Project Goal
Winnow is made for applying sql to geojson in memory. It is useful for working against geojson objects but also has built-in primitives for piping streams.
Build and apply a query to a feature collection object or an array of features
const features = Object
const options = {
where: String
geometry: Object
spatialPredicate: String
fields: Array
aggregates: Object
winnow.query(features, options)
A sql where statement.
'Trunk_Diameter > 10'
'Trunk_Diameter > 10 AND Genus like 'Quercus%'
(Genus like '%Quercus%' OR Common_Name like '%Live Oak%') AND Street_Type like '%AVE%'
A GeoJSON or Esri Geometry Object
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [[[-118.163, 34.162], [-118.108, 34.162], [-118.108, 34.173], [-118.163, 34.173], [-118.163, 34.162]]],
xmin: -13155799.066536672,
ymin: 4047806.77771083,
xmax: -13143569.142011061,
ymax: 4050673.16627152,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 102100
Specifies the relationship between the passed-in geometry and the features in the data
- ST_Within: Features in the data must be completely within the passed-in geometry
- ST_Contains: Features in the data must completely contain the passed-in geometry
- ST_Intersects: Features in the data must intersect the passed-in geometry
Can also specify the esri-style predicates esriSpatialRelWithin, esriSpatialRelContains, esriSpatialRelIntersects
An array that specifies fields should be returned from each features properties or attributes. Will also accept a comma-delimited string.
e.g. [Trunk_Diameter, Common_Name, Genus]
An array that specifies aggregations to apply across all features or properties. Must specify at least a type and a field. Providing a name for the aggregation is optional
Types: [sum, avg, count, max, min, first, last]
type: 'sum',
field: 'Trunk_Diameter',
name: 'Total_Trunk_Diameter'
type: 'avg',
field: 'Trunk_Diameter'
Like aggregates but follows esri's query API
statisticType: 'sum',
onStatisticField: 'Trunk_Diameter',
outStatisticFieldName: 'Total_Trunk_Diameter'
statisticType: 'avg',
onStatisticField: 'Trunk_Diameter'
If true, the object returned will be an esri feature collection
Returns a function that can be applied directly to a feature collection object an array of features, or a single feature. Useful when you want to pass a stream of features through a filter.
const options = {
where: String,
geometry: Object,
spatialPredicate: String,
fields: Array,
aggregates: Array
const filter = winnow.prepareQuery(options)
Execute sql directly against the query engine.
- Replace any variables with ?
- Table name should always be replaced by ?
- Non-string values always be replaced by ?
const statement = 'Select * from ? where Genus in ?'
const data = geojson
const genus = ['Quercus']
winnow.sql(statement, [geojson, genus])
Pass in a statement and return a filter than can be applied to a feature collection object, an array of features or a single feature. Variables work in the same way as winnow.sql
const statement = 'Select Trunk_Diameter from ? where Trunk_Diameter > 100'
const filter = winnow.prepareSql(statement)
Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.
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