomControl: ae,
MglDrawControl: Ge,
MglFillExtrusionLayer: ut,
MglFillLayer: st,
MglFrameRateControl: Be,
MglFullscreenControl: He,
MglGeoJsonSource: Ke,
MglGeolocationControl: _e,
MglHeatmapLayer: dt,
MglHillshadeLayer: ct,
MglImageSource: Je,
MglLineLayer: mt,
MglMap: we,
MglMarker: Ue,
MglNavigationControl: je,
MglRasterDemSource: tt,
MglRasterLayer: ft,
MglRasterSource: Qe,
MglScaleControl: Ve,
MglStyleSwitchControl: Fe,
MglSymbolLayer: gt,
MglVectorSource: ot,
MglVideoSource: it,
Position: H
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Lt = function(a) {
Object.entries(yt).forEach(([o, n]) => {
MglAttributionControl: xe,
MglBackgroundLayer: et,
MglButton: K,
MglCanvasSource: De,
MglCircleLayer: tt,
MglCustomControl: Se,
MglFillExtrusionLayer: ot,
MglFillLayer: at,
MglFrameRateControl: we,
MglFullscreenControl: Ie,
MglGeoJsonSource: Ze,
MglGeolocationControl: Te,
MglHeatmapLayer: nt,
MglHillshadeLayer: rt,
MglImageSource: Ge,
MglLineLayer: it,
MglMap: Ce,
MglMarker: je,
MglNavigationControl: He,
MglRasterDemSource: Ke,
MglRasterLayer: lt,
MglRasterSource: $e,
MglScaleControl: ze,
MglStyleSwitchControl: ke,
MglSymbolLayer: st,
MglVectorSource: Je,
MglVideoSource: Xe,
Position: Z
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), yt = function(a) {
Object.entries(ut).forEach(([o, n]) => {
a.component(o, n);

@@ -1639,48 +1467,47 @@ });

export {
Ot as AllOptions,
F as AllSourceOptions,
Pe as MglAttributionControl,
rt as MglBackgroundLayer,
U as MglButton,
Ye as MglCanvasSource,
lt as MglCircleLayer,
ae as MglCustomControl,
s as MglDefaults,
Ge as MglDrawControl,
ut as MglFillExtrusionLayer,
st as MglFillLayer,
Be as MglFrameRateControl,
He as MglFullscreenControl,
Ke as MglGeoJsonSource,
_e as MglGeolocationControl,
dt as MglHeatmapLayer,
ct as MglHillshadeLayer,
Je as MglImageSource,
mt as MglLineLayer,
we as MglMap,
Ue as MglMarker,
je as MglNavigationControl,
tt as MglRasterDemSource,
ft as MglRasterLayer,
Qe as MglRasterSource,
Ve as MglScaleControl,
Fe as MglStyleSwitchControl,
gt as MglSymbolLayer,
ot as MglVectorSource,
it as MglVideoSource,
H as Position,
ne as componentIdSymbol,
Lt as default,
re as emitterSymbol,
ye as fitBoundsOptionsSymbol,
P as isInitializedSymbol,
Q as isLoadedSymbol,
N as mapSymbol,
ie as sourceIdSymbol,
ge as sourceLayerRegistry,
B as useDisposableLayer,
At as useMap,
V as usePositionWatcher,
G as useSource
vt as AllOptions,
k as AllSourceOptions,
xe as MglAttributionControl,
et as MglBackgroundLayer,
K as MglButton,
De as MglCanvasSource,
tt as MglCircleLayer,
Se as MglCustomControl,
l as MglDefaults,
ot as MglFillExtrusionLayer,
at as MglFillLayer,
we as MglFrameRateControl,
Ie as MglFullscreenControl,
Ze as MglGeoJsonSource,
Te as MglGeolocationControl,
nt as MglHeatmapLayer,
rt as MglHillshadeLayer,
Ge as MglImageSource,
it as MglLineLayer,
Ce as MglMap,
je as MglMarker,
He as MglNavigationControl,
Ke as MglRasterDemSource,
lt as MglRasterLayer,
$e as MglRasterSource,
ze as MglScaleControl,
ke as MglStyleSwitchControl,
st as MglSymbolLayer,
Je as MglVectorSource,
Xe as MglVideoSource,
Z as Position,
J as componentIdSymbol,
yt as default,
X as emitterSymbol,
he as fitBoundsOptionsSymbol,
T as isInitializedSymbol,
W as isLoadedSymbol,
x as mapSymbol,
Q as sourceIdSymbol,
ie as sourceLayerRegistry,
w as useDisposableLayer,
ht as useMap,
B as usePositionWatcher,
j as useSource
"name": "vue-maplibre-gl",
"version": "5.3.3",
"version": "5.3.4",
"description": "Vue 3 plugin for maplibre-gl",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

@@ -11,3 +11,2 @@ /* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */

export { default as MglStyleSwitchControl } from './controls/styleSwitch.control';
export { default as MglDrawControl } from './controls/draw.control';
export { default as MglButton } from './button.component';

@@ -14,0 +13,0 @@ export { default as MglMarker } from './marker.component';

@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ import './draw.plugin.scss';

export * from './circle.mode.ts';
export * from './circleStatic.mode.ts'
export * from './circleStatic.mode.ts';
export * from './types';
export { default as MglDrawControl } from './draw.control';

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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