Wakanda Javascript Client
Minimalist, framework agnostic, JavaScript client to interact with Wakanda Server REST API that exposes a
standard and easy to use JavaScript API.
Install through npm
or bower
. There is only browser version on bower
, both node and browser ones on npm
npm install wakanda-client
bower install wakanda-client
Check out the Quickstart Guide to learn how to how use Wakanda-Client.
Git clone this repository then install dependencies. Wakanda Client needs Node 4.0 or greater.
npm install
Run (on web browser)
Launch webpack build on watch mode, it will rebuild the client when sources are edited.
npm run webpack-watch
On another tab, launch a server that serve example application on app/
gulp serve
Then open your browser on http://localhost:1136/app/index.html
Build (dev)
npm run webpack-build
Bundles are built on ./dist/
You can require
on a Node application, or directly insert
on a <script>
tag (it's a UMD module) and use WakandaClient
Integration tests
Integration testing is made with mocha and chai. It directly runs tests against built bundles.
Tests are written in ES5 to avoid useless compilation. There are two modes : one
which runs tests against node bundle, the other against the umd module on PhantomJS with karma.
There also are commands to launch test without rebuilding the bundles.
npm run test:karma:full
npm run test:karma:single
npm run test:node:full
npm run test:node:single
There is a prism-connect server running
to mock a real Wakanda Server. It has JSON
mocks stored on test/connect/mocks/rest
. These JSON can be generated by launching
npm run test-server:init
. It will launch prism-connect server and proxy all requests
to a real Wakanda Server, then store the results. This operation must be do each time
tests are modified or added.
You can launch the mocking server by typing npm run test-server:start
and stop
it with npm run test-server:stop
Integration tests need this server to be running to execute.
You can use the two following scripts to run both Karma and node unit test with
test server launching and stopping alone. Just be sure that port 3000
is free.
npm run test
npm run test-single
Karma automatically proxies requests on /rest
to test server. For node
test, WakandaClient
module is instancied with test server address on each
test file.
If port 3000
doesn't suit your needs, you can change it on test/connect/server.js
and on test/server.integration.json
As PhantomJS doesn't support CustomEvent
constructor, there is a polyfill on test
The CommonJS exported module (or global var for browser) exposes several classes, that's why we need
to repeat WakandaClient
when instantiating.
You can also import exposed classes with import
import {WakandaClient} from 'wakanda-client';
let client = new WakandaClient();
Wakanda Server URI on WakandaClient
is mandatory for node bundle.
var WakandaClient = require('wakanda-client');
var wakClient = new WakandaClient.WakandaClient('http://localhost:8081');
You will have to proxy all request on /rest
to your Wakanda Server (example on gulpfile), or directly
pass a server URI to WakandaClient
<script src="./wakanda-client.min.js"></script>
var wakClient = new WakandaClient.WakandaClient();
You can alse use npm package for browser using (with webpack for example),
but you will have to require wakanda-client/browser
var WakandaClient = require('wakanda-client/browser');