WebRTC-myip - webRTC client
A library for WebRTC media streaming
Presenter's flow | Viewer's flow |
1. Create webRTC client instance | |
const rtc = new RTC(WS_SERVER_URL, RTC_CONFIG); | |
2. Set media source | 2. Set media destination |
rtc.setSourceVideo('userMedia', userMedia); | rtc.connectDestinationVideo('userMedia', userMedia); |
3. Join a room as a streamer | 3. Join a room as a viewer |
rtc.join(room, true); | rtc.join(room, false); |
npm install webrtc-myip
Sample usage
import { RTC_CONFIG, WS_SERVER_URL } from "./config";
import RTC, { STREAM_EVENTS } from "webrtc-myip";
const webcamEl = <HTMLVideoElement>document.getElementById('webcam');
const screenEl = <HTMLVideoElement>document.getElementById('screen');
const queryString = require('query-string');
const { room, isStreamer } = queryString.parse(location.search);
const rtc = new RTC(WS_SERVER_URL, RTC_CONFIG);
console.log(room, isStreamer);
async function streamerFlow(room: string) {
webcamEl.srcObject = await rtc.setupMedia('userMedia');
const connection = await rtc.join(room, isStreamer);
async function viewerFlow(room: string) {
const connection = await rtc.join(room, isStreamer);
connection.on(STREAM_EVENTS.REMOTE_USER_MEDIA, (stream: MediaStream) => {
webcamEl.srcObject = stream;
connection.on(STREAM_EVENTS.REMOTE_DISPLAY, (stream: MediaStream) => {
screenEl.srcObject = stream;
if (isStreamer) {
} else {
See working example code in the example folder
Read full documentation here
Socket interface
To exchange peer negotiation messages (offer & answer) WebRTC-myip uses web socket.
Pass WS URL in RTC
instance constructor to connect to your socket.
Your socket has to implement following types of events:
- passes just connected user id to the connected user'other'
- passes connected user id to Presenter'message'
- translate user's message to other participants
See sample socket code in the example folder