WildEmitter - A lightweight event emitter that supports wildcard handlers
What's an event emitter?
If you've ever listened for a click event in a browser you've used an emitter. But, user interaction isn't the only thing that can trigger an event worth listening to. You can also make other objects capable of emitting events. That's what wildemitter is for. You can extend your objects with it so that you can emit events from them and register handlers on them. This pattern helps you write more re-usable code becaause your objct doen't have to know how it's going to be used. It can simply emit events any time something happens that other code may be interested in.
You'll see this type of pattern a lot in node.js. Where lots of things in the standard libraries inherit from EventEmitter and emit various events to indicate progress, errors, completion, etc.
So, why make another one? Aren't there others already?
Well, yes there are, but not quite what I wanted. This one is largely based on the emitter in @visionmedia's UIKit. So, much props to TJ for that. But there were a few more things I wanted. Specifically the following:
- Super lightweight
- Support for browser/node.js (browser use requires a CommonJS wrapper of some kind, like Stitch or Browserify)
- Support for wildcard handlers (
or something*
) - Support for grouping registered handlers and aun unbinding them all by their group name. This is really handy when, for example, you want unbind all handlers associated with a given "sub-page" within a single page app.
##How do I use it?
var Emitter = require('./wildemitter');
function Fruit(name) {
this.name = name;
Fruit.prototype = new Emitter;
Fruit.prototype.test = function () {
this.emit('test', this.name);
var apple = new Fruit('apple');
apple.on('*', function () {
console.log('"*" handler called', arguments);
apple.on('te*', function () {
console.log('"te*" handler called', arguments);
apple.on('test', function () {
console.log('"test" handler called', arguments);
var orange = new Fruit('orange');
orange.on('test', 'today', someHandler);
orange.on('someOtherEvent', 'today', someHandler);
orange.on('*', 'today', someHandler);
Emitters are often something you want to be able to include in another lib. There's also file called wildemitter-bare.js that doesn't have any export mechanism.
You can run the tests with nodeunit
by running: nodeunit test.js
Written by @HenrikJoreteg inspired by TJ's emitter component.
If you like this follow @HenrikJoreteg on twitter.