Testrail Reporter for WebdriverIO
Pushes test results into TestRail.
$ npm install wdio-testrail-tags-reporter --save-dev
Environment variables
You need to provide the TestRail server variables through the process (OS) environment variables. The following variables should be set:
`; The user password or API key for the user. API key is preferred
; Optional: If you use suites, add a suite ID (with S or without)
Import this library in your wdio.conf.js
const { TestrailService } = require("wdio-testrail-tags-reporter");
Your services should look like this:
services: [[TestrailService, {}]],
Ensure that your TestRail installation API is enabled and generate your API keys. See https://support.gurock.com/hc/en-us/articles/7077039051284-Accessing-the-TestRail-API#authentication-0-0
npx wdio run config/wdio.app.conf.ts \
--name "Android automation run - Real device" \
--description "test run description" \
--spec "src/specs/**.ts" \
The testrail tag is optional and should only be used if you want to use TestRail integration.
If you had to stop the execution (hence, the run was not closed), you can run back the execution on the same TestRail run with --dry. This will report the results to the latest open run.
Use --closeRun to close the run afters the tests
Include git branch will append the branch name to the run name
Mark your tests names with the IDs of TestRail test cases. Ensure that your test case IDs are separated with a blank space from the test description.
During the run a file runId.txt will be created, this file should be added to gitignore
it("C123 C124 Authenticate with invalid user", () => {})
it("Authenticate a valid user C321", () => {})
Only passed or failed tests will be published. Skipped or pending tests will not be published resulting in a "Pending" status in the TestRail test run.
It is possible to use tags for positive or negative matching of tests with the --tags and --excludeTags parameters
it("C321 Authenticate a valid user -@ Smoke", () => {})
--tags Smoke,Development
--excludeTags Production,Bug
For more information about tags refer to Tags system
Build and test
npm run clean
npm run build