webrtc-polyfill is a Node.js Native Addon that provides bindings to libdatachannel. This project aims for spec-compliance and is tested using the W3C's web-platform-tests project, but doesn't pass all of its tests, instead focuses on the important ones, like close, error and data events, states, while offering performance better than any alternative. A number of nonstandard APIs for testing are also included.
Notably most of the core WebRTC functionality is async in contrast to how web handles it. Notable examples are:
datachannel.send(new Blob([new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4])]))
datachannel.send(new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]))
datachannel.send(new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4]))
pnpm install webrtc-polyfill
Supported Platforms
For supported platforms see the node-channel bindings compatibility table. Note that node versions under 14 require a global EventTarget and Event polyfill.
Requirements: Python, Node.js