Web3 HD Wallet
Web3 HD Wallet is a package that provides functionality to generate HD wallets and encrypt/decrypt private keys.
To install the package, use npm:
npm install web3-hd-wallet --save
HD Wallet
const { HdWallet } = require('web3-hd-wallet');
const hdWallet = new HdWallet();
const mnemonic = hdWallet.generateMnemonic();
console.log('Mnemonic:', mnemonic);
const wallets = hdWallet.generateHDWallets({
mnemonic: mnemonic,
numOfWallets: 3,
hdPath: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
console.log('HD Wallets:', wallets);
const { Web3Eth } = require('web3-hd-wallet');
const web3Eth = new Web3Eth('http://localhost:8545');
const encryptedKey = web3Eth.encrypt({
privateKey: '0x1234567890abcdef',
password: 'testpassword',
console.log('Encrypted Key:', encryptedKey);
const decryptedWallet = web3Eth.decrypt({
keystoreJson: { },
password: 'testpassword',
console.log('Decrypted Wallet:', decryptedWallet);
HD Wallet Methods
: string: Generates a random mnemonic phrase.generateHDWallets(params: IHdWallet)
: Array<{ address: string, privateKey: string }>: Generates multiple HD wallets based on the provided parameters. The params object should have the following properties:
mnemonic (string)
: The mnemonic phrase.numOfWallets (number)
: The number of wallets to generate.hdPath (string, optional)
: The HD derivation path (default: "m/44'/60'/0'/0").
Web3Eth Methods
encrypt(params: IWeb3Encrypt)
: any: Encrypts a wallet private key. The params object should have the following properties:
privateKey (string)
: The private key to encrypt.password (string)
: The password used for encryption.
decrypt(params: IWeb3Decrypt)
: any: Decrypts a keystore JSON. The params object should have the following properties:
keystoreJson (any)
: The keystore JSON object to decrypt.password (string)
: The password used for decryption.
For detailed information about the parameters and return values, refer to the inline documentation in the source code.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.