Web Storage Manager
web-storage-manager is a web utility storage manager to handle save, update and data purge.
Demo Page
npm install web-storage-manager --save
import { LocalStorage, SessionStorage } from 'web-storage-manager';
or using helper
import { createLocalStorage, createSessionStorage } from 'web-storage-manager';
const LocalStorage = createLocalStorage(window);
const SessionStorage = createSessionStorage(window);
or using the base class
import { WebStorage } from 'web-storage-manager';
const LocalStorage = new WebStorage(window.localStorage);
const SessionStorage = new WebStorage(window.sessionStorage);
const keyPath = 'targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject.changethis'
const keyPath2 = 'targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject.changethis2'
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath, valueInObj, 'id')
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath2, valueInObj)
Storage.appendItem('test-sample', { new_item : { desc: 'new test item' } })
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import { LocalStorage, SessionStorage } from 'web-storage-manager';
const isLocalToggle = true;
const Storage = isLocalToggle ? LocalStorage : SessionStorage;
class App extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
const testItems = [
id: 1,
value: '777',
description: 'test item 1'
}, {
id: 2,
value: '888',
description: 'test item 2'
}, {
id: 3,
value: '999',
description: 'test item 3'
const testOjb = {
name: 'Object',
value: 'target of change',
description: 'test item for object type'
const tObj = {
'changethis': testItems,
'changethis2': testOjb
let collection = {
name: 'The data where our target object was saved',
'targetObject': tObj
let collectionInfo = {
description: 'just another layer for testing',
'collection': collection
let parentItem = {
name: 'parent item',
description: 'test object',
'targetKeyOnParent': collectionInfo
Storage.setItem('test-sample', parentItem, true);
Storage.setItem('test-sample-for-compare', parentItem);
const valueInObj = {
id: 2,
value: '01220',
description: 'test item 101'
const keyPath = 'test-sample.targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject.changethis'
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath, valueInObj, 'id')
const keyPath2 = 'test-sample.targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject.changethis2'
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath2, valueInObj)
const keyPath3 = 'test-sample.targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject2'
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath3, testItems)
const valueInObj2 = {
id: 1,
value: '015',
description: 'test item 151'
const keyPath4 = 'test-sample.targetKeyOnParent.collection.targetObject2'
Storage.updateItemInItem(keyPath4, valueInObj2)
Storage.appendItem('test-sample', { new_item : { desc: 'new test item' } })
Storage.removeItemInItem(keyPath, valueInObj, 'id')
Storage.setItem('copy', Storage.getItem('test-sample'))
key: 'multiple-save-1',
value: 'multiple-save-data-1'
key: 'multiple-save-2',
value: ['multiple-save-data-2', 'multiple-save-data-2']
key: 'multiple-save-3',
value: { desc: 'multiple-save-data-3' }
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<img src={logo} className="App-logo" alt="logo" />
Edit <code>src/App.js</code> and save to reload.
rel="noopener noreferrer"
Learn React
export default App;
Available Functions
appendItem: ƒ (key, value)
combineObject: ƒ (object, toObject)
decode: ƒ (encObj)
encode: ƒ (obj)
getItem: ƒ (key)
getItemInItem: ƒ (keyPath, value, attrCompare)
getMultiple: ƒ (keys)
hasData: ƒ (key)
indexOfObject: ƒ (collection, object, attr)
isDataEncoded: ƒ (data)
purge: ƒ ()
removeItem: ƒ (key)
removeItemInItem: ƒ (keyPath, value, attrCompare)
removeMultiple: ƒ (keys)
setItem: ƒ (key, value, encoded)
setMultiple: ƒ (items, encoded)
storage: ƒ ()
updateItemInItem: ƒ (keyPath, value, attrCompare)
We would love for you to contribute to Web Storage Manager
. See the LICENSE file for more info.
This project was inpired by 'react-persist' that was discontinued.
Web Storage Manager
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.