tl;dr webrtc-explorer
is a [Chord][chord-paper] inspired P2P overlay network designed for the Web platform (browsers), using WebRTC as its transport between peers and WebSockets for Signaling data. Essentially, it enables your peers (browsers) to communicate between each other without the need to have a server as a mediator of messages.
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![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/diasdavid/webrtc-explorer.svg)
- Ids have 48 bits (so that is a multiple of 4 (for hex notation) and doesn't require importing a big-num lib to handle over 53 bits operations)
- The number of fingers of each peer is flexible, however it is recommended to not pass 16 per node (due to browser resource constraints)
- Each peer is responsible for a segment of the hash ring
uses browserify
Create a new peer
var Explorer = require('webrtc-explorer');
var config = {
signalingURL: 'http://url-to-webrtc-ring-signaling-server.com'
var peer = new Explorer(config);
peer.events.on('ready', function () {
// this node is ready
Register the peer
Send and receive a message
Other options
add the logging flag to your config
var config = {
logging: true
How does it work
Read the CHORD paper
Some important learnings that are part of webrtc-explorer, were done in webrtc-ring
Registering a peer
Updating the finger table
Signaling between two peers
Message routing