What is wonka?
The wonka package is a lightweight but powerful stream library for TypeScript and JavaScript. It allows for the creation, manipulation, and consumption of streams of values over time. It's particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations and events in a functional reactive programming style.
What are wonka's main functionalities?
Creating streams
This feature allows for the creation of streams from various sources. In this example, a stream is created from an array.
import { fromArray } from 'wonka';
const stream = fromArray([1, 2, 3]);
Transforming streams
This feature demonstrates how to transform streams using operators like `map`. In the example, each value in the stream is doubled.
import { fromArray, map } from 'wonka';
const stream = fromArray([1, 2, 3]);
const doubled = map(x => x * 2)(stream);
Consuming streams
This feature shows how to consume streams. The `forEach` operator is used to log each value from the stream to the console.
import { fromArray, forEach } from 'wonka';
const stream = fromArray([1, 2, 3]);
forEach(x => console.log(x))(stream);
Other packages similar to wonka
RxJS is a comprehensive library for reactive programming using Observables. It offers a wider range of operators than wonka, making it more powerful but also larger in size. It's well-suited for complex data flow scenarios.
xstream is a library designed for creating and working with streams of values. It's similar to wonka in its focus on streams but differs in API and operator availability. It's known for its simplicity and small bundle size.
Most.js is a high-performance reactive programming library. It focuses on providing a rich set of operators for composing asynchronous and event-based programs. It's known for its speed and efficiency compared to other streaming libraries.
A fast push & pull stream library for Reason, loosely following the callbag spec
“There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing” - Willy Wonka
What is Wonka
is a library for lightweight observables and iterables loosely based on the callbag spec.
It exposes a set of helpers to create and transform sources and output sinks, meaning it helps you to turn an event source or an
iterable set of data into streams, and manipulate these streams.
Why it exists
Reason has been becoming increasingly popular, but it's missing a good pattern for streams that feels native to the language.
The functional nature of callbags make them a perfect starting point to fix this, and to introduce a reactive programming
pattern to a language that is well suited for it.
Hence Wonka
is a library that aims to make complex streams of data easy to deal with.
Install the library first: yarn add wonka
or npm install --save wonka
Then add wonka
to bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
file like so:
"name": "<your name>",
"version": "0.1.0",
"sources": ["src"],
"bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors"],
"bs-dependencies": [
+ "wonka"
Getting Started
Writing your first stream is very easy! Let's suppose you would like to create a stream from a list, filter out some values,
then map over the remaining ones, and lastly iterate over the final values.
This can be done with a few operators that might remind you of functions you would also call on iterables.
let example = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
|> Wonka.filter(x => x mod 2 === 0)
|> Wonka.map(x => x * 2)
|> Wonka.forEach(x => print_endline(string_of_int(x)));
/* prints: 4, 8, 12 */
To explain what's going on:
creates a pullable source with values from the listfilter
only lets even values throughmap
multiplies the values by 2
pulls values from the resulting source and prints them
As you can see, all helpers that we've used are exposed on the Wonka
But if we would like to use JavaScript-based APIs, then we need to use the WonkaJs
Let's look at the same example, but instead of a list we will use an interval
This stream will output ascending numbers starting from 0
We will code the same example as before but we'd like the interval
to push
a new number every 50ms
and to stop after seven values.
|> Wonka.take(7)
|> Wonka.filter(x => x mod 2 === 0)
|> Wonka.map(x => x * 2)
|> Wonka.forEach(x => print_endline(string_of_int(x)));
/* prints: 4, 8, 12 */
The last three functions stay the same, but we are now using interval
as our source.
This is a listenable source, meaning that it pushes values downwards when it sees fit.
And the take
operator tells our source to stop sending values after having received seven
And already you have mastered all the basics of Wonka
and learned about a couple of its operators!
Go, you! :tada:
I am currently still working on getting some documentation up and running. Those will contain:
- The API, i.e. a list of all helpers
- Examples
- Usage Guides & Recipes
- Developer Guides (How to write a source/operator/sink)
- Modified Callbag spec
Stay tuned and read the signature files in the meantime please: