get git changed files & their statuses since any reference
what's this do?
A micro-lib to retrieve an array of file names that were changed (added,
modified, renamed, deleted, ...) since the reference it got passed.
- :warning: in the process of getting 'production ready'. It's automatically
tested + it's using itself - but a bunch of static analysis and a bit of
automation still needs be added.
- Interface is stable-ish, but can can change until 1.0.0 is published
sample return value
{ "name": "doc/cli.md", "changeType": "modified" },
"name": "test/report/mermaid/mermaid.spec.mjs",
"changeType": "renamed",
"oldName": "test/configs/plugins/mermaid-reporter-plugin/module-level/index.spec.mjs",
"similarity": 66
{ "name": "src/not-tracked-yet.mjs", "changeType": "untracked" }
For now there's also a simple command line interface
Usage: watskeburt [options] <reference>
lists files since <reference>
-T, --output-type <type> json,regex (default: "regex")
--tracked-only only take tracked files into account (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command