words.js is all about finding/manipulating/sorting/adding/removing words in or from a string.
words.js extends strings.js. Most methods overload strings.js methods, only to focus on words rather than characters.
Where in strings.js you use shuffle to randomly reorder the characters in a string, in words.js the overloaded
shuffle function randomly reorders the words in a string. This same idea applies to pretty much all methods of
words.js, although some methods like .upper() and .lower(), combine word and character based manipulation.
You can use npm install words.js
when using node.js. The dependant strings.js and included types.js will
automatically be installed as well.
var Types= Words.Types
var Strings= Words.Strings
var Types= require('words.js').Types;
var Strings= require('words.js').Strings;
to have the non-overloaded strings.js, but also the handy types.js functions available as well.
types.js, strings.js and words.js are a very powerful set of building blocks that can make the life of a Javascript
developer much more pleasant and bug free IMHO.
All examples are to be found in the API below.
<this> constructor( <string>/<number> string= '' )
Initializes the contextual object.
Use any combination of arguments to form a string. All invalid arguments will be ignored.
var words= new Words('numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..');
<this> set( <string>/<number> index, [index1, ..., indexN] )
Set the internal array. Use any combination of arguments to form a string. All
invalid arguments will be ignored.
var words= new Words();
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
<string> get( <string>/<number> index, [index1, ..., indexN] )
Returns the word(s) found at index(es).
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
words.get( 1, 2, 6, -1 );
<this> xs( <function> callback(<string> word, <number> index) )
Access every index/word of the internal array and apply the result of callback to it. After a call to xs, the
internal array will be changed to the results of the callback.
If the callback returns true, word is applied, but you could also return word which has effectively the same result.
If the callback returns false or undefined, word will be skipped. Any character, String or Number returned by callback
will be applied to index in the internal array.
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
var max3= words.xs( function(word, index){
return true if word.length < 4 ).$;
var max3= words.xs( function(word, index){
if( word === '123' )
return '*'+ word+ '*'
else return true
<array> find( <string>/<number> substring )
Returns an array containing all indices(numbers) in the internal array where substring is found.
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
words.find( 'hello' );
words.find( 'accepted' );
<this> upper( <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> position )
Change words or characters in words to uppercase. If no arguments are given, all words are changed to uppercase.
If index is set to 0, all character positions denoted by position, in all words, are changed to uppercase
(if alpha of course). If indices is not set to 0, the words found on indices are changed to uppercase.
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.upper(0, 1, -1).$ );
console.log( words.upper(1, 4, -1).$ );
console.log( words.upper().$ );
<this> lower( <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> position )
The same as with .upper(), except for that uppercase characters are changed to lowercase.
<this> reverse( <string>/<number> index, [index1, ..., indexN] )
Without arguments the whole internal array(as string) is reversed. With index or indices given, the words denoted by
indices are reversed. If index is 0, every word is reversed, but will remain on it's original/current index,
every additional argument is ignored.
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.reverse().$ );
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.reverse(0).$ );
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.reverse(1, 3, -2).$ );
<this> shuffle( <string>/<number> index, [index1, ..., indexN] )
Shuffles the word on index, if index is given. If index is/are strings, the matching words will be shuffled.
If index is 0, every word is shuffled, but will remain on it's current index, following arguments are ignored.
Without arguments, all indices are shuffled.
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.shuffle().$ );
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.reverse(0).$ );
words.set( 'numbers accepted', 123, 'not objects, arrays etc..', {}, [1,2,3], 'they are simply ignored..' );
console.log( words.reverse(1, 3, -1).$ );
<this> clear()
Resets the internal array to empty [].
<this> remove( <string>/<number> indices and or words )
Removes any combination of indices or words from the internal array. Without arguments remove does nothing.
Invalid arguments are ignored
var words= new Words( 'testing words is real fun, actually for real!' );
console.log( words.remove( null, 'real', -1, {}, 4, 5, new Date(), -2, 'is', []) );
pop( <string>/<number> amount )
Removes the last word from the internal array if no arguments are given. If amount is valid, amount words will
be removed from the internal array, starting from the last word going backwards.
var words= new Words( 'testing words is real fun!' );
console.log( words.pop(3) );
push( <string>/<number> word, [word1, ..., wordN] )
Adds words to the end of the internal array.
var words= new Words( 'testing words' );
console.log( words.push( 'before', 'usage' ).$ );
shift( <string>/<number> amount )
Removes the first word from the internal array if no arguments are given. If amount is valid, amount words will
be removed from the internal array, starting from the first word going forwards.
var words= new Words( 'serious testing of words is fun!' );
console.log( words.shift(3).$ );
unshift( <string>/<number> word, [word1, ..., wordN] )
Adds words to the beginning of the internal array.
var words= new Words( 'words is fun!' );
console.log( words.unshift('of', 'testing', 'serious').$ );
insert( <string>/<number> index, <string>/<number> word, [word1, ..., wordN] )
Insert word(s) at index of the internal array.
var words= new Words( 'testing words' );
console.log( words.insert( -1, 'some', 'silly' ).$ );
replace( <string>/<number> selection, <string>/<number> replacement )
Replace all words equal to selection to replacement.
var words= new Words( 'to replace or not to replace' );
console.log( words.replace('replace', 'be').$ );
<this> sort()
Sorts the internal array alphabetically
var words= new Words( 'testing words is really funny actually' );
console.log( words.sort().$ );
change log
words.js now depends on strings.js version 1.1.4.. strings.js now includes types.js version 1.2.8, which is
improved with force'Type'. Check types.js in the phazelift repo for changes and API.
Words.prototype.find only finds words now, use Strings.find for finding characters in words.
Words.prototype.remove(0) has been removed as an option to clear the internal array. Not a big thing, I just thought
that we have .clear() for that, so it felt a bit confusing and redundant.
The manual is now more complete and up to date.
Next up are the Jasmine tests!