Vue 2 Autocomplete
Autocomplete Component For Vue 2. It's based on vue-autocomplete
You can import vue2-autocomplete.vue to your vue component file like this and process it with your preprocessor.
You can install it via NPM
npm install vue2-autocomplete-js
Or Just put it after Vue JS~
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./dist/vue2-autocomplete.js"></script>
new Vue({
components: {
autocomplete: Vue2Autocomplete
Import Style
Don't forget to import vue 2 css. You can link it via html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vue2-autocomplete/dist/style/vue2-autocomplete.css">
Or You can import it using commonJS
Its style is very customizable. You can put any CSS over it. And You can add custom class via its prop.
Import Module
import Autocomplete from 'vue2-autocomplete-js'
var Autocomplete = require('vue2-autocomplete-js');
import Autocomplete from 'vue2-autocomplete-js';
export default {
components: { Autocomplete },
methods: {
Full Props
id="custom id"
class-name="custom class name"
:init-value="initial value"
:init-value="initial value"
:custom-params="{ token: 'dev' }"
url* (String)
the URL must be active (not from file). the component will fetch JSON from this URL and passing one params (default : q
) query. like:
There are no filter and limit action inside the component. So, do it in your API logic.
params (String)
name of the search parameter to query in Ajax call. default is q=
min (Number)
Minimum input typed chars before performing the search query. default is 0
anchor* (String)
It's a object property name that passed by your API. It's used for Anchor in suggestions list. Example anchor="name"
will get the name property of your JSON object. Like ("Bambang", "Sukijan", "Bejo") in the demo above.
label (String)
Same as anchor but it's used for subtitle or description of list
placeholder (String)
Placeholder for input
className (String)
Custom class name for autocomplete component
id (String)
Custom id name for autocomplete component
Callback Events
You can make a callback event via props.
onInput (Function)
On Input event in autocomplete
onShow (Function)
On Show event in autocomplete list
onBlur (Function)
When autocomplete is blured
onHide (Function)
When autocomplete list is hidden
onFocus (Function)
When autocomplete input in focus mode
onSelect (Function)
When user has selected one item in the list
onBeforeAjax (Function)
Before the ajax send
onAjaxProgress (Function)
While ajax is fetching the data
onAjaxLoaded (Function)
When ajax process is totally loaded
You can do some methods by accessing the component via javascript.
setValue (String)
To set the value of the autocomplete input
Thank You for Making this useful~
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Copyright (c) 2016 - forever Naufal Rabbani