TTS module (text to speech) for node.js on windows using Edge.js
Note: changing the voice hasn't been implemented yet (v0.0.4), hopefully someday I or someone else will find out how easy it is and implement it.
Uses Edge.js to hook into System.Speech.Synthesis with a short C# code snippet. The winsay module is inspired by say.js which currently supports Mac OS X and Linux but not Windows (at this time of writing v0.6.0).
Install using npm
$ npm install winsay
winsay.speak(voice, text, [callback])
winsay.speakSync(voice, text)
Usage Example
var winsay = require('winsay');
winsay.speak("GLaDOS", "Hello, and welcome to the Aperture Science Enrichment Center");
winsay.speak(null, "Hello!");
winsay.speak("Good News', 'You've won the internet!", function () {
console.log("text to speech complete");
console.log("This text is printed before you win the internet.");
winsay.speakSync("Red", "A wild Pikachu appears.");
console.log("This text is printed after you encounter the wild Pikachu.");
fun facts
calls are asynchronous, yay ^_^
(MIT License)