Facebook Messenger plugin for wingbot
Connector plugin for wingbot chatbot framework
Advanced features
Transfering action as a metadata of handover event
You can include a full JSON Action string to run a certain interaction in your bot using metadata in a handover event.
- Facebook
- Settings
- MenuComposer
- userLoader(pageToken, [logger])
User loader middleware
- AttachmentCache :
Kind: global class
new Facebook(processor, options, [senderLogger])
Param | Type | Description |
processor | Processor | |
options | object | |
options.pageToken | string | facebook page token |
options.appId | string | facebook app id |
[options.botToken] | string | botToken for webhook verification |
[options.appSecret] | string | provide app secret to verify requests |
[options.passThreadAction] | string | trigger this action for pass thread event |
[options.takeThreadAction] | string | trigger this action for take thread event |
[options.requestThreadAction] | string | trigger this action when thread request |
[options.throwsExceptions] | boolean | allows processEvents method to thow exception |
[options.apiUrl] | string | override Facebook API url |
[options.attachmentStorage] | AttachmentCache | cache for reusing attachments |
[options.requestLib] | function | request library replacement |
[senderLogger] | console | optional console like chat logger |
facebook.verifyWebhook(queryString) ⇒ string
Verifies Bots webhook against Facebook
Kind: instance method of Facebook
when the request is invalid
Param | Type |
queryString | object |
facebook.verifyRequest(body, headers) ⇒ Promise
Verify Facebook webhook event
Kind: instance method of Facebook
when x-hub-signature does not match body signature
Param | Type |
body | Buffer | string |
headers | object |
facebook.processMessage(message, senderId, pageId, data) ⇒ Promise.<{status:number}>
Kind: instance method of Facebook
Param | Type | Description |
message | object | wingbot chat event |
senderId | string | chat event sender identifier |
pageId | string | channel/page identifier |
data | object | contextual data (will be available in res.data) |
[data.appId] | string | possibility to override appId |
facebook.processEvent(body, [data]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<{message:object, pageId:string}>>
Process Facebook request
Kind: instance method of Facebook
Returns: Promise.<Array.<{message:object, pageId:string}>>
- - unprocessed events
Param | Type | Description |
body | object | event body |
[data] | object | event context data |
Kind: global class
new Settings()
Utility, which helps us to set up chatbot behavior
settings.greeting([text]) ⇒ Promise
Sets or clears bot's greeting
Kind: instance method of Settings
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[text] | string | false | leave empty to clear |
settings.getStartedButton([payload]) ⇒ Promise
Sets up the Get Started Button
Kind: instance method of Settings
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[payload] | string | object | false | leave blank to remove button, or provide the action |
const settings = new Settings(config.facebook.pageToken);
settings.whitelistDomain(domains) ⇒ Promise
Useful for using facebook extension in webviews
Kind: instance method of Settings
Param | Type |
domains | string | Array.<string> |
Drops the menu
Kind: instance method of Settings
Sets up the persistent menu
Kind: instance method of Settings
Param | Type | Default |
[locale] | string | "default" |
[inputDisabled] | boolean | false |
const { Settings } = require('wingbot');
const settings = new Settings('page-token-string');
.addNested('Nested Menu')
.addUrl('Aller à google', 'https://google.com')
.addPostBack('Faire quelque chose', '/the/action')
.addNested('Nested Menu')
.addUrl('Go to google', 'https://google.com')
.addPostBack('Do something', '/the/action')
Kind: static class of Settings
new Settings(token, [log], [req])
Creates an instance of Settings.
Param | Type | Description |
token | string | |
[log] | Object | |
[req] | function | request library for resting purposes |
Kind: global class
Param | Type | Default |
onDone | function | |
[isTopLevel] | boolean | true |
Add postback to menu
Kind: instance method of MenuComposer
Param | Type |
title | string |
action | string |
[data] | object |
Add webview to menu
Kind: instance method of MenuComposer
Param | Type | Default |
title | string | |
url | string | |
[hasExtension] | boolean | false |
[webviewHeight] | string | null |
Add Nested menu component
Kind: instance method of MenuComposer
Finish the menu
Last call of "done" returns a promise
Kind: instance method of MenuComposer
Finish the menu for the locale and starts a new menu
Kind: instance method of MenuComposer
Param | Type | Default |
[locale] | string | "default" |
[inputDisabled] | boolean | false |
userLoader(pageToken, [logger])
User loader middleware
Kind: global function
Param | Type |
pageToken | string |
[logger] | console |
const { userLoader } = require('wingbot-facebook');
bot.use(userLoader('<page token here>'));
bot.use((req, res) => {
const {
} = req.state.user;
res.text(`Hello ${firstName}!`);
AttachmentCache : object
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type |
findAttachmentByUrl | function |
saveAttachmentId | function |