tl;dr ring inspired ring DHT algorithm using WebRTC as transport layer for P2P in the browser. You can find more about how it works underneath at HOW_DOES_IT_WORK
It enables you to communicate between several browsers in a p2p/decentralized fashion though a DHT.
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How to create a node
webrtc-ring uses browserify
var ring = require('webrtc-ring');
var nodeConfig = {
signalingURL: 'http://url-to-webrtc-ring-signaling-server.com'
var node = ring.createNode(nodeConfig);
node.e.on('ready', function () {
// this node is ready
How to communicate with other nodes
Send a message to a Node responsible for the ID 1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce29
var toId = '1af17e73721dbe0c40011b82ed4bb1a7dbe3ce29';
// 160 bit ID represented in hex(`git_sha1` module is a good way to generate these)
node.send(destID: toId,
data: 'hey, how are you doing');
Send a message to this node sucessor (next node in ring)
node.sendSucessor(data: 'hey, how are you doing');
Receive a message
node.e.on('message', function(message) {
Other options
add the logging flag to your nodeConfig
var nodeConfig = {
logging: true