A tiny TypeScript/JavaScript library which helps change/add alpha(opacity) of a css hexadecimal color.
- zero-dependency
- lightweight
- written in TypeScript
- returns a familiar hexadecimal color instead of a functional notation one.
Helps what? / Why / When to use / Features
- Dynamically manipulate the alpha channel of the css color. (with CSS-in-JS in particular)
- If you're using CSS-in-JS, and want to change alpha(opacity) of a css color dynamically but the opacity CSS property doesn't work for the case, this library helps.
- And this library keeps css colors in hexadecimal.
- There are plenty of color manipulation library but most of them use functional notation color(Especially when using alpha).
Styled-JSX Example
import { withAlphaHex } from 'with-alpha-hex'
const RandomComponent = () => {
return (
<p className="random-text">{text}</p>
<style jsx>{`
.random-text {
color: ${textColor}
background: ${backgroundColor};
.random-text:hover {
background: ${withAlphaHex(backgroundColor, 0.2)};